Double Chapter Release for The Five Promises!

[Notice & Warning] -To my readers of "The Five Promises" -

[Notice] After ending chapter four with a massive cliffhanger, I've probably scared the crap out of all my readers. I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that I will be releasing Chapters 5 & 6 together. The next part of the story is seriously complicated and will require a two part release to explain what's really going on with Jaejoong right now.

[WARNING] The explanations for why Jaejoong is acting this way will be somewhat controversial, frighting, sad, and a little scary, but please understand that it's part of the main plot and cant be left out. I will promise that after this tidbit is explained, the fiction will not be as melodramatic and overly serious from here on out. But this part of Jaejoong's past MUST be explained to further the story line. 

Please bear with me on this, you wont be disappointed. 




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