서브제로  • 새로운




BIRTHNAME jang serin

— kimberly, english name


— rin/rinnie [린/린이] by sister, brother-in-law, members
— woon/woonnie [운/운이] by members, fans, labelmates

BIRTHDATE february 11, 1995
BIRTHPLACE gwangjin, seoul, south korea




— korean, native tongue

— english, conversational

FACECLAIM omg's mimi
BACKUP omg's yooa


APPEARANCE altogether Serin has five tattoos; below the nape of her neck, the upper front right side of her thigh, the inner right side of her right index finger, the left bottom of her elbow pit, and on her left inner wrist. Serin also has four piercings on each ear, totaling to eight altogether.

STYLE Serin's style just really depends on her mood and the occasion that calls for it as she has no preference and calls it 'her style'. Still, Serin's style is either simple, casual, chic, cute, comfy, classy, y, and or girly.



— likes rain, sounds soothing too her

— enjoys suspense, horror, thriller, and supernatural films

— reads manga and books

— likes anime a lot

— collects all types of plushies

— prefers any fruity alcoholic drinks and is a heavyweight

— hates dieting to ook 'thin pretty'

— enjoys online and window shopping

— becomes just a tad anxious when hearing thunder and seeing lightning

— becomes quite nervous of heights

— skips down two steps at a time

— knows how to drive, but doesn't have her driver's license

— Ideal Type is someone who she likes that will make her feel different than others and she would see that person differently than those around them

— enjoys playing all types of sports

— knows a few ball trinks

— can do basic balloon animals

— prefers autumn and winter over spring and summer

— ruffles her hair a lot

— skinship is only okay with those she knows very well or are just very comfortable around with in general

— can ride a bike while in a dress and with heels on

— not that big a fan of chocolate unless it's mixed with other things

— has a very sweet tooth

— doesn't really like kimchi or spicy food

— graduated from Hanlim Multi Art School in 2013

— if she wasn't an idol, then she would want to be a florist

— favorite animal is a red panda

— recently started collection candles

— looks up to BoA, Yoon Mirae, and Lee Hyori as role models

— wants to cosplay and attend an Anime Expo one day

— wants another piercing and tattoo, but not sure where or of what

— the 'moon phase' tattoo is a reminder to herself that life has a cycle and so her moments of life should be view in a similar matter

— the thigh tattoo is another remainder to aways love herself

— 'believe' tattoo is to always believe in herself and life itself

— it's the same with the 'beautiful' tattoo

— the 'infinity heart' tattoo is a matching one with Miran as it's symbolizes a limitless love for each other

— counts quietly to control her temper if angered or upset

— received her English name out of curiosity from an ex-labelmate, Kevin Woo, who taught her English, too, to which she took interest in and later talks with others at time to practice her conversation skills like with Jay Park, Bobby Kim, and Jessica Jung

— is in-between a light and heavy sleeper, depending on how tired she is

— bites ice cream

— tears her food at times to eat it

— isn't easily spook

— zones out at times when bored or tired

— majority of the time, has a resting face

— blood type a

— ambidextrous

— prefers tea over coffee

— allergic to onions

— prefers odd numbers over even numbers

— favorite colors are pastels

— smells books before reading them

— prefers artificial flavoring of berries over actual berries unless they're mixed or blended in

— dislikes crowded places and areas

— dislikes forced aegyo, prefers it being natural unless for the members or fans

— spaces out when thinking

— bubble tea addict

— ual orientation is heteroual and romantic orientation is demiual


Aquarius sun, Gemini moon, Aquarius rising, RavenPuff, ISTP, Neutral Good, Phleguine, Ambivert


Serin is the type of person that more often than not, best fits 'don't judge a book by it's cover' saying. Despite being more reserved and independent, Serin can actually be fun and even silly when she wants to and around who she feels comfortable being with. Serin's not afraid to break the rules as long as it's beneficial in the long run. She's always searching for ways to improve herself and to get ahead in life. Serin believes in doing things your own way at first which surprises people of her unpredictability. As much as Serin likes to see the world in a positive light, she still struggles with anxiety, indecisiveness, and feelings of inadequacy. In which Serin has troubles of  truly opening up to people. Like, she'll tolerate them and appear friendly and chill, but she whole-heartedly may not be able to trust them right away. So Serin will adapt how she speaks to others and responds to them in the way they woud like to be responded to. All in all, Serin prefers to build a relationship with others while maintaining a safe space for herself as to not get too attach and or hurt as well as become disappointed by having expectations.


"Yo, either play rock-paper-scissors to determined who does what instead of arguing or I'll be assigning them for you instead. Which is it gonna be?" Firm tone with a patient and soft smile on her face.


"Awww, that's so cute. I'm adding you to my collection." Giggles to herself while picking out the stuffed toy.


"Just let me feed him/her and pet the doggie." Stares intently at animal with a slight childish-like demeanor.


"Hi. How are you feeling today?" In a concerned tone while observing the person before further engagement.


"Yeah, I'm fine." Soft, tired and polite smile. "This is just my face." Not wanting others to worry about her.


"You want me to do what with you?" Side-eyed, low-key judging before hearing out the person. "Hmm, I guess." Joins in on the activity or whatever is requested in a nonchalant manner.




Serin grew up in a fairly high to middle class family of four consisting of a father, a mother, and an older sister. Serin was not a planned birth and her arrival was to be quite shocking to say the least. Her parents were set in their careers and had so much going on for them that her upbringing was pushed onto her sister, Miran, who was ten years older than her. Not sure why, but Miran now had to be responsible for her baby sister.


Anyways, over the years, Miran did not resent Serin at all and the two actually grew closer than apart. Serin feels that Miran was more like a mother and a parental figure towards her and just thought of her real parents as sole providers. So, when Serin expressed to become a singer at a young age of ten, her parents actually allowed it despite Miran not really keen on the idea.


A year later, Serin auditioned for many companies, but was told to be young. That was until they happened across a fairly new company, XING Entertainment with the help of Miran and Serin passed to be accepted as an official trainee under the company. Miran, almost feeling like a proud parent, encouraged Serin to give it all that she got and became much more supportive.


This last three years before Serin left XING Entertainment due to not debuting despite many plans yet the company continued to focus on its ever changing boy group, XING. It could have also been due to her public's response of winning a modeling show, too. Serin soon signed under SidusHQ and lasted for about two years with them before citing creative differences in the way they wanted to shift her path elsewhere.


Serin joined WaWa Dance Academy as it's student to focus on her dance skills to which a YG Entertainment representative scouted her to join the company. Serin was wary at first, but accepted to try out for one of their auditions. She soon entered YG Entertainment as an official trainee within that same month she was scouted. Serin was a potential candidate of both PinkPunk and Future 2NE1. During Serin's four years of training there, she gone back and forth between both groups as the higher-ups weren't sure where she was best suited.


Serin found her answer when she was suddenly shifted over to the newly sub-label, The Black Label. She left just when the new year settled in when it was revealed she wasn't going to debut any time soon as she still needed to train longer since the new sub-label was still being sorted out. So, Serin signed under Coridel Entertainment not that long after. Again, Serin didn't stay long with this company either when she found out that the former member who was originally part of the group was added back to the group instead of her.


Later that same year, Serin signed under a new company, Mystic Entertainment. This time around, the focus wasn't on the whole idol aspects and instead, she done things more acting related. Although she would still continued her idol training on her own time. After being with Mystic Entertainment for nearly two years, the company wasn't working for her anymore and so Serin left. Still determined to debut as an idol despite what others may had said to her, especially concerning her age, Serin stumbled upon a smaller and even newer company, AG Entertainment. She signed with the company after an audition and passing.


Despite Serin's parents not being that supportive of their daughter's career choice and idol path in the beginning of it all, they still decided to help fund for any of her dues, needs, and expenses. Maybe out of parental's duty or it could be that Serin never gave up despite the setbacks. Even though she doesn't say it often, but Serin is thankful and grateful for her parents for allowing her to continued to walk on this path. She's appreciative of them and feels like they're actually parents of supporting their child.

gianna jung, 21
Although they're not exactly friends, but the two have been in the same evaluation groups more than once ever since Serin joined AG Ent. So to Serin, everything about Gianna just screams bold, aloof, and maybe hot-tempered  kidna ice princess status. Which Serin doesn't mind one bit since they're all here trying to live their own dreams in one way or another. Serin does admire Gianna's relentless efforts into doing what she does and maybe living in the moment. However, Serin wonders if Gianna has something else on her mind that she wants to do and say.
jang miran, 37
Despite their of ten years, they treat each other like the best of friends although Serin also sees her sister like a parental figure more than their own parents at times because of how much Miran was in her life compared to their parents. Serin can really go to Miran for like everything and anything as Miran is like the voice of reason and is always there to encourage her baby sister. Miran may not fully know and understand what her sister had gone through to be an idol, but she always supported Serin in her dream and the path she chose. Miran runs a pet grooming salon with her husband, Hanyoung. Previously, Miran used to be an office lady.
lee hanyoung, 34
Serin is super thrilled that Miran had found someone to take care of her this time around and can talk to about her own life and what not. Hanyoung is honestly the brother Serin would like to have if he was born as her own big brother. So, she's quite happy he came into her sister and her own life, too. Hanyoung doesn't talk much about her idol life, but he makes her life as normal as possible whenever she visits or meeting up. Hanyoung originally ran the pet salon, Furry & All, on his own and as a private space before opening it to the public at Miran's suggestion when they got together. They've been married for two years, but have dated for four.

STAGE sae rowoon, being 'new' and since she's debuting, it's to start a new chapter of her life and what not
PERSONA the refresher, so that whatever she does and showcase, it's always different and refreshes those that see or hear her and her group

POSITION leader, main dance, lead rap

TALENT TWIN(S) omg's mimi (dance, rap), omg's yooa (dance, vocal) lvlz's babysoul (rap) lvlz's yein (vocal),


XING Ent (2006-2009)

SidusHQ (2009-2011)

YG Ent (2011-2015)

TBL Inc (2015-2016)

Coridel Ent (2016-2017)

Mystic Ent (2017-2019)

AG Ent (2019-2020)

BH Ent (2020-present)


Serin's trainee life definitely had it's ups, downs, and all that's in-between. So fairly young and naive, she wanted to shine on stage and be like those she's seen on TV, singing and dancing. Once she entered that so-called world she imagined as a trainee, It definitely wasn't all that glamorous upon seeing some of the darker side of the music industry, but Serin avoided all of that as best as possible while still pursuing her dream of being an idol.


Of course, Serin wasn't as super talented like others, but she had a certain 'spark' about her that made her capable of being just as talented as the others she was training alongside with. Serin practiced hard and worked harder to showcase her skills and that she wasn't just someone at only face value. Serin was dertermined to show others who looked down on her that she had star quality.


Serin passed her evaluations, but there was always one thing or another she had to fixed. Her personality to be more open and talkative. Serin wasn't the type to speak openly and cast smiles here and there, and so she tried to find ways to showcase a new side of her that could. So more of less, Serin took it upon herself to get herself out there whereby doing all sorts of work to gain experience.


Even though Serin did quite a lot of things that weren't idol related like acting and modeling, but she did enjoy all the many chances she got as a backup dancer though. Being on stage even though she wasn't totally performing was still great experiences she could use for the future. Like observing the idols she danced for on how to execute their stage presence as well as maintaining the ability to perform and sing at the same time with so many things going on around them, too.


Like yeah, that time of her modeling semi-, it was a good experience, but she had to do what she had to do to get her name out there. It was another form of art and work experiences. She couldn't be too shy and not have that energy to showcase an open 'Serin' and what not. That's what she learned over her years of training and going from one company to the next.


Serin realized that despite it all being the same in a sense, each company had their own way of doing things and by gaining experiences along the way, it shaped Serin to be who she really is now and how to protray herself without actually having to reveal her total self to the world in a way. Besides, after interacting with past idols and even ex-labelmates, Serin ain't afraid to spill some dirt if needed because she no longer has to play nice with those that were never nice to her or to reveal that this path isn't all sugary and flowery, but just a tad bit spicy.


Serin does not really keep in touch with those she trained with in the past or interact much with those she's trained with either. It really depends on how she wants to act around them upon them approaching her first. She'll be nice, but she won't engage if they just wanna pretend they had good history and what not. Serin would most likely ignore as much as possible and engage with her own group better.



2006: appeared in XING's How MV

2007: appeared in XING's My Girl MV, Singing In the Rain's Day By Day MV

2007: Winter Breeze and Feliz Navidad as XING STAR

2008: appeared in XING's T-Express MV, XING OPERA's I'm Really Okay MV, Feliz Navidad and The First Noel as XING Star

2009: appeared in XING ARIA's Love MV and also did the narration

2008-2009: participated in MNET's I Am A Model, won

2010: cameo in The Slave Hunters as an extra

2011: appeared in DALMATIAN's That Man Opposed MV, walked for Seoul Fashion Week wearing Enzuvan [x\x], appeared in Jay Park's Tonight MV as a dancer and as a backup dancer for the performances

2012: backup dancer for 2NE1's I Love You performances

2013: backup dancer for 2NE1's Falling In Love and Do You Love Me, Lee Hi's It's Over and Rose, Just Another Boy for both Team A and Team B performances

2014: a special MC for UFC Inside [x], backup dancer for 2NE1's Gotta Be You and Hi Suhyun's I'm Different performances

2015: backup dancer for JINUSEAN's Tell Me One More Time performances, cameo in The Producers, EP.10

2016: appeared as a backup dancer for Jessica Jung's Love Me the Same MV and as a backup dancer for Fly and Wonderland performances

2017: appeared in Saimdang, Memoir of Colors as a teen Shin Saimdang and cameo in My Shy boss as an extra

2018: cameo in The Witch: Part 1. The Subversion as the Girl with the Long Hair



14-Year Old Jang Serin Semi- Photoshoot, MNET's I Am A Model, Draws Controversy [x\x\x] (netizens can bring this up again later to trash talk her or whatever)


Something about her having an older boyfriend or 'sugar daddy' (her brother-in-law, Hanyoung came to visit or she visited him... something along those lines)



BIRTHNAME kim donghyuk

— dk, cfw, dong-to-pi,

BIRTHDATE january 3, 1997


love interest

PERSONALITY Donghyuk is a chill kind of guy, but at first glance he's a quiet person that keeps to himself. That is until he gets comfortable with you and turns out to be a weird, fun, and not so innocent person. Donghyuk's quite playful and enjoys a playful kind of skinship with others. Like sidling up to the person's side, doing playful punches, and does like a somewhat chest bump... that is awkward at times for someone that isn't into that... [like Serin for example]. Anyways, Donghyuk means well, but he likes to have fun and just be out-going and cheering people up. He's a real cute person sometimes. Well, in the eyes of Serin, he's a cute kid despite his protest of not wanting to be called a "kid" or "cute" and that he's a "man". Despite his playful nature, he is actually a pretty smart and observant person and takes things seriously at times. Usually if it's practicing, dancing, working towards his dreams, he's quite focus. It's just sometimes he wants to release stress by having fun and just get his mind to well give it a break per se. Donghyuk also becomes sulky when others don't pay attention to him or reject his love and attention. Serin calls him out on this a lot, but this just makes Donghyuk sulk more.

LOVE STORY The two met at YG Entertainment when Serin happened to come across Donghyuk when she came to visit the Youngdeuk and Youngdon as the twins were practicing with the male trainees. Serin was giving the twins hugs, along with some of the other trainees she knew well enough while waving at the others. Donghyuk seemed a bit miffed by this, but ignored it. She ignored him too not because she wanted to, just because she was only there to check up in on those she knew and to see how they were doing since she was bored. So yeah, this happened a few times and Donghyuk became sulky of this despite her entering the company a year before him and was older, too. So when Serin happened to make her usual rounds of checking in, he wanted a hug from her because this time around she gave Yunhyeong a hug because he was just that lovable and his hugs always made her feel better in a friendship sort of way, but she didn't really want to, but in the end gave it to Donghyuk when the other boys that he wasn't going to bite and what not. From then on... their so-called cute Tom & Jerry relationship began.

INTERACTIONS They're kinda like a cuter version of Tom & Jerry. They banter a lot and play around a lot. Well, more Donghyuk than Serin. Despite Donghyuk being younger than Serin... by like two years, she just sees him as a fellow labelmate and nothing more. Or so she tells herself from time to time. Although she will admit that he's cute, but in a more like little bro and third person perspective. Serin feels like that sometimes Donghyuk may like her as more than a friend status or is just too observant with what he says and does to her. Also she believes that the way he treats her is different to how he treats the other female trainees. Like he always asks her for a hug even though she doesn't want it, but he'll chase after her to get one and she just relents. Maybe she's thinking too much since she's so used to the other guys treating her like one of the guys and Donghyuk is making her feel like she's not one of them in a way.

ENDING They slowly drifted apart when Serin left YG Entertainemnt and so doesn't really keep in contact of any sort since she lost all their numbers. Donghyuk and her soon ended up reconnecting through a music show or something. They pick up where they left off like no time has passed or whatever. So yeah, anyways, up to you, but maybe end up dating or just going out or something after reconnecting.

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hi ky! just letting you know i've seen your application ( also wow you're fast xD ) and i will be getting to your review shortly!