Guilty, Sick, but Alright.

As of this moment, I'm laying in my bed sick, missing school for the 3rd day now all within the same month.


I'm terribly sorry that I'm never on here anymore. I think about this site everyday, but I just can never find the time. I'm always busy with volleyball, grades, my cocky and annoying friends, counseling with my mom, and even I'm never on Instagram anymore.


It hurts me a lot.


But I still freaking love how I still have so many subscribers. Thank you all sooooooo much!! Y'all rock, k. :)


I am also horribly sorry to the fact that I won't be writing for a while. (Until I can find some time soon.) But I am doing my best to brainstorm some ideas for new chapter updates when I'm in study hall! I just need to think of ways to write them. :P


Anyways, bless you all and have a super, ridiculously morning/afternoon/night! :) <3


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Aww, I hope you feel better soon :) I miss my cute little dongsaeng!