Qwest ♕ Lee Cheonsa



Username: jeppfan

Activeness: uh well I check everyday but I get off too. It's not constant, ahaha. I go to college so... 

Nickname: Ceci is fine :)


♕Can You Hear Me

Full Name: Lee Cheonsa

Birthday: 11/07/1992

Age: 20

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Birthplace: Los Angeles, California


Just another cinderella story:

Cheonsa was raised to be a perfect little princess by her CEO father; she was taught to be sweet and kind to everyone, to wear a smile on her face through every trouble she comes across. She's supposed to be graceful and demure, to be polite and to be the epitome of feminine. Cheonsa is supposed to be a flower girl, a queenka, the envy of all other girls her age. 

Fiction and Facts:

All of that femininity and princess behavior is nice and all, but it's just not...Cheonsa. Nope, not this little ball of fire. You see, Cheonsa is a nerdy little tomboy that would rather run around playing Pokemon or roll in the dirt than do anything boring like having a tea party like her parents would prefer. She wants to please her parents and make them proud and happy, which is why she puts in a genuine effort to become interested in those feminine things. She tries to wear dresses (but has trouble because she can't sit like a proper lady) and she tries to be polite and sweet.

But to be perfectly honest, nothing about Cheonsa is what her parents want her to be. She's boisterous and loud, for one. Cheonsa gets excited easily and speaks really loudly, bouncing around like a little ball of energy at all times. She snorts when she laughs, and isn't even remotely embarassed by her over all lack of manners. She doesn't care what fork she's supposed to use for her salad, all she knows is she's hungry. Cheonsa isn't polite, either. She says whatever the heck comes to her mind without thinking about the consequences because, even though she isn't mean or anything, she isn't concerned with the people around her. Cheonsa is the center of her own universe, after all. 

She isn't willingly mean, just too absentminded to really care what's going on with other people. She can be sweet, sure, but it's not something she thinks about and it's not very often that her sweetness really shines through. 

To put it very simply, if you first met Cheonsa, she would strike you as cheerful and funny, but she wouldn't ever appear sweet or kind hearted. She's an energetic girl that doesn't put other people before herself and can sometimes be a bit callous. 

She's not easily embarrassed and is definitely the type to dive head first into everything, even if it might 'ruin her image,' Cheonsa isn't afraid to do anything. She likes trying new adventures and can't be bothered to stop and worry if something will hurt her in the long run. She lives in the moment, which ofte gets her labled as a trouble maker because she's thoughtless and doesn't avoid scandals or trouble and instead attracts them like a magnet with her carefree actions.

Stage Girl:

Cheonsa's ultimatum when she asked her parents to train was: either be girly on stage or no way. And so Cheonsa is the princess on stage, always longingly watching the other girls as they're hyper and going crazy, wishing she could be her real self while pretending to be shy and giggle like an idiot. However, she wasn't told she couldn't be herself on Variety Shows, so she tries to goof off a little bit more on shows. Cheonsa is, on or off stage, a very friendly girl that likes to start conversations and can talk to anyone freely without ever feeling awkward, and her goofy/dorky sense of humor makes people comfortable around her easier.

Traits: cheerful, energetic, careless, friendly

Height: 160 cm

Weight: 49 kg


{lol. Well. She's a princess. This is the first princess I've ever made and I'm already like OH GOD WHY. NEVER HAVE I BEEN SO WRONG.}

Step on Stage:

Cheonsa stepped into the luxurious world when she was adopted as a baby by her loving, overly-ostentacious current parents. From that very moment, she was put on the fast track to success according to her parents, from learning under only the best tutors to attending only the best schools. And unlike some princesses, Cheonsa actually didn't disobey her parents or go crazy. She just...wasn't very smart... at all. She wasn't learning the math concepts or the language studies, and was instead concerned with learning sports and music. She joined atheletic clubs and video game tournaments after school, and her grades were average despite her high level upbringing.

Seoul, Here We Come:

Cheonsa's father was always moving around for work, but he was never gone more than a few weeks until news of his transfer came one day, telling him that he and his family would be recieving a huge promotion if they moved to South Korea. They were not struggling by any means, but her father knew it wasn't a kind suggestion the company was giving him. Someone had to run the South Korean branch of the conglomorate, and they had decided on him. So, almost over night, her family packed up all their personal belongings and left to South Korea. Unlike most girls who would cause a huge fuss, Cheonsa was actually excited to start her new life in Seoul. Sure, she was leaving the life that she loved behind but another part of her was optimistic about it. She had always (secretly) been a kpop fan and had dreamt of the day when she would take the stage and rap (despite her annoying, fake feminine act), and she viewed her trip to Korea as the first step in making that dream a reality. The minute she touched down and realized she didn't speak Korean, however, her view changed. it wasn't easy being foreign and not knowing much of what was going on, on top of not being bright. But Cheonsa poured all of her emotions into making music and making her dreams happen.



Movie: The Nightmare Before Christmas

Book: Wither

Drama: Reply 1997

Snack: Sweet Potato Fries

Drink: Hot Cocoa

Food: Crepes

Ice Cream: Banana Split

Activity: Playing sports, reading, watching dramas

Candy: Lychee gummies

Fruit: Mangoes with chili powder

Veggie: Gross, none!

Season: Winter. Who doesn't like sledding?

Bias: Hoya, since she loves Reply 1997 so much.



Snack: Fish flakes

Food: Anything with too many veggies

Book: 50 Shades of Gray. Creepy...

Veggies: IN GENERAL. She hates them.

Ice Cream: Rocky Road

Anti: She doesn't really anti anyone.

Pet Peeves: Being treated like a princess, like when people try to take care of her. She can take care of herself! Also, she hates big messes and messy people. And she doesn't like cooking, don't ask her to cook. She's not your mom!

Candy: She doesn't like black licorice

Activity: Plase dear god can we not go shopping? If we do, she'll be like the guys, sitting on the couch bored.



Writing Lyrics: She likes to make her own lyrics, but probably won't show them to anyone.

Playing Video Games: Examples- Skyrim, Harvest Moon, Halo

Reading: Her current favorites are- Wither, Legend, Gravity, and Delirium

Playing Sports and Games: She likes playing hide and seek, or playing soccer, or tennis, or basketball. Be warned though! She's very competitive!


Picking her nails when she's upset but doesn't want to show it.

Biting her lip when she wants to say something but can't

Tapping her nails when she's bored

Cleaning the house when she's stressed out and needs to relax

Eating when she's feeling emotional.


High Metabolism: She can eat basically anything without gaining weight.

Sleep: She has awful sleeping habits. She eats in her sleep, sometimes waking up with gummy bears plastered to her face. She can fall asleep anywhere, also. She's not narcoleptic, but she can literally fall asleep anywhere. So if you're with her, be careful she doesn't fall asleep and miss the bus stop!

Musicality: She can play the piano and the cello. 

Fan Service: She has absolutely no idea how to do fan service and instead just smiles all awkwardly and waves. 

She almost fainted when she first met Infinite, but it was mostly because Nam Woohyun snuck up on her and scared the living daylights out of her.

She's never had her first kiss, and will awkwardly admit it to the fans

She was a bully in middle school and would make kids give her their lunch money.

She can't whistle to save her life, and it makes her upset.

She is very flexible.



Ulzzang Name: Hye Jin

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back-Up Ulzzang Name: Eun

Links: 1 | 2 | 3


  • Dorm 1 | 2
  • Airport 1 | 2
  • Casual 1 | 2 
  • Stage 1 | 2 (she doesn't go to University, so I just did on stage or at fan meets. Basically, her girly clothes)
  • Daily Accessories: 


Hush Hush


  • Mother : Lee Bohyun | 45 | Florist | loving, kind, bossy, naggy. She loves her adopted daughter and is very kid to her, but believes she should be more girly and be more concerned with going to college rather than rapping/singing, and nags her daughter when she see's her. "Yah, you engaged yet? No? ...have you even met a boy?" | Alive 
  • Father : Lee Dongho | 46 | CEO of Korean Brand of Nike | Her father laughs at the mischeif she causes. Although he doesn't really approve that she isn't pursuing a college career, he understands that she's passionate about it and supports her. | Alive 
  • Sibling: None!


She's new to Korea still, so she doesn't have many friends/any friends


♕I'm Genie For You Boy

Stage Name: Cheonsa

Position: lead rapper, main vocalist (haha, she can sing AND rap!)

Persona: The Sweet Princess/The Derpy One (off stage, on variety shows)

FanClub Color: Seafoam Green

FanClub Name: Angels


♕DJ, Put it Back On!

Love Interest: Nam Woohyun

Age: 22

Personality: Cheonsa has literally never liked Nam Woohyun, and he is the only member of Infinite that she dislikes. She is a fan of Infinite and has thus watched their appearances on variety shows  and what not and she just can't bring herself to like him. He's cocky, for one. Cheonsa doesn't know what he has o be so cocky for. Really, that was what set her against him. He's cocky, and he's a jokester. It's like he doesn't take anything seriously and is only concerned with having fun. He play pranks on the other members and messes around constantly, always smiling that big dumb smile of his. However, past her hatred of how annoying and cheerful and conceited Woohyun is, he's not that bad of a guy. (She just doesn't know it!) He is hardworking and will spend hours alone practicing dances or singing until his throat hurts, just to make sure he gets it down. He's a little awkward with emotions and can't handle it when the other members are upset, so he'll embarass the heck out of himself to make them laugh. He cooks or everyone else when he can, and likes to do things to help people.

Relationship: Right now, she doesn't like Woohyun very much and will not talk to him. He has no idea why she's like that, an it causes him to be awkward and sometimes mean to her back. They argue sometimes, about childish stuff. When they meet back stage, for instance, Cheonsa and Woohyun will reach for the same bun and then fight about it.

How did you meet? If you haven't met before, then how do you want to meet?: They met at a fan signing. Cheonsa had walked up to every other member besides Woohyun to get her poster signed, and it left him more than a little annoyed. Didn't she want his autograph too? So when she left, Woohyun followed after her (unfortunately dressed in  hoodie so no one would recognize him.) He followed Cheonsa three blocks, wondering why she kept looking back at him all scared. When he called out to her and tried to catch up with her, she took off running, screaming her head off. Panicked, Woohyun caught up to her and grabbed her, covering . "What the heck is wrong with you?!" he asked, and she basically almost fainted and that's when he realized he looked like a kidnapper and freaked out and apologized. (They don't have to have met yet.)



Comments: Aigoo, sorry it took so long.

Suggestions: I don't have any!

Password!: oh look, how did myungjong get here?



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