the tutor circle | kwon danbi


**The Stubborn Mule**


The Man Behind the Curtain------------

Username: jeppfan

What do you want me to call you?: Ceci, yo. Nice to meet'cha Tofu. Guess what? I totally just built a playlist to fill out this app with a bunch of songs to get my mind in the right spot for this character. Hopefully this works out!

Activeness: I got my own apply fics up so I'm on like 10...

Comment: Is this where I should have probably put that playlist isht? Um... I hope you don't mind if I use naughty language. It's all for the character, I swear!


Please Meet....?

Name: Kwon "Danny" Danbi

Age: 17

Height: five foot four

Weight: one hundred and ten pounds.

Basic Appearance:Most people seem to think Danny is a boy when they first meet her due to her loose fitting clothes and skinny frame. Not that she really gives a damn, let those idiots think what they want.

Special Features: She has ten ear piercings, five in each ear. She has three in her lobe, an Industrial in her left ear, and two spiked hoops in her right ear.

Style: Danny prefers dark, boyish and loose fitting clothes. Although she's huge into rap, she tends to favor more rock-based looks or basic sweatpants and tank tops. She doesn't really dress to impress because she doesn't frankly care what you think.


Danny is that girl you hear rumors about; the girl suspected of doing drugs after class, the girl everyone thinks is in a gang, the girl that "once beat up thirty students in a rival gang, all by herself!" She's always listening to the tales of her own glory and conquest, laughing her off at the crazy things people have come up with about her. Yes, Danbi actually is the leader of a gang and tends to travel around at night in a pack of scary looking delinquints, but it isn't as bad as people think. Mostly, her gang goes to the underground rap battles and enjoys a drink or two. They don't brawl constantly, and they certainly don't do drugs or murder people. But Danny likes listening to the funny stories and she isn't afraid to use her bad girl image to intimidate people into submission and often bulies other students into buying her lunch. ["Yah! We're friends right ____?" "Uhm. No...?" "Yes, we are. And friends buy friends curry bread. If you naw'm saying."]

Danny is a pessimist, and she's a brat, and she's cold, and she doesn't give a crap what anyone thinks. Um. Remind me again what's good about her? Ah... not much, huh. She's the first person to condemn something as "stupid," "pointless," and "cringe-worthy." She doesn't like working in groups and if it looks like something is about to go wrong, Danny will complain about it and straight up throw a fit. ["I told you this was a horrible idea, Lu Han. I'm not meant to be a chef, and that cake is going to be all burned, and it's going to be awful and it's your fault."] Danny's brattiness comes into play with her total uncooperative attitude. If she isn't getting her way, no one is getting anywhere. In group projects, she is notoriously known for being a stubborn little brat that lives by the motto "It's my way or the highway," and has been in more than one physical alteraction over a clash of ideas. She's not afraid to punch someone in the face to get away, and takes her suspension with pride. Danny doesn't really care who she hurts or who gets caught up in her violent storms. In a sense, Danny is cold. If you're not someone she counts among her friends, she doesn't care about you at all. You're basically the gum under her shoe or the cockroaches that scurry around in her apartment complex. (She hunts those roaches obsessively, by the way. She has a closet full of raid and shoes she can't find the double to, just for killing bugs. But I think the more important question is... how does her house keep eating her left shoes? Seriously...)Perhaps the most important part of Danny, however, is her "good side."

For those that know Danbi well enough, they've come to see her as a strange little paradox. Her closest friends, the people that know her at her core, know an entirely different person from the violent and heartless girl that her classmates know. The people in Danny's community know her as a girl with a heart that's a little too big and a little too vunerable; a girl that acts out and fights because she doesn't know what else to do with herself. Danny is, to anyone that has known her for a long time, that girl that randomly helps out her neighbors with a scowl on her face and yells at them when they try to thank her, but blushes under their compliments. She'll shovel snow off of her elderly neighbors driveways and make sure there is no ice for them to slip on. When they try to thank her or pay her she shrugs it off like she doesn't care, but turns a little bit pink and sometimes stutters. ["Who said I was doing this for you? Hmph, I don't need your thanks. I just...just felt like getting some extra exersize. Now get off my damn lawn!"] Danny isn't a completely heartless soul, after all. Underneath her tough image and her bad attitude, she's still a young girl.

Danny has had her fair share of a rough past, which will be detailed below. Even though she secretly wants nothing more than to have someone genuinely love her, she's totally not going to let anyone invade her heart because she has serious trust issues. If someone tries to worm their way in by flirting or whatever, she becomes wary of them and gets even meaner toward them, trying to push them away even harder. Deep down, Danny is a scared and insecure girl. The reason she fights Lu Han so much about the cooking ("See? I told yo it was impossible.") is because she's so afraid of failing at something that she doesn't even want to try it. 




Rap | She's huge on rap music and listens to it almost constantly. She also tends to favor American music over Korean, like K-Pop and what not. She totally doesn't understand the kpop craze and thinks fangirls are annoying. 

Sleeping | What's better than sleeping? Nothing, duh. Besides maybe food, which was the whole stupid reason she took that stupid ing home ec class. She was falsely lead to believe there would be free food. and sewing and doing laundry. What. is. this. . OH! But yeah, she likes sleeping a lot. It's her favorite thing to do during those boring classes like Writing and Math. She doesn't know how she's passing those, honestly.

Food | The sole reason she joined hime ec was because the poster at the school said "Free Food." It didn't, however, say that she would be the one cooking the food. Sewing and doing dishes and cleaning were also not on the poster. They basically lied to her to trap her.

History | I know, it's weird. But for some strange reason, she really likes that class and completely excels in the subject. It's the only class she has never ditched and she even meticulously takes notes.

Energy Drinks | She needs some type of caffiene, and coffee is a no-no. Plus she likes the fruity flavors.



Cooking | Alright, for one, she ing at it. And before you say anything Luhan, it is not because she never tries. It's because she just already freaking knows that she's going to totally at it so why even try? I mean, she could probably burn water if she really tried. If Danny is involved in the kitchen, anything can happen. And not in a good way.

Her Parents | They're worthless. Complete trash. The best decision she ever made was to move out of their home.

Being Woken Up | It's probably best not to wake Danny up. She's a monster in the mornings and is known to have an extremely violent temper when barges in and wakes her up.

Coffee | For such an anti-morning person, Danny freaking despises coffee with a burning passion. She doesn't even like the smell. Bitter foods make her gag.

Naggers | It's her own damn life, she can do whatever the heck she wants with it! Stop bothering her with your incessant rambling and go... do something productive!



Sighs. Excessively. | When Danny is feeling angry or annoyed or bored, she sighs a lot. And by a lot, I mean she pretty much sighs constantly. And dramatically. It's annoying.

Squints or glares | When something is confusing Danny, she tends to scrunch her whole face up or squint and glare a lot. She doesn't like looking like an idiot, and totally hates being confused.

Emotional Eater | When she's feeling upset or her feelings have been hurt, she gorges herself and eats a mega-ton of food. She doesn't care what it is, she just eats it. 

Pet Names | For some reason, she uses weird pet names on virtually everyone. She has a bad habit of calling people 'babe' or 'doll'.


Failure| She's so petrified of messing something up and being looked down upon or being rejected that she never tries anything new and never puts much effort into something unless she knows she can do it. Not trying is sort of her fail-safe. In her mind, if she wasn't trying, she can't fail at it. She just never put any effort into it. "The biggest heartbreak in the world is putting your all into something and having it blow up in your face."


She was in a long term relationship before. It lasted three years, and ended badly.

She does shockingly well in all her other subjects and has mostly A's, B's, and C's.

She can't decide between Biggie and Tupac for her all time favorite rapper.

So, she may or may not have said she hates Kpop on several occassions but she does have a mega-huge fangirling crush on Woohyun of Infinite. She would beat the crap out of anyone if they found out because it's so embarassing. Infinite is not the type of music people thinks she likes, and most people wouldn't peg her as being into trolling greaseball flower boys. They all think she likes those tough jjang guys but... she has a secret passion for pretty boys.

She can literally fall asleep almost anywhere. She's not narcoleptic, she's just one of those people that is always tired. 


She's A Beauty----------

Ulzzang Name: park yong hee

Pictures: one two three

Back up Ulzzang: lee da som

Pictures: one two three


It's Getting Personal...


Once upon a time, Danny was a sweet and innocent and loving child. Hard to believe looking at her now that she was so feminine and so very loving. Danny was that child with a thousand killowatt smile, the little girl that brightened people's days. Well, people aside from her parents. Danny was born to a pair of clueless highschool students that didn't know the importance of wearing protection. Danny's arrival effectively ruined their lives, but her father was the son of a prominent CEO and couldn't have his reputation soiled by the baby. He left the country immediately to avoid the scandal and left Danny and her mother homeless (her mother was disowned for the pregnancy). Danny's mother tried her best to love her daughter and give her a good life, but she didn't stand a chance. They bounced from shelter to shelter for three years when, in a of "luck", her mother fell in love with a middle aged restauranteer. And everything was beautiful at first; he was very kind to Danny and bought her toys and gifts and every other thing her heart desired.

The night time visits started when Danny was twelve. He didn't touch her or anything yet, but he did like to sit in the room with her and stare at her. When she told her mother, the young woman was outraged. But not at her husband, no. She was mad at Danny and accused her daughter not of being a liar but being out to ruin their lives. Danny couldn't believe what she was hearing, but never the less obeyed her mother. After all, mommy knows best, right? Danny read somewhere recently that molesters and criminals tend to escalate as they learn the things they can get away with; and that is exactly what happened to Danny. She begged her mother to save her from the night time visits, but was only met with rage and hate and sometimes beatings. "I should have never had a failure of a child like you, Danbi," her mother had told her. And that was where Danny cracked. Infuriated, she punched her mother in the face and took one of the fire-pit pokers to the side of her step fathers head (she didn't kill him, but it left a nasty scar) and packed up her meagre things and left. So yes, once upon a time, Danny was a sweet and innocent girl that had the world at her finger tips and was afraid of childish things like spiders. But that Danny is long gone, replaced by a girl that won't trust anyone.

Living on the streets for the first months of being a run away exposed Danny to an entirely new world; gangs, drugs, and red light districts were things this young girl ad never even heard of. Thinking back on it now, Danny is probably lucky to be alive with some of the crazy things she did to escape the pain of reality. Within a week she had fallen in with a bad crowd and got hooked on drugs, a month later she was living with some guy she hardly even knew. Thirteen years old, her life was looking pretty hopeless. But Jaehyun, another run away boy, saved her. He took her in, cleaned her up, and gave her a new life. And she loved him. He was her angel, her savior, her entire life. For three years she stayed with him, slowly picking up the shattered pieces of her life and learning to love and trust again. She was opening up and learning to appreciate life again. 

And then she caught him cheating on her with another run away. "Danny," he said, "if you weren't such an awful girlfriend, I wouldn't be like this." Another strike against Danny's growing fear of rejection and failure, stabbed straight into her heart. She's never been the same since.


Danny is...dirt poor. She's living in an ugly little apartment building in a crappy studio apartment with a curtain sectioning off her bed from the kitchen, which sits only ten feet away. She's working two part time jobs, one as a cashier at a movie theater and the other running a convinience store during the graveyard shift. She hasn't seen her mother or step-dad for years, but hears she has a younger brother. Her birth father recently contacted her and wanted to reconnect but she basically told him to go jump off a bridge. Danny never gets enough sleep and is usually too busy to cook a proper meal for herself so she is quite addicted to instant noodles and other convenience store food. 


Family: (Name-Age-Occupation-Alive/Dead-Personality described in 3 sentences)

Father: Jang Hyun Bin | Current CEO of Jang Enterprise | Alive | She doesn't know much about him, but he seemed fairly genuine in his apology toward her and he seemed to really want to connect with her. Danny was too afraid that if he met her and heard about her life that he'd leave her again, so she doesn't even want to try and meet him. 

Mother: Kwon Bo Young | Unknown | Unknown| Danny knows next to nothing about her mother's current situation. Bo Young was once a sweet and caring mother that fought to give her daughter the life she deserved, but being poor and always trying to find her next meal and decided that a stable home was worth the sacrifice of her daughter's happiness and, eventually, her daughter.

Sibling(s): She has never met her little brother.


Hello Beautiful Target.You Zoom Zoom My Heart Like A Rocket-

Love Interest: Lu Han


Sweet and innocent Lu Han has never really dealt with someone that doesn't like him; he's a ball of charms that naturally attracts people like moths to a flame. He has such a strong magnetism and such a warm and inviting smile that people can't help themselves but to try and be his friend. And he welcomes everyone with open arms, accepting them as his friends without a second thought. Some may say it's a fault of his to be so trusting and to be so caring, but Lu Han can't help himself. No one has ever betrayed or hurt him, and he's never had any reason not to trust anyone. He's charming and magnetic and smiles, even when he's upset and it confuses Danny. She knows he can't possibly be happy all the time; and she's not blind like those fan girls. She can see the strain in his eyes, the worry, the irritation, the emotions that aren't equalling out to happiness. But rather than ask them to leave him alone or burden people with his problems, Lu Han smiles on and plows right through. Even after Danny watched his girlfriend of seven months dump him right in front of the whole school, Lu Han kept on smiling and asked if they could still be friends. Even when she watched one of his so-called-friends betray him, Lu Han kept his heart open and forgave the guy and still accepts people into his heart. How can someone be like that, and not shut down? It makes Danny feel like it's wrong to be the way she is now, and it really gets on her nerves.

Despite Lu Han being virtually perfect in the eyes of everyone in existence, he makes Danny a little uncomfortable and often really ticks her off. He seems to think that they're friends or something, and that it gives him the right to fret and fuss over her like a mother hen. For some odd reason, Lu Han brings her home made lunches every day and has the nerve to nag at her incessantly about her dangerous consumption of energy drinks. Danny has always watched Lu Han, at first because he was cute and attractive and now because he makes her paranoid. She knows that he doesn't nag other people and doesn't come at them with his deer-in-headlights eyes bared, looking all panicked and worried over nothing. "Have you been eating? Aigoo, it looks like you've lost more weight..." It's like he gravitates towards her and suddenly becomes her mother or something. Normally, Danny would appreciate the food and accept it without a second thought but something about the way Lu Han is always fretting really makes her uncomfortable. She wants to distance herself from him.

Lu Han is the only person on the planet that can stand up to Danny without cowering, and it's sort of... off-setting for her. Whenever she thinks she's going to throw one of her angry fits and tell him off, Lu Han courageously stands his ground with that infuriating smile of his on his face. He never backs down from her challenges and doesn't let her shove him around, which is both fascinating and infuriating. [Example: "THAT IS IT! I'm not ing doing this!" Danny screamed, slamming her fist down on the counter and tearing the annoyingly pink apron Lu Han had bought her off. He turned to her, his eyebrows raised more in curiosity than in shock, and shook his head. "Yes, I do believe you are. You've got to bring up your home economics grade, Danbi," he said, clucking his tongue lightly. Danny frowned at his insistence on calling her by her first name and crossed her arms over her chest, shooting him a cocky smirk. "You can't make me do it, Lu Han," she said, almost daring him to try and start something with her. But Luhan posessed the gift of infinite patience and didn't budge. "Danbi, really. You're going to play that card with me? That's really childish, you know. And second of all, I'm serious. You need to raise your grade in home ec or you'll fail and you'll have to repeat this year," he nagged, causing Danny to roll her eyes. This was the same tactic he pulled every time; nag her to death and act like he was her mother or something. "I don't care if I fail," she grumbled, but her shell was beginning to crack. Luhan pursed his lips. "Really? You don't care if you fail? If your life goes down the drain? If you don't have a future just because you didn't want to make a stiry fry?") So basically, in my imagining of Luhan, he doesn't nag in a really annoying manner even though it does annoy Danny. He nags in a motherly way, and it breaks Danny down and that's why it annoys her. She doesn't want to start getting it in her head that he actually cares about her. He's just doing his job.

Luhan likes to be considered manly, a fact that makes Danny laugh every single time he brings it up. Which is often, considering she's always calling him girly or umma. The strangest part about Luhan is his insistance that he is totally manly and not feminine in the least bit. And I think you'd be surprised to find that Luhan is incredibly forgetful and gets flustered easily. Not embarassed, per say, just flustered. Sometimes, our poor deer forgets what he's saying half-way through the sentence and it can be pretty annoying for Danny, who usually wants to get their lessons over and done with right away. Luhan is also pretty clingy, which takes away from his manliness. He likes skinship and often initiates it, which has caused Danny to smack him a few times since she doesn't like it when he just randomly grabs her hand. But he always laughs it off, forgets about it, and does it again a little while later. Seriously, he's forgetful.


Tutor of?: Home Economics

Relationship/Interactions: Danny has been somehat interested in Luhan since she first saw him. At first, it was because of his flower-boy cute looks. Recently, it's just because he;s so damn weird. Honestly, he's an oddball if she's ever seen one; and she isn't a real big fan of oddballs. She doesn't see what the other girls in class see in him and why they're all so desperate and falling all over themselves to be his partner, besides the fact that he's a total whiz. She doesn't understand him, but she's curious about why he is the way he is.

As of the start of the story, Luhan doesn't really know much about Danny. He knows that something is up with her and that she's more than she appears, but thats about it. At the start, he doesn't bring her food or fuss over her well being. But after the first session (scene suggestion) he starts bringing her stuff.

Scene Requests: 

When Danny finds out Luhan plans on coming to her house for the tutoring, she flips the heck out and tells him that it's never going to happen. Being a naturally curious deer that he is, he sort of stalks her home to see why it was such a big deal. When he see's her living conditions, he's naturally appalled. But it gets even worse when he sees that all she eats is ramen noodles and works late into the night. Knowing he would only make her angry if he brought it up to her face, Luhan decides to start cooking her meals and bringing them to school.

Luhan finally nags and prods Danny enough to let him come to her house for cooking lessons. He brings her an awful pink apron and some random assortment of "cute" items for her house that he picked out especially for her at the store. Even though they are all hideously pink, she accepts the gifts awkwardly.

A flour fight. I am so dead serious. Luhan will be watching Danny all intently because she's actually doing as she was told and he thinks it's AMAZING and she gets irritated with all his staring and throws a handful of flour in his face, causing him to retaliate and eventually pin her to the floor and cover her head to toe in flour until she apologizes and calls him :the manliest man on the planet". She, of course, refuses and he ends up completely dumping the whole bag of flour on him.

Something bad happens to Danny that makes her really depressed (maybe her ex boyfriend stumbles back into her life) and she goes out and does something stupid like gets drunk and Lulu comes and saves her and in her drunken stupor she totally reveals her whole life story to him and then randomly angrily starts yelling at him "You better not nag me in the morning for this Luhan! You make me want to change myself, and I don't like that! I don't need to be a better person..."



Picture of Tutor: oh look, a deer. That's his "getting ready to nag all diva like" face in the next picture. Like Mmm girl you have gat to be kiddin' me, get them grades up right now! and ohmahgawd that last picture might make me lulu biased like wut.



Signing off with A BANG!

Comments: Lol. Um. I don't really expect to get picked since you have s bunch anyway and they're probably better. For some reason I had a hard time making Luhan more annoying and naggy, and I have the feeling that's where everyone else is going because it would be funny? I mean, he's still naggy in a funny way probably but something about these two just strikes... tragic to me. Like, Luhan is there to save her more than to make her laugh, if that makes sense. She's in a downward spiral and she's so afraid to try new things and fall in love and whatnot, and he's determined to bring her out of that shell and whatnot. But I understand if it's not the best haha. And I mean, if you want to pair her off with an exo-k guy that's cool too but she might be boring idk. You don't have to, that's a lot of characters.

Suggestions?: Nyahh... nope. Happy easter, if you celebrate it!

Password: Kimchi Club

I'm older than both of them oh my gooooood I'm such a pedo noona. But I think sharper eyes are y......




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I like her so much, and quite honestly, you're now one of the candidates to be chosen :3
Also, the direction you went with Luhan is smart, and I got so many urges to write about someone so hopelessly happy so bad.
Your scene requests and background are fantastic elastic! The background is shady, yes, but I think it forms Danny for who she is.
And she likes Woohyun. >w< That's really cute. :3
Sorry, I don't know if I'll be able to put your character on the page before the deadline, but if I don't, know you're definitely accepted ^ ^