Heal Me- angelface_devilsoul-review pick up

Heal Me- angelface_devilsoul


Title (7/10): The title is okay, not really eye-catching nor spot on, but it does irks me a bit. The title gives off the wrong vibe, seeing how the story goes on. And also, the title, somehow, doesn’t fit in the story quite well. Well, it does fit in some parts, but seeing the sudden change of Eun Mi’s life alters it. And on the other hand, seeing how Lay, Tae Hee and Eun Mi, herself, heals the past and move on, I could say, it has some relation.

The title doesn’t fully contribute to the story nor does it fully settle in the main genres. There are a lot of genres going around and somehow the title contrasts it. The title could be altered in a better one, but rereading the story again, I think the present title is fine but could have been better.

Design (8/10): The genres are angst, romance and fantasy, right? Glad to say that you didn’t strayed away from the genres you uphold in the story. The poster is okay, giving out the rightful vibe and the presentation of the poster is okay, too, but could have been better. Fantasy, right? The poster didn’t give out any of it. Instead, I mistook it as angst and romance, completely forgetting the fantasy. The writing style is fine, no harm at all. You’ve done  great job.

P.S. I liked how the poster is made, like seriously. *spazz*

Mechanics [Spelling, Grammar, Structures] (12/15): There’s no problem with your spelling and grammar, it’s just that with the punctuations. Some tenses a bit, and the punctuations. During the first few chapters, I noticed that after the dialogue, there is a comma. You might want to take that out, because it’s really a bother when a reader reads it (or will they even mind?) The structures are a bit fine; just fix up the punctuations, which are all.

Plot (16/20): The plot is really great in the beginning, as I have assumed, but concluding so fast, reaped a very bad result. I wasn’t expecting the sudden change of things, (blame the poster) and I’m like ‘Woah, what happened?’ The uniqueness of the story isn’t really that great, considering by the fact of the immortality and the power of space, time, and such. It’s, in the matter of reality, unrealistic. Yeah, like that. Er. Yeah. But setting that aside, the plot is really nice and creative. Exciting and fun ^^

Characters (12/15): Eun Mi’s character is okay-well, her role was fine throughout and I wasn’t even expecting that she was being reincarnated since then and that she’s immortal when Lay brought her back to life. Lay lived for six hundred years, with the endless cycle, but in this era, it finally stopped. Hana died, thanks to Eun Mi punching her square right in her chest-the fourth chakra. So…their roles are quite playable and their personalities is okay except for Eun Mi. She easily gives in and well, yeah, her walls easily crumble. Their roles are played fine throughout the stories and they did a great job in performing their roles.

Flow (7/10): Somehow, the flow of the characters is a bit rushed, especially Eun Mi. I mean, she often tells that she died when she was in that accident and her life is like dull and seeing her slightly different from what she said when she met Lay, is offbeat of her personality. Shifting in the interaction, I could say it is okay. The maintenance of the paragraphs is fine, also. The pacing of the whole story is quite offbeat. There is some parts where I felt it’s a bit rushed, slowed or lacking. I couldn’t point it out where but I guess it’s in the interval of finding out the truth and such.

Overall Enjoyment (8/10): Enjoyed the story very much. Well, despite being confused in mid-ways, I’ve somehow caught up and enjoyed the rest.

Ending (9/10): The finale is sweet and slightly cute and fluffy; it somehow ends the story in a happy way. I never knew it would turn out like this, but it did. Anyways, the finale ties the story up and ended it with a cute ending.

Overall: (79/100)= 79%

Extra Comments: Hello! I’m so sorry for the late review. *bows* Thank you for requesting and hope you’ll come back again! ^^



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