what 2015 did to me!!

2015 had been very dark for me especially the starting 4-5 months!!  I have gone through some life changing and it had literally thrown me into a very dark pit which i never thought I would fall into and i never thought would ever come out off!!

I was so gone that there were days when i would  just at the system at work and just be screamin on the inside because i felt that buzzing.. Like there are a million voices in my head that wouldn't stop!!

i had gone through alone because it was not something I wanted to discuss with family and it wasn't something I was proud of to share with friends!!

But there came a point when I NEEDED/WANTED someone/anyone to talk it out with because the rate i was going i was sure i was gonna go insane  if i continued..

That's when I opened up to some of my very close friends here on AFF.. Yes!! THEY MEAN A LOT TO ME!! thanks to them I was finally able to see light and realize how i was wasting my time over something that was not even worth it!!

They gave me courage and hope that I could make it  through!! The most touching moment was when I shared my problem with my bestie and she reacted so coolly about it and that  had me change for good.. Though there are still times when I still get depressed like I wanna shut myself away from anything and anybody!

2015 had been my life changer!! WOAH!! What a year that was lol XD

All wasn't bad though.. I met some great people on here (who i think have already lost too cuz iz very bad at keeping in contact)

I started working on my baking skills!! I started to write a little (although my stories have taken a turn into the darkville) and sometimes I get so depressed because  I can't write!! I feel like I have lost myself and feel so suffocated like writing was my only outlet and now I have so many things in my mind but I seem to be not able to put all that in paper and its so frustrating!!

I don't feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside anymore like I used when I see romantic movies or when I write a romantic scene!! Yeah still recovering.. 


BUT I won't let the past drag me down and I am gonna turn 2016 the year for me!! Imma get my life sorted and do all the stuff i was not able to earlier!!

Hoping this year will be very bright and full of happiness for all you guys!!





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wyllaya #1
Awww Tokki hope you have a great 2016... i wish you all the best... you know we love you right ? even tho in the begining of the year ''we'' had a rocky start we finished the year even closer... it that we cant be on kakao at the same time most days but im still happy i get to read your mgs the next morning... i wish you trully put all the ty thing ''person'' in the past and finally find peace in you... well like always my thoughts are all over the place but you get me right ? lol i know you do anyway i love you see you tomorrow in our chat room lol
Always here for you tokki. I love you bunches even if we dont talk every day, I still think about you guys all the time. I bet you're glad you have awesome friends like us to help you when you're down :)
Here's to another great year with my aff besties!
I wish 2016 to be an Awesome year for you!
I love you. I know for me I could not have made it through 2015 without you and the girls. Thank you for always being there for me in years past and the years to come.

Sisters for life and even in the afterlife!
Love always,
Wishing you a wonderful, happy new year :D