International Dancing Day!!

Happy International Dancing Day everybody~! As a dancer, I must annouce and celebrate this to everybody. Lol:) I know SO many dances. Here's a list, hehe:3


Dances I Know By Heart:

SHINee- Ring Ding Dong

U-Kiss- Neverland

Nicki Minaj- Super Bass

Boyfriend- Boyfriend

Beast- Fiction

The Lonely Island- The Creep

Beyoncé- Single Ladies

SHINee- Lucifer (I do the best at the tutting part, hehe:3)

U-Kiss- Forbidden Love

Boyfriend- Don't Touch My Girl

Napoleon Dynamite movie- The dance he does at the talent show XD

U-Kiss- Binguel Binguel

SHINee- Hello

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu- Tsukema Tsukeru

U-Kiss- Tick Tack

SHINee- Replay

Teen Top- Crazy

MyName- Messege

Boyfriend- Water Floor thingy. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then look up the video. It's worth your time :{D

Boyfriend- You and I

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu- PONPONPON

Chris Brown- KissKiss

Boyfriend- I'll Be There



Those are the dances that if you you came up to me and tell me to do them, I will with no mistakes. ;D Lol I'm learning some new dances too but they'll be in a different blog post. So if you haven't danced yet, DANCE NOW!! Don't know how? Well....


How to dance on International Dancing Day:

Step 1) Put on music or your favorite song.


Step 2) Dance and don't give a crap to the people who "judge" you.


Step 3) Remember that the doubters are jealous of your sick dance moves and they probably dance like twig lying on the ground. They're stupid.


Step 4) Enjoy your dancing skills~! :{D


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I dance a whole crapload everyday, all the time ^_^