Random Question of the Day

I was recently messaged and asked what type of music do I listen to when I write my fanfictions... 

The answer might surprise you all... 


Classical... Yup ... CLASSICAL!

You may have realized this with the early chapters of my story "Emptiness Filled" where Beethovens "Moonlight Sonata" had a cameo role. I usually dont incorporate the music Im listening to in my stories but that composition is very special to me. 

If your wondering what Artist Im listening to when I work on "The Five Promises", all I will say is, go google a Korean Pianist named Yiruma. 




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hehe, I listen to Yiruma's River flows in you, Carter Burlemwell's Bella's Lullaby and Eyes on me (piano) when I'm writing. Your not alone sistar, high five.. =)