AFF Info~

AFF Username: bunnyxwarrior

AFF Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/117106


This is me~

Name: Hatsune Chae

Nickname(s): Tian (by family), Candle (English name, translation of Tian, people she doesn't know or meet for the first time, and classmates), Sunnie (by friends)

Age: 19

Birthday: 11/16

Ethnicity: Thai-Japanese-Korean

Height/Weight: 164cm, 65kg


I Am Who I Am~

Personality: She's polite when she meets new or on a 2nd meeting with people. She only speaks when spoken to. She's friendly if you get to know her and is very supportive and understanding. Gets easily irritated by annoying noises, but will tolerate it for awhile, until she can't take it and tries to make the noise disappear. Um, is child-like when it comes to sweets, sugary good, cartoons, and stuff animals, but other than that is a really well-behave person and minds her business, unless it makes her feel like she needs to get invovle. Likes to play minor pranks, but only if she is really good friends with that person, and usually it's when she's bored, or doing paybacks. A silent observer, likes to take in her surrounding, and watch the scenery and enjoy the silence. She can talk a lot if you engage in an interesting topic, but if she's not interested, then she won't talk as much. Will zone out if left uninterested and will puff her cheeks when she is bored. She sighs a lot, whether it's doing something she likes or doesn't like. If there's a mess or something's out of place, she will fix it and clean it up, even if it isn't her own doing. Is very motherly when taking care of others, even if you don't know her well, but she sees that no one will care for you, then she will do it, because it's just a natural thing for her to do. She's clumsy at times, and is forgetful, and when she needs to remember important stuff she remembers things that she doesn't need to remember, and vice versa. When provoked or anger, she unleashes a new side of her that many people do not see often, and she usually lets out everything this way and does some physical harm to the other person, it's one of the few things she doesn't want people to see her as. Dislikes when she's left out of things if people invite her to hang out and do not engage her in things, and when she does just to be polite, the other party doesn't keep up and just go back to doing whatever and ignore her. Will become argumentive if something doesn't make sense to her, or when the other person she is arguing with keeps on pushing her to say things that will need a retaliation or encounter with.

Likes: Sweets, Sanrio especially Chococat, sleeping, music, games, listening to the pitter-patter of the rain, Autumn & Winter, stuffed animals, novel books & fanfiction, and collecting Japanese lettersets, memosheets, and other Kawaii items.

Dislikes: Rude people, be awaken for ridiculous reasons, sunlight at times, being late, going to places where she knows she'll have to mingle with people she don't know but can't leave, and crowded areas.

Hobbies: Reading, writing, poetry, cooking especially baking, beauty, nail art, playing videogames, sports especially volleyball, puzzles, sodoku, watching dramas, movies, & shows, fangirling in her own timebut not hardcore, and playing her instruments, or sketching/drawing.

Habits: Twirls hair when nervous, bites bottom lip when thinking about something, puffed cheeks when bored or annoyed, cracks knuckles and neck when the muscles feels tense out of the blue, daydreams and zone out when uninterested, randomly speak different languages in one whole sentence when in a rush, feeling frustrated, or happy and excited about something, talks with her hands a lot, and cleans up after people, or put things away if it seems out of place, even if it isn't her own mess.

Trivia: Ideal type is someone who can comfort her, have honesty, be loyal, someone she can trust with all of her heart, be there for her at her worst and at her best, and accept all of her imperfections, and she'll do the same for him. Likes to give her plushies names. Although she likes cooking, baking is her specialty, other food dishes just don't taste half as good. Can fight, but don't let people know. Slightly clumsy. Remember things that aren't important, and forget things that are important. Stays in the same sleeping position once she falls asleep, but she needs to also be hugging her stuff animal, too. Tian doesn't sleep well without hugging something close to her. Has a total of 6 piercings, two bottom lobes and a cartliage on each ear. Has her driver's license. Can swim. She has sensitive sense of smelling.


My Life~

Background: Grew up as a middle class citizen to a Korean Father and Thai-Japanese Mother, who were both business associates, and making her and her siblings half Thai and half Japanese, a diversity among them growing up in America. Her parents would go away on business trips for the companies that they work for, and sometimes the children would go, and thus having learned many languages since they became interested in traveling and wanted to converse with the people they would travel overseas to visit. Was borned in Bangkok, Thailand, but moved to San Diego, CA, USA because of her parents's transfer, but would visit relatives in Korea, Thailand and Japan every now and then. While in school, she took up on the languages so that she wouldn't be rusty, and even participated with housing Foreign Exchange students as a Host Family to get experience of different cultures and backgrounds. Tian met a lot of friends this way and became good friends with them this way. During one of these hosting, one of the girls got pregnant and had not informed her actual parents about the pregnancy at first,  but they had found out and forbid her to carry through with the pregnancy. The girl didn't want to abort the child and so she gave birth, but the parents didn't accept the child and had the girl put up the child for adoption, which Tian took it upon herself to adopt the little boy. The girl was sad to not have her baby anymore, but was happy to know that Tian would be caring for her son now, and she went back to where she lived. So now, Tian was a young mother, caring for a now 3 year old son.


Gongsoo "Gary" Chae | 52 | Business Associate | Father

Gaewalin "Aiko" Chae | 49 | Business Associate | Mother

"Fai" Shizuka Chae | 26 | Teacher | Sister

"Tupe" Ryuu Chae | 22 | Consultant | Brother

"Tawan" Haruto Chae | 3 | Child | Adoptive Son (has forgotten his real mother and believes Tian is his real mother)

School Life: Is a part-time college student as she cares for her son and tries to look for a job at the same time. She does all the homework and assignments on time, wanting to make sure that she gets good grades so that when she's able to take on more classes and be able to graduate, she'll be able to support herself and son with the degree.

Issues: Is clumsy, not where it's accidental prone, but enough for her to get bruises easily and injured or scratch herself on a daily basis. Is a mother of a 3 year old boy, who isn't really her child. Her foreign exchange student friend ended getting pregnant, but after giving birth, she was force to put him up for adoption by her parents and so Tian took responsbility. Feeling pity for the child, she had a sense of taking care of the child as her own, although her parents were against it, but with the help of her siblings, she was able to adopt the child as her own, with her family backing her up, but not really there to help her due to their jobs and personal lives, but they try their best.


Look At Me~

Ulzzang Name: Su Kyung

Links: o1 o2 o3 o4 o5 o6 o7 o8 o9 1o

Back-up Ulzzang: Lee Dasom

Fashion Style:

school: o1 o2 o3 o4 o5

home: o1 o2 o3 o4 o5

formal: o1 o2 o3 o4 o5


I Am Special~

Type of Magic: Summoning

Uses: When she's too lazy to move about, her hands are occupied with taking care of chores and other responsiblities, or when something is just too far away and she needs it in a jiffy. Also when she loses something or others do, she's able to call it out with determination and concentration, and it comes to her.

How You Got It: inherited from her mother (and is only passed down from mother to daughter)


My Crew~

Friends: EXO-M's Tao & Kim Seohee (lol... can she be Suho's sister in this story, she's fake? ^^)

Rival and Why You're Rivals: n/a

Love Interest: EXO-M's Kris or EXO-K's Suho =]

His Magic: Has Magic. Kris has Flight Super Inuman Speed & Suho uses Water Manipulation Telekinesis.

His Position: (bold first choice underline second) chef at the café | guy at school | customer | owner's son | childhood friend

His Personality: can Kris kind of be like Usui? ^^" (OTL lol) as for Suho sweet and kind (and whatever else you would like, maybe a bit like Usui too. :D)

Have You Met?: Yes. Kris, bumps into him from time to time and don't really talk to one another much because she has a bad impression on him when they first met. He accused her of being a stalker fan girl of his (or something like that). Yes, Suho's sister, Seohee, takes care of Tawan from time to time when Tian is busy.

Your Relationship: Kris-acquaintances/not-in-good-terms. Suho-a friend of his sister he sees from time to time.


The Café~

Why Do You Want To Work At Yume Maid Café?: Wants to find a job to be independent and start earning her own money to support herself and her child, and not wanting to depend on her family forever. Has visited Yume Maid Cafe a few times due to her friends dragging her there and so has taken an interest with how things are run.



Anything Else: um.. not really sure.

Comments/Concerns/Suggestions: it's interesting so far, and i can't wait to see how magic and a cafe will work out. :D

Are You Okay With : yes i am.


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lol haha thanks~ and it's okay. =]
orange_carnival #2
wow!!! ^^... okay, sorry for butting-in... ^^