〈 ❋ h i s t o i r e . 〉┊ yang

( yang "victoria lynn" yoo-jin ) — books and secrets.

username chaotics.
name — lynn.
the recognitions.
birthname — yang "victoria lynn" yang.
date of birth — 10/31/89 - 23.
bloodtype — a-
languages — Korean, Mandarin, English.
reflected in you.
personality — yun's that ice-princess that most people are intimidated by. she's quiet, mysterious, and rather emotionless most of the time, but she can also be sarcastic, fierce, and rather violent. many people call her the "cold rebel" -- yun is a badass girl who likes living freely. she's creative and imaginative, but she usually keeps it to herself or shows it through her art and photography. rebellious, uncontrollable, and even more worrisome than seungri is to yg-papa, yun is that one girl that almost no one (except her members and closest friends) understand. her mind is hard to depict and she can be even more unpredictable than new england weather. she's quirky and four-dimensional, but rarely anyone sees her mischievous side because she's always poker-faced and has a flaming glare that can beat even shinee's minho. maybe that's why most people avoid her when they first see her -- she's a giant in the female asian world, cold as ice, and easily provoked. her temper is  something that even she will admit is a problem; the littlest of things set her off and when she's angry, yun becomes violent and rather vulgar. because of this, yun tries to stay away from most people and remain in solitude with her sketchbook in one hand, a piece of charcoal in the other, her dsl camera hanging on her neck, and her dr. dre beats over her ears. yun is no doubt an introvert who likes to keep her emotions, insecurities, and trust inside while keeping most people out. she's anti-social most of the time and prefers peace and quiet. the only people she is warm with are her family. but that's family...
though she is cold, mysterious, and emotionless, she's actually a very creative and innovative girl. yun enjoys almost anything to do with art and when you see her room, you'll see the true side of her -- the artistic side. a person can't always keep their emotions bottled up, so yun expresses her emotions through her art -- her paintings, sketches, drawings, photographs, and especially, her dance routines. yun is awkward with emotions and shows them in the only way she knows -- through art. this, however, doesn't mean she's some sensitive sweetheart in the inside -- she's still that rebel with the intimidating glare and zipped shut mouth. lee soo-man usually either puts her on athletic shows like Dream Team or Running Man, or tells her to just dance and keep shut on talk shows because when yun actually speaks, it's scary. she's sarcastic, brutally honest, and spills not only the secrets of her members, but even the members of dbsk, super junior, snsd, shinee, exo, and fx. her biggest flaw is her inability to ever think before she speaks or acts. this is probably why she's been called into lee soo-man's office more than eunhyuk and leeteuk combined.
nicknames — yun (prefers to go by this), v. lynn, lynn, victoire (play on histoire).
likes — 
  • Art.
  • Tea.
  • Spicy foods.
  • Most types of music -- especially dubstep, electronic, rap, hip-hop, etc.
  • Horror movies.
  • Video games.
  • Sports.
  • Alcohol.
  • Cigarettes.
  • Black.
  • Solitude.
  • Peace and quiet.
  • Cold -- weather, temperature, season, etc.
  • All types of books.
  • ​Aegyo.
  • Her height.
  • Romantic movies/novels/dramas.
  • Sugary foods and beverages -- especially soda.
  • Skinship.
  • People (large crowds).
  • Loud noises.
  • Loud music -- screamo, metal, hard rock, etc.
  • Coffee.
  • Waiting.
  • Waking up early.
  • Technology.
hobbies — 
  • Art -- painting, drawing, sketching -- oils, charcoal, pencil, watercolors, etc.
  • Photography -- DSL.
  • Dancing and choreographing.
  • Composing raps.
  • Modeling.
  • Exercising/Playing sports.
  • Skateboarding.
  • Reading.
habits — 
  • Leaves her skateboard around the dorm randomly. 
  • Props her feet up on tables and leans back in her chair.
  • Dances in her sleep.
  • Spills the secrets of everyone she knows when she talks.
  • Wearing her sunglasses indoors.
  • Sketching whatever she finds interesting when she's bored from waiting.
  • Takes candid pictures of her members (for the annual scrapbook she gives them).
fears/phobias — 
  • People.
  • Emotions.
  • Clowns.
trivia — 
  • She's never one to leave her camera, sketchbook, or pencil bag behind. As long as she has those, who needs a phone and wallet?
  • She also loves to read everything except comic books and romantic novels. From Shakespeare to Poe, from Mark Twain to Emily Dickenson, from Suzanne Collins to James Patterson, Yun has read them all. She loves classics and poetry the most. 
  • Yun's Chinese name is Yang Ai-Yun. Hence, where her nickname came from. However, she prefers that no one ever calls her that, except for her mother.
  • Dancing is *obviously* her forte: ballet, tap, jazz, hip-hop, break dancing, popping and locking, and wait for it... all 56 Chinese ethical dances.
  • Waking up is NOT her forte: poor leader has to flip her mattress every morning just to get her to open her eyes.
  • Cooking is also NOT her forte: poor leader had to write a sign that barred her from the kitchen besides the fridge.
  • Every year, since the day they were put into their project group, yun takes a bunch of pictures from their practices, dorm life, hang-outs, recording sessions, etc, and puts them into a scrapbook that she makes -- she always includes portraits she sketches for them in the end.
  • Used to play soccer and run long distance in high school -- long spider legs actually were useful in these sports.
  • Lazier than a sloth -- if she won a "lazy" award, she would make the maknae get it for her.
  • Uses her sketchbook as a composition book -- all her ideas for raps, dance routines, etc, are all placed in that sketchbook.
  • She's been a model since she was sixteen -- the year she became 175cm. 
  • Don't talk about her height with her -- she hates being tall more than anything.
  • Likes to watch horror movies at night, much to the displeasure of her roommate. 
  • Lee Soo-man's biggest worry -- he loves her, but he's scared of her unpredictable nature.
  • Never steal her sketchbook or camera as a prank -- you might end up duct-taped to a wall (ahem, leeteuk...)
  • Do not give her alcohol... she'll go crazy.
  • She is the tallest girl in her immediate family. Her bio-mom is 170cm, her bio-sister is 173cm, her half sister is 168cm, and her stepmother is 174cm.
  • As flexible as fx's Victoria -- she enjoys stretching on the kitchen table at her mother's house to gross her out. Once, on Halloween, Yun wore a white sheet and pretended to be the girl from the Exorcist. Needless to say... she was grounded for the rest of her stay there.
  • though she didn't debut as an idol yet, she has been a professional model since she was 16. she has walked the seoul fashion week runway since 2008 and the new york fashion week runway since 2010. yun has also done various campaigns with big band, se7en, and solo actors.
the casual vacancy.
family background — yun came from a upper class family: they were definitely well off, but they weren't any bill gates either. her mother is Chinese and her father is Korean. they met in college and started dating in their sophomore year, but broke up when they both attended different graduate schools. after graduating, by some coincidence, they ended up working at the same law firm and got married only because yun's mother became pregnant with her. their family lived happily for five years when yun's baby sister and brother were born, but soon after the birth of her twin siblings, her parents divorced. yun went with her freesoul father to korea and the twins stayed with their mother in nyc. yun was only six. both parents remarried and her mother gave birth to yun's half-sister. her father and her stepmother also gave birth to a baby boy. currently, her mother and stepfather live in los angeles and her father lives in korea with her stepmother. yun has lived with her father since the divorce and visits her mother on every school break. 
background — after the divorce, yun had a hard time adjusting without her mother and adorable baby siblings. instead of hating her parents, she began to blame and hate herself for their divorce. the divorce is probably what alienated yun from the world -- she believed from her parents failed love story that love was a fragile thing that could be broken at any time. as she grew up, she began to hate herself even more and started experimenting with drugs and alcohol. yun constantly expresses that art and dance were the only things that saved herself from depression. she began dance lessons when she was eight years old and immediately fell in love with it. if she wasn't at school, she was either at the dance studio or at art class. she hated being at home, not because she didn't like her stepmother, but because she felt like she didn't belong in their lovey-dovey and warm home. when she was fifteen years old, she was shopping with her stepmother in apgujeong when a sm-entertainment representative spotted her. at first, she was skeptical about them and her stepmother whisked her away, but the representative followed her until they agreed to schedule an appointment with them. when she went, lee soo-man saw her as a model and was about to sign her to their modeling section, until they discovered her dancing. afterwards, he immediately placed her in the dance program, where she began her training in 2005. she has trained faithfully in sm-entertainment for seven years. 
place of birth — new york city, new york.
hometown — gangnam-gu, seoul, south korea.
parents — 
  • biological father | yang jin-hyuk | 48 | official attorney for sm | freesoul, carefree, modern, relaxed, independent. | yun and her father are very close, seeing that he raised her since she was six. though she has distanced herself from her father since the divorce, yun trusts only her father with her biggest fears, insecurities, and worries. her father is also always there for her, literally, since he has worked for sm since yun was accepted.
  • biological mother | li chun-wei | 48 | attorney for summit entertainment | strict, narrow-minded, cold, intimidating, stubborn. | i guess you can tell where yun inherited her personality. the only thing she gained from her father were her height and independence. yun and her mother do not get along. they argue, fight, and clash over every little thing -- what to eat, what to wear, where to go to see a movie, but most of all, her career choice. mrs. yang, well now, mrs. stephan, wanted yun to become a lawyer, but yun wanted to dance, sing, rap, and model. that's the main reason yun went with her father and dreads the weeks that she has to spend in los angeles. the two women love each other, but they don't like each other.
  • stepmother | lee seo-min | 47 | owner of sweet-pea cafe in apgujeong | quiet, caring, warm, kind, awkward. | when yun's father and stepmother first married, she didn't want to distance her stepdaughter by replacing her mother. however, yun wanted her to be the mother figure of her life. in fact, yun sees her stepmother more as her mother than her biological mother. she prefers her soft-spoken personality over her mother's narrow-minded one and goes to her stepmother for all her girl troubles.
  • stepfather | johnson "jack" stephan | 50 | executive producer of summit entertainment | loud, artistic, understanding, sympathetic, optimistic. | yun and her stepfather aren't that close, but she respects him for putting up with her outrageous mother. even though they don't have a lot of time to get to know each other, he supports her choice of career and is the one that sends her a new sketchbook every time she fills another one up.
siblings — 
  • biological brother | brayden "hyun-min" yang-stephan | 18 | college freshman at uc berkeley | loud, energetic, bubbly, immature, rebellious | since they didn't grow up together, they aren't the closest of siblings, but yun loves her little brother nonetheless. he understands her and like her, dislikes his mother. they call each other about once a week and skateboard together when yun visits. 
  • biological sister | vivian "soo-jin" yang-stephan | 18 | college freshman at stanford university | prim, proper, quiet, intellectual, serious | yun and her little sister are undeniably close. though they are polar opposites, they understand each other in a way only sisters do. when soo-jin went through puberty, yun was there for her in ever phone call listening to her talk about boys, complain about her friends, and whine about her parents. either way, she changed from the stereotypical girl to one who focused only on academics. she calls yun every single day just to check up on her to make sure she's resting and eating. the roles switched in their relationship -- soo-jin acts more like the older sister now.
  • half sister | vanessa "ai-jin" stephan | 15 | high school sophomore | dramatic, emotional, spoiled, crazy, brat-like. | yun hates her half-sister. not because she's her half-sister, but because she's annoying as *beep* in yun's eyes. spoiled and a total wannabe, vanessa always uses her "maknae" powers to get what she wants. her other half-siblings, brayden and vivian, tolerate her, but like yun, don't want anything to do with the brat. yun asks how she is doing from soo-jin only as a formality, but other than that, she could really care less about what happens to vanessa.
  • half brother | alexander "young-min" yang | 16 | high school junior | quiet, soft-spoken, warm-hearted, proper, sensitive. | yun's mischievous side comes out when it comes to her little half brother. she teases him for being so sensitive and emotional all the time, especially when they go to the movies together and he starts crying. nevertheless, she is fiercely protective of her easy-to-bully little brother. since he's so sensitive, young-min is picked on often at school, but with yun's fierce glare and intimidating height, people treated him nicer to avoid his sister's rath. however, by the time he was sixteen, he shot up to 190cm and most people are scared of him for his height anyways. he becomes a little less of a golden-boy around yun and likes to for, ironically, being "short".
others — 
  • yun's maternal grandfather died before she was born. she has only two cousins -- one on her mother's side and one on her stepmother's side. yun's stepmother's mother died before yun was born and her father died when yun was seven years old. yun has never met either of jack's parents.
  • maternal grandmother | xi ai-qin | 73 | ex-high school math teacher | traditional, loud-spoken, stubborn, hard-t0-please, slightly annoying. | they have a love-hate relationship. yun's grandma sees her as too "korean" and not "chinese enough". she isn't afraid to voice her dislike for her father and stepmother while constantly calling yun a "disappointment " for not being a lawyer. however, she can be very wise in her words if you listen between the lines, but yun's too annoyed with her to ever pay attention.
  • fraternal grandmother | kim yoo-jin | 74 | ex-actress | fun, childlike, the "cool" one, freesoul, independent. | yun's favorite grandma. though they're different in personalities, the two women share a lot of similar dislikes -- romantic movies and yun's mother. if she needs to complain about her mother's over-bearing personality, she goes straight for her nanny. yun laughs and smiles a lot when she's with her grandmother, something that amazes most people. yun was named after her grandmother (after much debate from her mother).
  • fraternal grandfather | yang hyun-min | 76 | ex-soldier/history teacher | similar to his wife: fun, childlike, empathetic, independent, easy-going. | yun and her grandfather are partners-in-crime. he loves to tell her stories about his time as a soldier in the korean war and many embarassing stories about his son. yun was given her first sketchbook from her grandfather who encouraged her love of art and dancing because it was something she loved.
  • cousin | li li-hua | 28 | oncologist | intellectual, anti-social, quiet, polite, shy. | they aren't close at all. li-hua is the daughter of yun's mother's older sister. they have seen each other only three or four time in their lives. yun, however, dislikes her because she's too much of a "goody-two shoes" whereas li-hua disapproves of yun because she's too "rebellious" and a "bad influence".
  • cousin | lee "seungri" seunghyun | 21 | secret teller of big bang | scary, smooth, charming, rebellious, fun-loving | wait. what?! yun and seungri are cousins? seungri is yun's stepmother's younger brother's son. most people outside of yg and sm don't know that they're related. they have a bickering sibling relationship -- she teases him, he teases her. they argue about everything and when seungri loses, he always yells "NOONA!" in an aegyo-voice, which usually makes yun smack him with her sketchbook.

proof of heaven.
uljjang name — lee dasom
uljjang links 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
back up — park sora
height — 175cm | 5'9"
weight — 55kg | 121 lbs.
extra -- yun has quite an amount of tattoos and piercings. in her left ear -- industrial, two lobe piercings, rook, and one cartilage piercing. in her right ear -- two cartilage piercings, two lobe piercings, conch, and three forward helixes. her belly-button is also pierced from an act of rebellion when she was fourteen. she also has an intricate fleur-de-lis tattoed in the middle of her shoulder blades and black roses running down her right side.
no easy day.
position — main dancer, main rapper, choreographer.
back up position — lead dancer, main vocal, composer.
stage name — yun.
persona — the cold rebel.
personal fanclub — revolutionaries.
personal fanclub colour — #ff0033
amount of training — 7 years.
trainee history — she was either bullied or ignored. the only people that talked to her or even somewhat liked her were Siwon and Tiffany. everyone else despised her because she was only half-Korean. the trainees didn't refrain from calling her "half-breed", "half-demon", or even "dog-eater" when it got extreme. other trainees were intimidated by yun's cold personality and huge height, so they avoided her. until she met her members, yun was either mocked or avoided by most people.
the perks of being a wallflower.
best friend/s — 
  • siwon | 25 | face of super junior | gentlemen, proper, humorous, warm-hearted, sympathetic | one of the only two people who actually cared about yun when she was a trainee. at first, yun shut him out like she did with everyone else, but since he didn't give up, she eventually let him in. he is like a protective older brother to her and has never raised his voice at her.
  • tiffany | 23 | main-vocalist of snsd | preppy, feminine, hyper, kind-hearted, sometimes a bit slow | the other of the two people that befriended her when yun was alienated and bullied by the other trainees. they have a strange relationship -- yun doesn't like to talk, so she just usually listen to tiffany's endless blabbering about everything. they go shopping, more like, tiffany forces them to shop together, a lot. 
  • lee hae-ri | 19 | trainee at sm entertainment | shy, awkward, timid, clumsy, adorable | yun is her dance mentor. since hae-ri has a beautiful voice but two left feet, yun was assigned as her dance mentor since she was the best in the trainee list. though yun was reluctant and frustrated with hae-ri's incompetence in dancing, they eventually shared a sweet sunbae-hoobae relationship. yun takes hae-ri to her stepmother's cafe when the two have a break.
  • kim so-hee | 23 | graduate freshman at seoul national university | loud, proud, energetic, a wtf-is-wrong-with-her girl, random | yun and so-hee attended seoul national university together -- both were music majors and art minors. they bonded over cups of tea and endless sketches of buddhist temples and historical palaces for a six-month long art project in their freshman year. so-hee occasionally brings lunch to yun at sm entertainment. so-hee is one of the two people that yun befriended in college.
  • won jong-jin | 24 | graduate sophomore at seoul national university/model | quiet, mysterious, sarcastic, witty, diva-like | the gay, but not gay best friend that every girl should have. he's straight in ual orientation, but yun questions is at times. jong-jin is a well known ulzzang and also an art-minor, but a business-major. he's very straightfoward and isn't afraid to insult yun. he was the only other person yun befriended in college.
rival/s — 
  • kim hyo-yeon | 23 | main-dancer of snsd | strong, stubborn, fierce, hilarious, straightfoward. | they aren't the "i hate your guts" type of rivals. being two of sm's best female dancers, they are constantly compared because of their similar dancing styles. yun sees her as a friend but more as a sunbae she goes to for dancing advice.
  • victoria song | 25 | main-dancer/leader of fx | cute, awkward, motherly, optimistic, friendly. | similar to yun and hyoyeon, they don't hate each other, but see each other as competition since they both have chinese roots, are great dancers, and are both flexible enough to touch their toes in the opposite direction.
enemie/s — 
  • bora | 22 | main-dancer/main-rapper of sistar | independent, strong, competitive, easy to provoke, loud. | how do i put this? they hate, no scratch that, loathe, scratch that, despise... okay, they wouldn't care if the other died since they would probably be the one killing the other. hate isn't even a strong enough word for them. since they're both athletic, great dancers, great rappers, tall, and beautiful, it's like a warhouse when they're compared. ever since yun beat bora in the sprinting competition at idol sports championships, it's like world war iii whenever they meet each other without cameras near.
the fault in our stars.
love interest — jaejoong.
how you two met — [since you want to write that part, i'll just write a generalization] -- yun modeled with jyj in a clothing campaign in 2010.
relationship — they have a very close sunbae-hoobae but friendly relationship. after the photoshoot was over, jaejoong and yun were the only two that exchanged phone numbers and made sure to keep in contact. he frequently asks her how she is doing or sends her a "good morning"/ "stay strong" text when he has a "feeling" that she's feeling blue. since they only have a five-centimeter height difference, she wears only flat shoes around him and teases him for not being tall like her ex-boyfriend, who was 195cm. he is very obvious with his feelings for her, but since she's yun, the "awkard with emotions" person, she always looks past it as kindness and compassion from a sunbae. she likes him too, but since she's good at hiding her emotions, jaejoong fears that yun sees him only as a sunbae and not as a man. they meet up about once every two weeks depending on their schedules usually at jaejoong's penthouse in samsung-dong, gangnam-gu, where they usually just share a glass of wine, a plate of pasta, and talk about their lives.
back up love interest — siwon.
how you met — [similar to above, i'll only write a generalization] training at sm.
relationship — he's like an older brother to her as well as yun's best friend. though yun expresses annoyance with his constant presence around her, she secretly likes it, since she well, likes him. whenever she feels down, he'll send her her favorite flower -- a black rose. though yun doesn't just spill all of her secrets to him, she enjoys sitting in comfort and silence whenever they share a cup of tea after a long day of practice. they are so close that yun has even met his parents -- they at first did not like her but soon saw that though she was cold and rebellious, didn't mean that she was heartless and a bad influence on their son.
the end.
any last words? --
suggestions — i don't have a specific song, but i feel like kind of a retro-vintage like song would fit. something kind of like a-pink's songs. 
scene requests — jaejoong teaches yun how to cook?



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