Miuse of Chinese words

Okay.. so lately I've been offended by this issue that I've been seeing. I know many people are crazy over EXO-M (I know I am. LOL ) and some of you tend to use words like 'ge-ge' or something, trying to bring in some Chinese words like how others bring in Korean words.

I'm totally fine with it. Like seriously, I have no rights to stop you at all. But please, use those words correctly. Like 'xiang gong/ 相公' doesn't mean 'man ' but 'husband'

As Chinese being my second language, (in my country, it's as important as being the first) I don't want to see it being used wrongly. Do find some help if you want to use Chinese words. P.S THE INTERNET/GOOGLE TRANSLATION OR WHATEVER YOU USED OUT THERE IS ALWAYS ONLY 50% ACCURATE.

Thank you for taking your time and please note that I am not criticizing anyone. Sorry if I sound offensive but I felt like I had to bring this message across. I want Chinese to be loved and not misused.


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Koalas #1
xiang gong... how is that man ____??? omona... so hilarious, 真是很笨蛋。 how do you trust google translate in the first place?!

but when did xiang gong mean husband, i know it isnt man ____, but shouldnt it be lao gong???
lol omg ge ge works or maybe Baozi.. but if you dont know chinese dont try..
OMG. I love you. I totally agree. I mean like, they should either use it correctly or not use it at all. 讓我真的很生氣... -_-
I'm Chinese and I'm loving this post. lol.
Squiggles #5
LOL we should just start a chinese class. Yea, Xiang Gong is pretty much 'Husband' in those Traditional Chinese dramas. Lao Gong is also 'Husband'. 'Gege' is actually like calling your brother, not boyfriend.
Btw, isn't husband supposed to be Lao Gong?
Sorry don't know the exact characters. My Chinese skills are limited. I don't know how to read and write Chinese.
I honestly cringe every time I read a fanfic where the character / OC called her boyfriend 'Gege'.
The fact that though Gege can be translated into oppa is true, but they totally have different vibe to it.
imagine if chinese people read it.....
I don't use Chinese only GEGE though XDD