♚} ( never'ending ) ahn chanho - lead singer


we are never'ending
'annyeonghaseyo. yes sir, we're one of a kind.






♚AFF Username: jeppfan
♚Hyperlink to your Profile: ermahgerrrrrrrrrd
♚Name: ceci. 'sup, zee? how YOU doin? and hi co-author. sup to you too.


Character Name: Ahn Chanho. And ah, you really think I'm handsome? Mm...thanks! [please tell me you don't mind a little first person pov!!]
Nickname: Most people call me Channie, but then I started to get mixed up with Kim Himchan, and so now they sometimes call me Ho...
Age: 20
Ethnicity: Korean
Birthdate: 4/1/1993. Yeah, April Fools...real funny...
Birthplace: Ulsan, South Korea
Hometown: Ulsan, South Korea
Languages: Korean: Fluent | English: Basic (from school)


Ah... Is this going to be on the test?
Mr. Hesitation. Mr. Caution. Mr. You-Better-Be-One-Hundred-And-Ten-Percent-Sure. That's Chanho for you, in a slew of annoying titles. Oh, and don't forget Mr. Naggy McNagsters. That's pretty high up there in his list of titles. You know that one student that always asks about a million verifying questions?
Is this on the test? Is this how you do it? Are you sure that's the right answer? Hyung, can you double check this please? Hyung, can you triple
check this please? Does this look right to you?
Yeah. That kid was always Chanho. You see, he's a perfectionist to the extreme. If he's not convinced it's perfect, it may as well not even exist. He's been known to throw entire projects in the trash, simply because he didn't think they were up to his standards. So, if it seems like something is going wrong in the group, Chanho will be the one worrying his little head off until it explodes the problem is resolved. If members are fighting, Chanho is the one that jumps in the middle to stop it (this has gotten him punched before, by his friends) If the dance isn't one hundred percent perfect and in synch, Chanho is the one that will keep everyone working and keep everyone motivated, be it by nagging or by trying to look on the brightside of everything.
Ah, hyung, you go on ahead.
Perhaps one of the most annoying parts of Chanho is his ridiculous exersize of caution. While everyone else is diving head first into new adventures, Chanho tends to wait at the shoreline and meticulously check for sharks, if you catch my drift. (How many ocean metaphors can I throw into one sentence? Apparently, a lot!) Channie likes to make sure everything is totally safe before he does something. He's not really the type to try something new and instead likes to watch the others go out and have fun, occassionally nagging from the side lines that they need to "be more careful!"
It's not that Channie doesn't want to join in the activities. Really, he does! But he's pretty scared because, well, what if something bad happened? Someone has to look out for everyone, so Chanho takes it upon himself. 
Shy boy?
Does Chanho strike you as shy, given that he's such a worrywort that hates trying new things and likes to watch from the sidelines? Well, he's actually not shy at all! Chanho is a very friendly and very sweet person; he'd have to be to be so gosh darn naggy all the time! Channie isn't sweet in the conventional way where he's going to rot your teeth out, thankfully. In fact, he's sort of inadvertantly sweet, like he doesn't intend to be nice at all. Chanho will be the guy that takes care of the members when they're sick, but whines about it the whole time. 
"Aigoo, I told you not to go play on that thing. That it was way too high, and that you would fall and hurt yourself. And I was right, see?" but he still tends to all their injuries and makes them food and what not. He's a pain in the , really, but he's a good person underneath it all. 
Temper, temper!
It surprises (and horrifies) most people to find that Chanho has a bit of a temper behind his skinny frame. But honestly, how it that surprising? You push the right buttons on anyone and eventually they'll bite back. It just...so happens that Chanho's button's are easy to push. For instance, don't step into his kitchen when he's cooking if you don't want a spatula thrown at you. He knows what you're planning, and you don't get any food until everyone else gets food too. Also, do not just leave your messes at your unless you want to find your bedroom door wrapped in seran wrap! He will do it!! Since Chanho is mostly harmless when he's irritated, most people find it funny and laugh at his little tiny anger fits. Honestly, his aim with the spatulas and... just yeah.

Chanho was born on April Fools Day in 1993, the "ultimate joke" in his mother's life. Life didn't really start out bad for Chanho since his father, although divorced from his mother, was very kind and loving. His father took him all over the world when he was young; from Spain, to Egypt, to the United States. Really, the first four years of his life were very privledged and sweet even thouh his father sometimes kissed other men, which Chanho thought was strange. Aren't mommies and daddies the only ones allowed to kiss each other? With childish naivety, Chanho mistakenly told his mother about his father's male friends and the way they kissed sometimes.

To say she was unhappy would be an understatement. You see, Chanho's mother was still bitter about the divorce, and finding out her ex-husband was homoual only added fuel to the fire. She sued Chanho's father for full custody and, miraculously, she won the suit. And while Chanho missed his father dearly, he was brainwashed by his mother to believe that his father was "disgusting," and "horrible." Chanho, knowing nothing besides what his mother told him, began to hate his father because of his ual orientation. 
When Chanho turned six his life was changed completely by the birth of his younger brother, Seungho. That's great, right? Chanho had always wanted a little brother to play with and to hang out! And he just knew he'd be the bestest older brother in the whole wide world because he would stick up for Seungho no matter what happened, and he'd share his toys, and he'd even help change the diapers! Everything was going to be perfect! Except... mommy started drinking these strange smelling drinks after Seungho was born, and they would make her giggle a lot. And sometimes, she'd forget to take care of Seungho even though he was crying and crying and crying. She would leave the house at night and not come back until morning, too.
So...gradually... Chanho learned how to stop baby Seungho from crying. He learned how to make formula out of water and that weird smelling powder, he learned how to burp the baby after he ate (even if he sometimes threw up on Chanho afterward) and he learned how to fill his mother's shoes when the baby needed him the most. Many kids would hate having the weight of the world stacked up on their shoulders, but Chanho thrived on it. He loved taking care of his baby brother and, soon enough, it sort of became his obsession. He would leave school in the middle of the day (such a rebel, yo) to check up on Seungho, and would push his mother away when she would stumble in in the early mornings and try and care for the baby. 
When Chanho was ten and Seungho was four, their mother was arrested for drunk driving and was placed in a rehabilitation center, where she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Chanho and Seungho were temporarily moved into foster care and were separated, which caused Chanho a lot of grief. When their mother finally sobered up and began taking the medications she needed to keep her raging emotions in check Chanho was twelve and Seungho was six, and they were finally reunited. Chanho's relationship with his mother improved drastically and his grades in school began climbing, but he never quite got over his tendancy to work himself up into worry-induced panic attacks. He was constantly wondering if his mother was going to relapse and something bad would happen to Seungho. 
At the age of fifteen, Chanho was confessed to for the first time....by his best guy friend, Yoo Junsuk. Now, if you'll recall, Chanho was taught to hate people like his father and Junsuk. He was taught that they were disgusting and wrong, and that a man should never love another man. But Junsuk wasn't disgusting; Chanho had known him for his entire life! They'd been friends since they were in diapers basically! And, well, Junsuk was attractive. Junsuk did make Chanho happy. Wasn't that what love was? Wasn't that what it was supposed to feel like? Chanho didn't think he could live without Junsuk, honestly... In other words, Chanho was conflicted. His entire life, he had hated people like Junsuk and his father. But what was the reason? Why did he hate them? What was disgusting or wrong about love?
So, he accepted Junsuk's confession and he decided to accept whatever pain would come with it. Unsurprisingly, his mother threw an absolute fit and had a massive explosion that resulted in Chanho getting a black eye and a busted lip from a thrown DVD player. He left that night to give his mother some "cool down" time, and when she called the next morning she was anything but apologetic.  Chanho in turn stayed with Junsuk for a few weeks before eventually rekindling his relationship with his father, who moved to Korea straight-away to live with his son again. Although Chanho is technially forbidden by his mother to see Seungho, he visits his younger brother often and treats him to candies. After a wonderful three year relationship, Junsuk and Chanho called it quits so that Junsuk could further his studies and accept a scholarship to Yale. The two mutually decided that they didn't want to burden each other, and remain great friends even today. (Krisus, that was long. I apologize.)
Chocolate covered cherries: UGH! God's gift to the world! Chanho really loves them. Potentially the only sweet food he will eat.
Cooking for the other members: And you better eat it well.
V-Fusion: What does it have, like six servings of fruit and veggies? That is amazing.
Reading: Well, it's one of the few things he can do when everyone else goes to the beach or whatever.
Umbreallas: They protect you from harmful rays!
Supernatural: What can he say? He has a man-crush on Dean.
B.A.P: One of his faaavoooorite idol groups.
Iced Tea: Prefferably peach flavored.
Chai Lattes: Oh goodness, they're so delicious!
Being Right: His favorite saying is "I told ya so," after all ;P
Being wrong: No one likes that, anyway. But he particularly hates it!
Unhealthy food: Well, even though it tastes good, it's bad for you!
When someone steps into his kitchen and tries to sneak a bite of the food. (LOL another chef would be so funny. They'd fight for the kitchen!)
Messy people.
Scary movies.
Trying new things.
Failing at something.
Bigots/homophobes (one of the few things that can make him resort to actual physical violence and not just throwing silverware.)
Rollercoasters. They. Are. Terrifying!! (ermahgerd, can someone please force him onto one??!)
Reading: He reads mostly lame young adult romances. And yes, he read Twilight. He's on Team Jacob and not Team Stalker (as he calls Edward)
Nagging: Well alright, so not technically a hobby. But the other members seem to think it's all he does!
Cooking: He likes to make all kinds of foods from all kinds of different backgrounds.
Writing: He keeps a little journal with him at all times. No one knows what he writes down. (He takes inventory on the others, like learns what they like and dislike. They have nooooo idea what he does, but they think it's his weird Hit List or death note because he takes it out when they talk to him.)
Cleans when he's angry or upset about something.
Picks at things when he's bored and tends to ruin things unintentionally. Like, he'll pick lint or strings off of blankets until they fall apart.
Stares blankly at people when he's tired.
Tends to snuggle things in his sleep, and will scoot towards the nearest living creature, sometimes randomly getting up and plopping homself into their bed.
Crosses his arms or puts his hands on his hips when he's getting fired up to rant or lecture or nag.
Rubs his forehead when he's getting irritated (too many people talking tends to give him a headache, so he gets mad.)
Cannot swim. At all. Probably not even to save his own life -_-
Can read a four-hundred page book in a span of six hours. Yeah, he reads fast, yo.
Still can't figure out how to make creme brulee, but he's really trying.
Is terrified of roller coasters. Like, seriously. Terrified.
Cries at the happy parts in Disnye Movies, like when Simba takes back Pride Rock. (but don't call him out on it!)
Randomly auditioned on a dare from Junsuk because he (Junsuk) knew Chanho loved to sing.
Knows a lot of girl group dances. Gee, Abracadabra, Bo Peep, Genie, etc... 


Father | Ahn Changsoo | 46 | 3.30 | Artist | Cheerful, bubbly, doting. He's very very kind to his son and very loving almot to the point that it's annoying for Chanho. Seriously, his dad calls like a thousand times a week to check up on him! | Good relationship, but if at all possible, Changsoo nags more than Chanho.
Mother| Hwang Sooyoung | 41 | 9.15 | Retail Saleswoman | Can be loving, but can also be cruel and mean. For the most part she's a nice woman but she's prone to depression and hates her ex-husband for leaving her, so she hates Chanho for "being the same" as his father. | He does not speak to her unless absolutely necesarry, like when he's arranging to meet up with Seungho.
Brother | Hwang Seungho | 13 | 10.02 | Student | Seungho is a little shy and doesn't really talk a lot to people he doesn't know very well, and instead just stares at the floor and scuffs his feet. With his brother, he's a total chatterbox that can't stop talking. | They're very close. Seungho looks up to Chanho and is always trying to win his approval.
Yoo Junsuk | 19 | 11.02.1993 | Student at Yale | He's a bit on the quiet side, and a little shy. He was the one that would be very polite and would listen to what Chanho had to say, if only so he wouldn't upset the smaller male. | Exes, but ended on good terms. Still close friends.
Best Friend:  
Yoo Youngjae | 19 (barely!) | 1.24.1994 | Lead Vocalist of B.A.P | Youngjae is a pretty funny person to be friends with Chanho, honestly. Since they are both the types of people that always need to be right and tend to nag or be perfectionists, you'd think that they wouldn't get along at all. But no. Of course they can't counter balance each other. No. Instead, they team up and become the ultimate nagging machine! Youngjae and Chanho, though they argued when they first met, tend to agree on basicaly everything. At this point, it seems like they just double team everyone for kicks. | Youngjae and Chanho were fated, I swear. One disgustingly hot summer afternoon when all the trainees were cramped into a tiny room practicing the same dances over and over and over, the two of them decided they were fed up at the same time. "YAH!" Youngjae barked at one unsuspecting young man who kept missing the steps, right as Channie yelled at the kid in front of him who kept stepping back and bumping into him. "Can't you focus on this?" they both said at the exact same time. Confused by the strange echo in the room, Youngjae and Chanho glanced over and made eye contact and it was magical. Except when Youngjae scrunched up his nose and asked Chanho if he thought copying him was really that funny, and Chanho immediately grew offended. | Even though they were too good to be true at first and too similar to possibly like each other, over the course of the next several weeks they discovered they had a ton in common (nagging, mostly) and eventually became bestest best friends. They hang out constantly and yes, sometimes they tag team just to be mean.



♚Love Interest: Uh, group member. Or...Daehyun? If he's not taken. It'd be like DaeJae but DaeHo.
♚Their Personality:
Ideal Type? Well, Chanho hasn't really thought about his ideal type. He likes to take care of people, so someone he could look after would be nice. An adventerous person would probably be able to get him to try more things and step out of his weird little protective bubble. At the very least, someone who is observant and persistant and would bother Chanho until he went along with it. I think it's be funny if they were an appa type since he's such an umma, or someone that would get fed up with his caution and stuff and totally just drag him onto a roller coaster or pull him into the water too.  (Sorry I didn't make a derpy, silly character more suited to L.Hyun :( Do you have derpy charries already? I saw someone had already made a semi-umma after I had already made this guy in my head so I did it anyway but I'm not sure how confident I am in him!!!)
♚Relationship: Um, welllllll. Probably basically strangers as of right now?


Character's Face: Niel of Teen Top [ one two three four five  ]
Backup Character's Face: Gwak Min Jun [ one two three four ]
He's not all that concerned with fashion, honestly. He wears whatever is stylists pick out for him (unless it's impractical. "Yah, noona, what is up with these clothes? It's really cold out, I can't wear a tee-shirt!") Personally, he likes things with long sleeves and doesn't like wearing shorts. Sun is not good for the skin and he would prefer not to bake himself (though he will laze about in shorts and tee-shirts at the dorm or dance in shorter, loose fitting clothes.)
Casual: one two {lulz, he doesn't only wear black by the way. He likes earthy tones like browns and greens and blues for shirts, and regular dark denim jeans}
Dorm: one {don't even think about making fun of his totoro pajamas.}
Formal: one
Training: one (just that he wears like hoodies and shorts typically.
Others: lulz, no. He's afriad of needles! It'd be funny if he was dared to pierce his ears!!


*Stage Name:  I can't think of one cuz I fail at laifu.
Position: Lead Vocal, Dancer
Backup Position: Main Vocal, Dancer
Fanclub Name: Fools (april fools....//shot)
Fanclub Color: FINE THEN. Orange. I like orange.
Dancing Twin: Niel from Teen Top (Yo, he's a good dancer tho.)
Singing Twin: Er, Niel. From Teen Top. (It's Jake. From State Farm)
Rapping Twin: stoooooooop taking L. Joe. LMFAO. Yeaaaah. He can't rap so. Niel. From Teen Top. 
*Others: Uh...no...? He's basically a one-trick pony since he's such a loser and doesn't try new things?
*Predebut Activities: Ha! Nothing. He wasn't going to be a singer until Junsuk dared him to audition because for some reason he can't not take a dare. (bet you can come up with scenes for that!)


Suggestions: dood, i iz like so tired right now. I can't... haha
Comments: ughgjwkaladldkfj love you ajdjeorjggjskl.
Scene Suggestion: I will come up with some and amend this, I swurr.
Password: prepare for da pikcha spam
himchan devil eyes througout the ages:
okay and my personal favorite, I could watch this all day long and still smile at all the random stuff going on. 



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