Dear Santa : : Choi Ellie



 [ellie] [03/13/2008] [the secret devil] 

                                                [ cheon ellie ] [korean/canadian ] [ quebec, canada ] [ seoul, south korea ]



this N' that

Asian Fan Fiction Account Name / Link : :  jeppfan

How often are you on? um, 9

Do you mind M rated fics?  Nah, they're fine.


picture perfect 

Ulzzang Name ::  Aleyna Yilmaz

Ulzzang Links :: gallery

Back-up Ulzzang Name :: Lauren Lunde

Back-up Ulzzang Links :: gallery


how did you become you

Personality ::

Face of an Angel:

Ellie has to be one of the cutest child actresses in all of Korea, and one of the most beloved. On and off screen, her angellic smile captures the hearts of the people around her and immediately softens them up to her. Until...she screams. "YAH! O-PPA! THIS OUT FIT LOOKS HIDEOUS ON ME! I refuse to wear it!" And then people are scrambling, trying to avoid another one of Ellie's world famous melt downs. Because when Ellie is mad, Ellie is explosive. Sure, she's adorable and can be sweet and loving and cute when she's feeling happy. But when something sets this little lady off, she's an atomic bomb. Ellie, for the most part, is a happy and easy to please child that responds well to treats and compliments, and is an all around loveable little girl. She's most easily tamed by a hug from whatever oppa she has deemed hers for the day, and hates it when her unnie's try and steal her oppa away from her and will throw a tantrum. She's young and likes the be the center of the universe, and if it's not working like that, she'll raise absolute hell.

Personality of the Devil:

Ellie's temper tantrums are famous among her coordi's and the directors. She throws things, she cries, she rips up her clothes, and she beats her poor teddy bear until it rips (which only makes her cry more) When it comes to Ellie, it's her way or the highway. If she wants something, she wants it now. And if pouting and begging her oppa's doesn't work, she'll scream at her unnie's and throw things at them. Ellie tends to favor guys rather than girls and doesn't like to talk to the females in Naughty List (except maybe Luc, Jay, and Bekah since they look boyish. They'll probably confuse her to no ends and she'll ask a bunch of questions and call them Oppa even though they insist they're girls. "But... you look like oppas?" and I see one of them going "Well, with the way she throws water bottles at Sky's face like a pro baseball player, I guess it's probably okay to be an oppa...") She is very clingy wih her oppas and will probably attach herself to them at all times, sticking her tongue out at her unnie's when the boy isn't looking. In front of her oppas, Ellie will pretend to be an adorable little angel and ould never throw a temper tantrum. But when it's only girls she's around, she becomes bossy and bratty and violent to the extreme.

Good Girl, Bad Girl:

Around her precious oppa's, Ellie is the perfect little angel; she's shy, she's sweet, she giggles, and she is the epitome of manners and a well behaved child. She's innocent and sweet and almost flirtatious with the older boys, doing cute things like winking at them over her sunglasses or sneaking shy kisses on their cheeks. Really, she's the type of child you would die from cuteness overload with.

But the girls see an entirely different side to Ellie because, quite honestly, Ellie doesn't really like girls very much and prefers her handsome oppa's. She's rebellious and doesn't listen to her unnies and completely refuses to follow their orers unless her "Oppa-Unnie"'s, the tomboy girls, are the ones handling her because, quite frankly, Ellie doesn't know if they're boys or girls even though they insisted at first that they were girls. She's probably the type to insult them when they boss her around, like calling them ugly or fat, because she doesn't like being bossed around. For being a young child, she has a sharp tongue and can say down right mean things instead of typical child insults like "poopy head" and whatnot. 

History ::

Ellie's mother, a Canadian tourist that had visited Korea in 2006, had a whirlwind relationship with Ellie's father that resulted in Ellie and then subsequently resulted in Ellie's mother leaving her father with the baby and never returning. In other words, Ellie has never met her mother or had any female role models or figures in her entire life; she's always been surrounded by males. When her father first started seeing other women, Ellie was still okay with having women around and didn't totally hate them all. But it seemed like all those women, like Ellie's mother, left eventually. They pretended to care about Ellie when they lived with them, but they couldn't possibly care for her if they were so willing to leave her. And that's where Ellie's love of men and hatred of women sparked. She started modeling and acting only last year in early 2012, and was met with a huge wave of success. Although her unnie's seem to say she's horrid and awful, male's only seem to hold her in the highest of regards.


the nitty gritty

Nicknames :: Ellie actually is her nickname. Her real name is Choi Yaeul, but she hates that name passionately and refuses to be called by it.

Quote you are known for :: "Oppa! Saranghaeyo!" or "Can't I turn my back on you for one second, daddy?"

Likes ::

Candy: What kid doesn't?

Stuffed Animals: Especially her Mr. Bear! DO NOT TOUCH MR. BEAR BY ANY MEANS SHE WILL HURT YOU.

Pink: her "most favoritest color in the whole wide world!"

Cats: She wants one really badly, but her dad won't let her have one.

Hide and Seek: It's her favorite game in the whole wide world!

Nap Time!: She loves taking little naps and always says "Hush oppaaaa! I need my beauty sleep!"

Nail Polish: She especially likes painting her own nails and painting her oppa's nails.

Dress-Up: Second favorite game. But mostly because she likes to see if she can convince her oppa to put on a dress. She squeals with laughter when they agree and falls over laughing.

Dislikes ::

Dogs: They scare her a little.

The Dark: She's terrified of the dark and likes to snuggle with people with a nightlight to go to sleep. Seriously, it's all that she can sleep.

Bosses: She doesn't really like being told what to do. She will do the telling, thank you!

Girls: They're mean! They may pretend to like you, but they don't!

Veggies: YUCK! She refuses to eat veggies!

Blue: EEEEW! It's a boy color! She can't like boyish things!

Dolls: She's never liked dolls. Period. BOOORRRRING!

Reading: WHY DOES SHE HAVE TO LEARN THIS!? It's boooooooorrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiing!



Six hobbies is kind of a lot for a kid haha.

Playing Dress Up: Well, she likes playing dress up. What can I say?

Pretending to bake: She has an EZ bake oven but doesn't know how to use it so she makes pretend food and just serves raw dough. She expects you to eat it, too.

Playing Pretend: She especially loves playing "House" and will probably drag the guys into being her husband. "Yah oppa! Where's my wedding ring?" "We're not really married Ellie..." "So? I waaaaaannnnt aaaaaa riiiiiiiiiiing!" or "JAGIYA! The baby is crying and it's late, you take care of him!" "Aigoo.... which teddy bear is the baby again?" "HOW DID YOU FORGET OUR SON!"

Talking to Mr. Bear: She talks to him all the time and it's a little odd.

Singing: She sings a lot, but mostly childish songs that she makes up like "Blah blah blah, oppa is so funny, te he he tee hee!" 

Dancing: Whenever music comes on, she dances along automatically. And she's a goofy little dancer.

Habits :: 

Dancing: Dances along to music whenever it comes on, no matter what she was doing.

Lips: She her lips when she's mad.

Chewing: She chews on stuff when she's bored, and complains a lot.

Crushing: When she likes a new oppa, she stares at him a lot and smiles all the time.

Talents ::

Modeling: She's a good model

Acting: She's very good at it.

Imagination: Well, she has a very active imagination to say the least.

Piano: She plays the piano rather well since her father got her started on it when she was a baby basically.


Trivia ::

She can't ride a bike

She is allergic to shellfish

She was born with webbed toes

She always forgets the letter F in the alphabet

She has a slight speech impediment and prounounces her S like "th" so "Thtop it oppa!" but it's subtle.

She says words wrong, like tookies instead of cookies, cerealer instead of cereal, and waffur instead of waffle. Ice cream is always rice cream.


those people in your life

Work you have done :: she's a model for kids clothing brands and acted in a drama very recently as the main characters daughter.

Personal Fan Club Name :: Angels

How where you discovered? She was discovered by a modeling agent at the grocery store while they were shopping for food. The man heard her talking and rambling away to her dad about random things like how she heard in the news that diest soda was bad for you and that he shouldn't buy it, and the agent basically ran up to him and gave her dad his card.


lets get to know some fun facts...

[this just helps me...]

What member of Naughty List will you be closest too? Any of the boys, but she probably thinks Cortland or Wolf are the cutest and would attach to them most. I can so see her clinging to male love interests, too.

What member would you fight with most? Sky. Definitely Sky.

What games do you like to play? Hide and Seek, House, Dress-Up, board games like Candy Land (I can picture Jay or someone going "WHAT THE HELL IS THE POINT OF THIS GAME?!" lol) she likes to play Just Dance and Karaoke on the Wii, she likes to play tag, she likes playing hot potato, she likes water balloon fights, she likes playing marco polo, the ground is lava game, games on people's phones that involve taking care of animals.

Do you have a secret crush in the band? Yeah, probably Wolf lulz, or Cortland. Apparently, she likes the quiet type.

Do you have a favorate idol? Oh yes. One day, she's going to marry L from Infinite.

What is your favorte tv show? Pororo, or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.



Questions , Comments , Complaints  ::  so. tired. must. do. homework.


*note, the top of this  and color sceam I used from here so cretits to


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