THE DREAMERS Application


AFF Information

Username: chaotics

Profile Link: CLICK


Character's Profile

Name: Yang Ai-Yun

Nickname(s) | English Name: Yun, The Black Hole, Lil' Rebel, Yang Gura, Dancing Queen | Victoria Yang

Age: 17

Birthday: 10.31.1994

Birthplace: Beijing, China

Hometown: New York City

Ethnicity: 100% Chinese

Language(s): Mandarin (fluent--native language), English (fluent--grew up in the US), Korean (fluent--learned during training)

Height: 168cm

Weight: 47kg

Blood Type: AB


Character's Personality and Interests


Yun is the rebel. She's the uncontrollable, unpredictable, four-dimensional, quirky, hilarious, and badass chick of the group. Yun is the michievous prankster who loves to tease, joke around, and laugh. Her mind is very confusing and many people will never be able to understand how she thinks. She can be very random at times as well as dorky and weird; she always has a witty comment, a snappy remark, or a hilarious joke. Yun is the life of the party and always brings about a happy atmosphere with her wherever she goes. Not only is she always bubbly, energetic, and optimistic, she's also always hyperactive and bouncing around. She can be rather immature and childish at times. Yun is childishly stubborn and very brutally honest at times. Since she doesn't ever think before she speaks or acts, she tends to get into trouble for her harsh words and quick actions. Yun is very headstrong and a HUGE daredevil. Bungee jumping? Been there, done that. Skydiving? That was so last year... Scaling the walls of the Grand Canyon? When are we leaving? She tends to dive into decisions head first and never really thinks her actions through. Yun is very easy-going, laid-back, and chill. She seems to be the one person that always stays away from conflict or drama and tries her best to remain neutral in any argument. She can be very silly at times and even though people think that she is a tomboy, she can be rather cutesy. Yun loves to break rules and go outside the lines; she loves doing things her own way. She's an independent free sould who goes where her heart takes her. It takes a lot to make her lose her temper; she doesn't get easily offended or anger but even welcomes her hates with open arms. She doesn't really care or give a crap about what others think of her. Yun enjoys being her loud, rambunctious, and rebel self. Though she can be vulgar at times, especially since she does swear and tell dirty jokes at times, she is also a very polite and social girl. Yun is a huge people person and loves to just talk all day. If you don't talk to her, she'll probably talk to you. Yun has a big heart; she's very warm to everyone and anyone; even the most disagreeable of people. However, don't mistake her as innocent or naive, she's not very gullible at all and has an alert mind that easily catches on to things. She's the person that is almost impossible to scare and she is very observant of her surroundings. Yun is also super determined and has a perseverence that is like an ant's. Once she starts something, she won't give up. Even then, however, Yun is a lazy- and quite the procrastinator. She tends to put things off until the last minute, especially projects, homework, and especially waking up. Yun has a way with words; she loves to talk and isn't that much of a listener. She's hilarious, witty, and a natural entertainer: she always has a cheeky comeback and knows how to tell the funniest stories. Yun is considered the Kim Gura of Musicbeatz.  Yun's bad side, however, is quite uncontrollable. She is sometimes way too wild and doesn't really have much self-control. Yun loves to have fun and live life to the fullest. Though it may sound cliche, her motto in life is, "You only live once". 



-Horror Movies

-The Big Bang Theory.


-Video Games


-Star Wars

-Spicy Foods. 





-Playing pranks




-Girly, frilly clothes.

-Enclosed spaces.

-Mushrooms/Tomatoes (allergy)


-Waking up early

-Chocolate/Sugary things.


-Romance movies/novels/dramas


-The smell of oranges... She loves to eat them, just can't stand the smell.




-Pretending to not be able to speak or understand Korean when she's in an unfavorable situation. 

-Wearing sunglasses indoors so she can sleep without being noticed. 

-Propping her feet up on tables in both public and private.

-Cracking her knuckles and her back when she's bored.

-Dancing in her sleep without knowing it. 








-Playing video games. 


-Yun is REALLY lazy. I'm talking like SLOTH status. If she won an award for laziness, she probably make someone else go get it for her. 

-She's the worst cook in the world; I'm not even joking. Yun is the only person that could burn water. Once, she tried to make one of her members some dinner but ended blowing up the stove. They had to live in a temporary dorm because of that. 

-When Yun is asleep, she's dead to the world. It once took two ice buckets of water, a barrage of pillows, and a mattress flipping to wake her up. 

-Yun's stomach is like a black hole, hence the origin of her nickname. She once ate a meal that was meant for seven people and she still had room for dessert afterwards. 

-Though she is a decent singer, Yun's voice is rather low. So, when she sings in the shower, she tries to hit the high notes and of course, her voice cracks pretty badly. It annoys the member to no end that they all dread the fourty-five minutes that Yun uses to take a shower. 

-Her fear of clowns is borderline RIDICULOUS. Once at a carnival, Yun was so freaked out by a clown that she dumped her entire 20 oz. can of Red Bull onto her best friend and tried to offer her as a sacrifice. 

-When Yun was in America, she skipped school pretty frequently. She probably went to the principal's office more than she went to her class. 

-When she was a trainee, she used to go into the elevator and press every single button for each floor. The manager was so annoyed that he threatened to take away her DVDs of all five seasons of The Big Bang Theory from her. 

-Yun has a huge spicy tooth. Whenever she and the members go out to eat, she asks for the highest spicy setting and then dumps extra spicy ramen flavoring into it as well. (She always carries around ramen seasoning with her...)

-She has a strange breakfast tradition. Yun always eats toast for breakfast. If her toast is burnt, her day will be bad. If her toast is fine, her day will be too.

-Yun is a HUGE HUGE HUGE Harry Potter freak. She has the Dark Mark tattooed on her left forearm and even owns Voldemort's wand. Whenever her members annoy her, she picks up her wand and yells, "AVADA KEDAVRA" at them. 


-Name any type of dance, Yun can probably do it: ballet, jazz, hip-hop, popping/locking, tap, break dancing,  and even all 56 Chinese ethnic dances. 

-Skateboarding: this girl isn't just your average skater. She can do ollies, flipturns, rock the half-pipe, and much more.

-Video games...? Does this even count as a talent? Yun can defeat most boys at any game: Halo, Final Fantasy, COD, Mario... you name it, she's probably played it before.

-Flexibility. Yun is actually even more flexible than f(x)'s Victoria and miss A's Jia combined, thanks to years of dance, gymnastics, and martial arts. 

-Sports. Yun is a HUGE athlete. She plays soccer, softball, lacrosse, does track and field, skateboards/snowboards, dances, and does martial arts. 


Character's Appearance


Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Back-Up Ulzzang's Name: Lee Jung Ha

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Style: In general... Yun sticks with more of a gangster, tomboy, and comfy style. T-shirts and sneakers are her best friends and she avoids pink frilly clothes as if they were a disease. She has nothing against dresses or high heels but she tends to stay away from anything girly, frilly, lacey, or all of the above. 

Casual: Yun likes to simply wear loose, oversized clothing that is more comfy than chic. However, she loves novelty clothes and most of her wardrobe is cute and quirky, like her. 

  • HOODIES/JACKETS/SWEATSHIRTS: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
  • T-SHIRTS: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
  • HATS: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
  • PANTS: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
  • SNEAKERS: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Formal: Yun wears dresses only to formal events or to clubs. She likes to dress in dark colors with more mature styles. 

  • TOP: 1 | 2 | 3
  • SHOES: 1 | 2 | 3

Off-Day/Home: Yun lets herself go at home. She wears her rattiest t-shirts and a pair of old sweatpants. 

  • TOP: 1 | 2
  • BOTTOM: 1 | 2 | 3

Party/Club: When Yun goes to clubs, she likes to wear edgy dresses that show off her beautiful S-Line. 

  • TOP: 1 | 2 | 3
  • SHOES: 1 | 2

Practice: Yun actually puts some effort into what she wears to practice since once in a while, they are filmed. 

  • TOP: 1 | 2 | 3
  • BOTTOM: 1 & 2 (together) 
  • SHOES: 1 | 2 | 3

Swimwear: She loves bikinis but usually wears something over it, usually a sundress.  

  • SWIMSUIT: 1 | 2 | 3
  • OVERWEAR: 1 | 2

Character's Background and Family


Yun was born in Beijing, China to a normal Chinese family. Her parents were succesful doctors and decided to move to New York City. They wanted to raise their daughter in the United States so she could learn English and have better opportunities. Yun grew up like any other Chinese child: she took piano lessons, learned her times tables at age five, and went to Chinese school every Saturday. However, even when she was young, Yun was a rebellious and independent child who didn't like being told what to do. After only six months of piano lessons, she demanded that they discontinue her lessons. Her parents, not wanting their only daughter to fall behind the other kids, asked her what she wanted to do. Yun simply replied that she wanted to dance. 

Her parents signed her up for dance lessons when she was five years old. She loved it more than anything. By the time she was ten, she was going to dance lessons four times a week for up to seven hours on the weekends and three hours on the weekdays. Yun took ballet, jazz, tap, hip-hop, and Chinese ethnic dances. She taught herself how to break dance and to pop and lock. 

Yun was never the type to really sit in front of a desk and study. In fact, she was famous at school for being the class clown, the rebel, and the girl that went to the principal's office more than she actually went to class. Though she was young, she was independent, and even in elementary/middle school, she would skip classes to practice dance. She constantly got in trouble and her parents were not only worried, but angry. They threatened to cancel her dance lessons if she didn't stop getting in trouble, but did Yun listen? Not a chance. She kept on skipping school to go see dance competitions and battle at competitions at underground hip-hop clubs. By the time she was eleven, she was nicknamed as the "Lil' Rebel" that could spice up the dance floor with her b-girl moves. 

When Yun's parents found out where their daughter was going instead of school, they finally realized that their daughter would never go to Harvard and become doctors like they were. Even though they didn't like it, they accepted the fact that Yun would not be happy without dance in her life. So, her parents began to look for prestigious dance academies that they could send Yun to. Yun expressed her desire to attend Julliard to become a professional dancer and her parents reluctantly supported her. 

One day, Yun's mother was coming home from work one day when she saw the JYP building as she was driving. Immediately, Yun's mother got an idea. She had heard about the Korean music industry from a Korean friend and decided to ask her about k-pop. Yun was already addicted to k-pop, especially to Big Bang, DBSK, and Super Junior. Mrs. Yang found out through her friend about the Big Three companies in Korea and began to research them on the internet. Out of the three companies, she liked YG Entertainment the best and asked Yun what she thought about joining a company in Korea. Yun was more than willing and in the summer before her thirteenth birthday, the Yang family took her to Seoul, Korea so she could complete her audition. However, two days before the audition, Yun was practicing in the YG room when YG Papa decided to go and see the talents of the people that wanted to audition. He was immediately drawn towards Yun's rebel charms and sharp dancing skills. Yun was sent immediately to the semi-final round of the audition, where she passed with flying colors. Needless to say, she passed the final audition as well and was accepted into YG Entertainment in August 2007. 


Father: Yang Ai-Jun | 45 | Oncologist | Alive | Yun's father is the strict, conservative, and traditional Asian father. The two have a rather distant relationship and they don't really open up towards each other. 

Mother: Li Chun-Wei | 42 | Housewife | Alive | Yun's mother is the older version of herself. The two are always joking around, hanging out, and talking to each other for hours on the phone. Yun is extremely close to her mother. 

Sibling(s): -- 

Other Family Members I Should Know About?

-COUSIN: Luhan | 22 | Singer | Alive | Luhan is the visually deceptive guy: he may have a pretty face but he's a rather demanding person with a huge heart. He is EXTREMELY protective about his cousin... I'm talking like, bodyguard-protective. Luhan is like the older brother that Yun never had; they are very close and the two constantly call/text each other. 


Character's Outside Relations 

Best Friend(s):

  1. KRYSTAL--f(x)

Their Personality:

  1. Krystal is very blunt and straightfoward. She comes off as rude and impolite but Krystal is actually a very easy to talk to person. Krystal is the kind of person that doesn't beat around the bush; she'll say whatever she needs to, even if it is hurtful. However, she is a very kind person. Even though she has a short patience, she is always there emotionally for her best friend.
  2. Chanyeol is the male version of Yun. He's dorky, derpy, and a total prankster. He can be a huge baby at times and he has a deceiving face with a mismatched voice. Chanyeol doesn't really know when to be serious and can be too much of a tease sometimes; he's always cracking jokes or being a derp. Even though he doesn't know when to be serious, he is a social person that loves to talk endlessly. 

How You Two Met:

  1. Krystal was actually the first person that introduced herself to Yun when she first arrived to the company. Krystal was assigned as Yun's guide and they met on the day of Yun's first visit to the SM building.
  2. Chanyeol met Yun through his best friend, Kai. When Yun was still a trainee, she visited the boys' practice room a lot to see Kai. Kai introduced Chanyeol to Yun and they have been close every since. 

Anyone Else You Want To Be Friends But Not Best Friends With?

  1. ZELO (BAP)

Their Personality: Zelo is just as mischievous and playful as Yun. Though he may seem like a shy giant baby at times, he's loud and rambunctious around the people he knows. He is rebellious and wild, much like Yun. Since he is young, he is rather immature at times and never knows when to keep his mouth shut. However, he is rather observant and can easily detect the mood of a person. 

How You Two Met: Yun has known Zelo since she dated Daehyun. When Yun went to pick up Daehyun for their date, she saw Zelo dancing and commented that he was really good. Zelo looks up to Yun as a fun noona who he could skateboard, dance, and eat with. 


Who Do You Want To End Up With?

#1: KAI (EXO-K)

#2: KRIS (EXO-M)


Their Personality [Short Description is fine. Do each choice]:

#1: Kai has a bad-boy charm. He's cool, sauve, and VERY charming. One smirk from this guy and you're dead. Though he seems a bit blunt and cold, he's actually a very sensitive and warm-hearted person who has a hard time expressing his emotions. Kai can be a jerk at times as well as a major ert; he is a skinship lover and loves to tease girls mindlessly. However, he is also a great listener and an even better friend. 

#2: Kris is mature, cold, and rather intimidating. His huge height and cold -face makes him basically unapproachable. However, once you get to know him, he's actually a dorky and funny person. He's very cute without even trying and is rather talkative when you get to know him well. 

#3: Seyong is a childish and immature guy, like Yun. Though he has both a manly and tough charm, he's also flirty and very talkative. He can be rather blunt as well and is the one person that can never really shut his mouth. His aegyo is fist-clenching worthy and he has a knack for getting everything that he wants. 

How You Two Meet:

#1: Yun met Kai in 2009, when she first entered SM Entertainment. Kai was dancing alone in a private practice room when Yun entered into without knocking. 

#2: Yun literally fell for Kris. When Yun first arrived at the SM building, she was running so fast (since she was late... as usual) and ran into a wall, which turned out to be Kris. 

#3: Yun actually met him at a coffee shop. As she was walking out, Seyong accidentally ran into her and she spilled her coffee onto herself. He was so embarassed that he insisted on treating her to another latte. 

How Was Your Relationship At First?

#1: It may sound cheesy, but it was most certainly love at first sight. The moment that the two saw each other, they somehow clicked immediately. Though it was obvious to everyone around them that the two were in love, they continued on obliviously as best friends. They were like magnets: where she went, he went and vice versa. However, like an old married could,  the two bickered constantly about everything and anything: the color of the sky, who was the better dancer, and even what tasted better on spaghetti. 

#2: They had a rather interesting relationship. Since Yun was four years younger than Kris, he was more like a brother to her. He fell in love with her gradually and Yun also did too, but due to her childish mind, she never really saw it. They were civilized around each other: they talked a lot, helped each other a lot, and practiced together a lot.

#3: Seyong and Yun became best friends immediately. The two were both chatterboxes and loved to chat endlessly about nothing on end. They got along just fine and acted like a couple with their constant skinship and flirting. 





Any Past Relationships? YES. 

Name and Group/Solo Artist: DAEHYUN (BAP)

Reason(s) For The Break-Up: It wasn't anything too dramatic; they both felt like they didn't really have any more romantic feelings towards each other and decided to mutually break up. Yun met Kai when she was dating Daehyun and felt very confused about her feelings. When she was with Daehyun, he made her happy, but when she was with Kai, she felt like she was on Cloud Nine. It was also because they were both trainees at that time and time wasn't something that they really had.  

Your Relationship With That Person Now? They're close friends. Since they're break up was mutual, they didn't really ever have that "awkward" stage between them. The two talk often on the phone and greet the other when they see each other backstage. 


Musical Profile

Stage Name: YUN

Position: Main Dancer | Sub-Vocalist -[COMBINATION]-

Persona: Rebellious Entertainer

FanClub Name: Rebels

FanClub Color: HOT PINK. 

Something That Represents Your FanClub:  BRACELET or NECKLACE. (The necklace represents Yun's out of this universe mind)


How Were You Discovered By MusicBeatz? Yun was actually a previous trainee of both YG and SM Entertainment. After her contract termination with the latter, Yun decided to take a break and focus on her studies. However, one day when she was working as a dancer in an underground hip-hop club, she was scouted by one of the staff members at MusicBeatz who was simply there for leisure. He suggested that she audition for MusicBeatz, which she did, obviously. After passing the final round of auditions, Yun was accepted in MusicBeatz in April 2011. 

How Many Years Have You Trained With MusicBeatz? One year... She was accepted into MusicBeatz in April 2011. 

Have You Been A Trainee With Another Company? 

  • YG ENTERTAINMENT - 2 years. Yun joined YG in 2007 when she was twelve years old. She was scouted after YG Papa saw her dancing skills. Yun was actually supposed to be the maknae of 2NE1, not Minzy. However, YG Papa felt that Yun wasn't ready to debut yet and eliminated her from the final line up. Afterwards, Yun terminated her contract with YG and was transferred to SM Entertainment.
  • SM Entertainment - 2 years. Yun joined SM Entertainment in early 2009 after her contract termination with YG. She terminated her contract in early 2011 since she felt that SM wasn't the place that was right for her. 

How Many Years Of Traning Total? In total... Yun trained for five years. 





Rap: Are you kidding me? This girl can't rap for her life... 

Acting: N/A



Suggestions? Now that I read it... I think I made Yun into an alien. She's so weird, I can't even... -______- Either way, I hope you enjoy my application! I tried to be funny (like Yun)  (: HWAITING!~

Extra Information That You Couldn't Put Anywhere Else: Yun worked as both a DJ and a dancer at an underground club in Seoul to make money. 

Comments About This Story: This story will be daebak! (BTW... if you need me to change anything about the application, don't hesistate to tell me!)

Password: LOLOL~ Jokes. >:b There's no password. :3


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