✿ T O P M E D I A — Looking for Miss Right ( Chacha )


|| Teen Top Looking for Miss Right ||


( jeppfan ) (hye jin )



persona:  Miss Tomboy

stagename : Chacha

age : 20

height : 163 cm

weight : 49 kg

position : main rapper, sub dancer


Basic Information ;;

fullname : Hwang Mi Cha

d.o.b: 04.03.1993

p.o.b : Busan, South Korea

hometown : Busan, South Korea

ethnicity : Korean

bloodtype : AB


personality :

Pleased to 'MI CHA!' AHAHAH! Get it, meet ya, Mi Cha? 

Mi Cha has a derpy, dorky sense of humor. Yeah, she's not really all that funny at all. But she really seems to

think that she's totally hilarious and the best thing since squirtable cheese! Although she's always saying derpy,

dorky things that aren't really that funny and no one understands, she's always laughing and clapping her

hands like she's gods gift to comedy, which she definitely isn't. Even if people tell her she isn't funny and

that she's a little dumb, she never gets discouraged and still tells her dumb jokes like they're hilarious. She

doesn't mind being the only one that laughs. And she's not afraid to derp and make goofy faces, she loves

being known as the weird and dorky member.

What? Yes, I am a tomboy.

Well, she is Miss Tomboy for a reason, you know? While most girls are concerned with painting their nails or 

dressing cute, Mi Cha is concerned with video games and skateboarding. She's concerned with going out on

long hikes or playing sports, being outside, and playing around. She doesn't care about her clothes or her 

finger nails; all she cares about it having fun. And she certainly doesn't care about boys and aegyo.

This, however, is a flaw. Because all she really cares about is herself and having fun, she's hard to become

friends with despite her friendliness. She's self-centered and selfish and can be hard to get along with.


likes :

Color: Mint Green

Ice Cream: Mint Choco. Chip

Candy: Licorice

Drink: Caramel Frappe or Cherry Limeade

Fruit: Cherries or green grapes

Veggie: Fresh Asparagus, cucumbers

Scent: Rock Princess by Vera Wang

Food: Pizza, Octopus, Spicy things

Style: Hoodies and jeans

Activities: Playing video games, playing sports (soccer), reading, sleeping, eating.

Music: Rap

Group: Her favorite group is Block B

Song: NALINA (Block B)

Bias: Her ultimate bias is Zico

Teen Top Song: Crazy

Teen Top Member: C.A.P or Ricky

Book: Legend (Marie Lu)

Movie Genre: Horror

Movie: Voices (Part of the Whispering Corridors series.) or White.

Season: Summer cuz you can play outside


dislikes : 

Color: Pink

Ice Cream: Rocky Road

Candy: Black Licorice

Drink: Black Coffee, alcohal

Fruit: Pears

Veggie: Tomatoes. Doesn't like the taste.

Scent: Katy Perry's Purrfect

Food: Pigs ears, things with too much mint

Style: Dresses, blegh

Activities: Shopping. BLEGH! She'll just be sitting on that couch over there wishing she was dead.

Music: Childrens Music

Group: She's not an SNSD or BUSKER BUSKER fan

Song: She can't stand I Got A Boy, or Gee. But Gee get's stuck in her head ALL THE TIME.

Anti: She doesn't really have a particular idol she can't stand except maybe Hyuna.

Teen Top Song: She's not a fan of No More Perfume on You. Way to be a jerk, Chunji.

Teen Top Member: She's not a fan of Chunji because he was a bad guy in NMPoY, and she apparently can't tell that it was just a video. It confuses Chunji.

Book: Twilight, eww.

Movie Genre: Overly Romantic

Movie: The Notebook. She doesn't like crying.

Season: She likes all the seasons. Winter, you can have snowball fights. Spring, you can start going outside. Fall is pretty.

Fears: Water, since she can't swim. Large dogs since she was attacked as a child. Bees, cuz they have needle butts.

Allergies: None


habits : 

Eye Rubs: She rubs her eyes when she's tired and yawns a lot.

Eye Rolls: She rolls her eyes when someone is annoying her, typically behind their back.

Nose Scrunches: Her nose scrunches up when she's grossed out.





trivia : 

Hypoglycemic: She has low blood sugar and gets faint and shaky if she hasn't eaten recently.

Anemic: Her body doesn't produce enough blood cells, so too much running can make her weak and she gets cold easily.

Girl Crush: She loves Jeon Hyosung. Not because she's bad , because she has a great body.

Sleeping Habits: She can sleep anywhere. And likes to hide when she's taking naps, so sometimes sleeps in cabinets.

Small Spaces: When she's feeling upset, she hides in closets or cabinets because she feels comfortable in small, dark places.

Stage Name: It's just something she thought was cute. Chacha, from Mi Cha.

Cooking: She fails at cooking super hardcore to the point where someone asked if she was trying to kill them.

Mornings: She wakes up pretty easy, but always has a super puffy face and looks like death.

Boys: She likes funny, goof ball boys that aren't afriad to have fun.

Aegyo: Cannot do an aegyo to save her life. She usually just gets annoyed and goes "ayo bbuing bbuing. Is this what you wanted to see?"

Insomnia: Even though she likes sleeping, she takes forever to fall asleep.

Selcas: She doesn't like them very much and always derps in them.

Favorite Quote: Courage doesn't always roar, sometimes courage is that voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow.

TV: She doesn't get to watch TV very often because she's busy, but she loves Supernatural. Castiel in particular.

Eating Disorders: She is a recovering anorexic.

Inspiration: Her inspiration is Zico from Block B. She admires that he makes his own music.








Back to Reality ;;

Did your personality on stage changed? : [x ] Yes (sort of)  [ ] No

If yes, how? :  She still derps a lot and cracks stupid jokes, but she takes her work a lot more seriously and has a lot of charisma and

passion on stage versus in her "take nothing seriously" regular life.


trainee life :She spent four years training at Woolim before she actually did quit because she wasn't going to debut any time

soon and wasn't sure se would make it in the company. Although she made many friends, uncluding her current best friend, she

was being bullied by the other female trainees and was basically treated like garbage so she decided it was best to move on to

a new company. She auditioned for TOP Media very recently and was accepted as a trainee, where she has slowly but surely

been climbing the ranks within the company. She impressed Andy with her powerful rapping and smooth, confident style

but needs work with her singing skills. 


family background : Hwang Ji Dae | 43 | Father | Her father is a music producer that has always loved his daughter's interest in music 

and fostered it. He's very supportive of her choices and is very excited about her working with Andy and T.O.P  Media

Hwang Ah Reum | 42 | Mother | Her mother just wishes she was girlier and a bit cuter, and she really wishes she'd bring a nice,

handsome young man home sometime soon so that she can plan the wedding before she DIES.


friends : Jang Dongwoo || 22 || She met Dongwoo when she was training in Woolim Ent. He's her bestest best friend in the whole wide 

world and probably one of the only people that ever laughs at her crappy jokes. They text each other almost constantly and randomly

harass each other because Mi Cha sees nothing wrong with slapping him on his and he doesn't know how to retaliate, so he pushes 

her around and acts super awkward like "Aigoo Mi Cha, you're too weird for words."

previous relationship : single

rivals? : Gong Minji (Minzy) || 19 || they're not at each others throats or anything. And Minji probably doesn't even know that Mi Cha

exists. But Mi Cha considers Minzy her competition in rapping in girl groups since she's one of the top female rappers and Mi Cha looks

up to her as an artist. 


scene request? : Huh...  maybe her being all like "I don't like him" to Chunji and he's like "Ah, I don't understand why she thinks

I'm a bad guy." and she's like "I saw No Perfume on You, the way you cheated on that girl." "MI CHA THAT WAS JUST A MUSIC VIDEO!"


Orrrrrr.... someone trying to take a selca with her and she derps it and they're like "TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY MI CHA!"

Or the "Nice to Mi Cha. HA! GET IT?!"

suggestions? : Naaaaah. 

password : I love CAP and the song Mr. Bang~ (ER MAH GERD have you heard it it is so dirty.)




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