Jonghyun makes a sudden hairstyle change before joining SHINee's 'M! Countdown' performance



Due to injuries caused by a car accident, Jonghyun hasn't been able to joinSHINee for their promotions of "Why So Serious?", and to celebrate his return to the stage, he prepared a special surprise for fans. 


Before his first live performance of the group's latest song on 'M! Countdown', Jonghyun dyed his hair a silvery white. SM Entertainment stated, "He was disappointed that he couldn't promote 'Chapter 2' of his album due to injuries, but he was happy to be able to stand on the final stage. He'll be seeing everyone in a more healthy state from now on."


Apparently, Jonghyun was determined to join his fellow SHINee members for their final week of live performances of "Why So Serious?".


Fans commented, "I haven't seem him in a while. He looks really cool," "I loved seeing all 5 members on stage," and "Jonghyun looks amazing with silver hair too."


In other news, SHINee will be holding the 'SHINee Debut 5th Anniversary Special Party! ☆ SHINee DAY' with Jonghyun in attendance on the 25th.



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OMFG His hair actually suits him. Well, he always had awesome hair anyway.
Sammiwammi65 #2
I was so happy he was back! But, I'm not crazy bout his hair color. I like it better when he has more naturally, toned down color. The silver white doesnt suit him. Idk why, but it when I see that hair color, I can't stop looking at it maybe if he went platinum blonde, it would be better. But, I still love the guy!!!
Glad that Jjong is back! :D His hair looks so coool *V*♥ heheh
And taekey look like stupid primary school girls. especially key. the hair and clothes. i can't. his fashion style is just getting worse... WHAT HAPPENED KEY?! ; A; /cries/ Despite; I still love them all > <"