rambles about life: deaths, farewells, life.



Hello, everyone. :")

It has been quite some time since I have last posted a blog, partially because of the beginning of the semester. 

But mainly, it is because of the recent death of an immediate family member.

My dad.

My father that I have looked up to for my entire lifetime. 

Being able to survive through his cardiac sure ain't easy, but he always gave me a cheery smile that brainwashed me to think that he'll always be by my side, being my biggest fan.

I took him for granted.

I happened to make a speech for his viewing, and there is a particular line that made my mom tear up:


There were unspoken words left unsaid, memories left to be spent, and farewells left to be bid.


I know. I'm a genius.

I kid. -_-"

The neurosurgeon that there is no longer a chance that he'll survive through this.

The blood inside his brain has spread out far too much for any hope to revive him.

The doctors can't even rule out if it is hemophilia or another .

As mentioned by the doctors in the Philippines:

"If he has a second , there is no way he'll be able to survive through it."

But I really am thankful that God has gave him another 11 years to live with us.

If not, I would've been father-less at the age of 3.

Now, that would be pitiful, wouldn't it?

Man, I'm not suppose to share these kinds of stuff online, but since you don't know who I am, and I don't know who you are,

so it's all good.

I know for a fact that my dad will make the best guardian angel. C:


;; E N D;;




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keito997 #1
May your dad rest in peace, and stay strong !Hwaiting! btw I love the quote :)
JYM017 #2
may he rest in peace. he'll always be with you :) i hope you stay strong steph! :)
People who are suffering are strong and those who love them are the strongest. I'm sure that if your dad was given the choice, he would want to spend more time with you and your family. And even now that he's gone, he'll always be there. Maybe not physically, but he's definitely there.

you are strong ♥


Stay strong. Everything will be alright. *internet hug*
May your father rest in peace. BTW that was a beautiful quote. <3