I had a weird dream.......

So, I was walking out of my kitchen because I just had dinner and then I somehow sat down on my floor in front of my living room because my brother sat there with his and my laptop and he asked if he could look at my ipod

so I gave it to him and he wanted to unlock it but my lock screen is my latest zico edit from yesterday evening and he was looking at it, judging like hell since he doesn't like kpop and it took him about 10 seconds to unlock and when he did



my bg on the home screen is also the same edit :'D

so he looked through my pictures and I grasped it out of his hands but then he looked into my file in my laptop where I hid all my and from yongguk jk there's just all my stuff and he looked through all my kpop stuff

I took the things with me with a gasp and talked away quickly




i woke up and all i could think of was


kay, wtf?


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lol, my sister has alot of strange dreams~
I had a bizarre dream too but it involved a roller coaster, not anything Korean XD
LOL omg XD well at least you didn't have a dream about a ghost sister t-t
well, I dreamed that my family's gonna move to Mongolia and I was just like dafuq where's that?