・❥・✱ 𝙈𝙊𝙊𝘿 𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙂  罗秀英 ⁺ ᵘᵖᵈᵃᵗᵉᵈ

replace with fc
replace with fc

birthname. 罗秀英 luo xiuying

—  xiu  most of the time this is what she goes by, as it sounds cute and is the shortest possible version of her name.
mood ring's mom  though it started as a way to , xiuying naturally grew into her role as a caretaker of sorts as one of the older mood ring girls. though she doesn't realize it, she's sort of a mom away from mom for some of the younger girls, giving them all the encouragement and support with only a fraction of the scolding.

birthdate. 09/30/99 libra sun, gemini moon, libra rising
birthplce. shanghai, china
ethnicity. chinese

mandarin chinese  native language
korean  surprisingly, xiuying retained quite a bit of her korean from her first venture into the idol industry and though by no means fluent, was easily able to hold a conversation with the korean trainees at mhd. by the time of mood ring's debut she's very confident with the basics, and starting to dabble into more of the intermediate level.

faceclaim. 沈小婷 kep1er
backup fc. 周洁琼 ex-pristin

— according to knetz, xiuying is a perfect blend of all the top kpop visuals. with big doe eyes, a bright smile and endlessly flowing locks, she's the epitome of a "perfect kpop visual". though not one to constantly change her hair, currently she's dyed her hair a red toned brown. as far as makeup goes, xiuying is a fan of more minimal makeup looks, mascara, a bit of concealer, and usually a fun colored lip tint.

169cm, 47kg


— xiuying's style is very basic and trendy. she doesn't always like to be the center of attention, so while she normally gravitates towards lighter, more pastel shades, she refuses to be the only one not wearing black in a group. you can often catch her going around the mood ring dorms to see what the other girls are wearing before ever deciding on an outfit.


modest, hardworking, compassionate

isfp, hufflepuff, 6w7

timid, weak-willed, insecure

the best word to describe luo xiuying would be a pushover.
so eager to seek approval and harmony, you'd almost never catch her stepping a toe out of line. however, with that much need for peace comes with mountains of anxiety. xiuying can often be found balled up under the covers, questioning why and how she's made it so far when she possesses a mere fraction of the talent that some of the other trainees have. that often pushes her to work even harder, training herself to the brink of exhaustion, not wanting to be seen as the black hole or weakest link in her team, even though she and "everyone else", her own words, knows it. one of her biggest strengths comes from her biggest weakness. after experiencing the mental anguish that comes from her own anxiety and insecurities, xiuying is very attentive at cheering on the other, especially younger, trainees, hoping to save them from or at least ward off the negative thoughts that come from living in such a competitive, judgemental environment.


ever since xiuying was young, she knew she wanted to be an entertainer. one of her first memories was seeing all the performances on chinese new year, and while she doesn't quite remember specifics, she remembers the feeling of awe and joy she got from watching them. from early on her mother discouraged this, pushing her into her studies and trying to nip any creative bone in her body. they were able to come to a compromise when she was 7, starting xiuying in violin lessons, though her mother only agreed for scholarship opportunities it would bring her. still, it didn't quite fulfill her like she hoped it would. xiuying liked playing instruments, but disliked how rigid and precise everything was, rather than led by feeling. in 2009, she discovered kpop and her struggle seemingly resolved. at last she had found the outlet for her dream, an outlet that allowed her to express her feelings through her art and simultaneously bring joy to those watching. if her and her mother hadn't fought enough before, xiuying opened a door to a whole other level of screaming matches and groundings. for two years she secretly practiced idol dances, watching them over and over again at night, sneaking to the rooftop at school to practice during her lunch breaks, before repeating the whole cycle the next day. eventually when her grades started slipping she was found out, and though getting the -whooping of her life, her mother finally saw that being an idol was what xiuying truly had a passion for. she was finally allowed to take dance classes at age 12, on the condition that she keep up with her grades and violin lessons. the summer before her 14th birthday she was finally allowed to audition for an entertainment company, and got accepted into her first company, yuehua entertainment.


creative arts, dancing/music in general, some instruments.
doing laundry by hand, it's one of her favorite
chores, but she especially loves the feeling of a sun-dried
morning time routines. xiuying's favorite part of the day is packing up the younger girls' backpacks and sending them on their way to school. she always gets up an hour before them to make sure they have breakfast, their bags are cleaned out (some of them like to leave their snack wrappers shoved in the side pockets), and that their hair is done.
latte art, in another world xiuying would own a combination coffee shop and bookstore in which she would work as a barista doing cute latte art all day. for now, she manages by practicing in the early mornings before their schedules.
melancholy hip hop, the chill vibe is right up her alley during her morning routines. her favorites from this genre include bigbang's loser and bad boy, tablo's tomorrow, and dean's d.

violin, simply because she was forced. she will play if asked, but
would rather never pick one up again.
fireworks, xiuying had a bad experience as a child when
a crate of fireworks accidentally went off in their yard
and destroyed her playhouse. doesn't bode well for awards show stages.
scary movies, the jump scares are too much for her, plus she gets nightmares for a week or so after.
snakes and spiders, though xiuying doesn't want them to die,
she doesn't want them to be near her. if she absolutely has to be
the one to shoo a spider out she'll get no closer than 5 feet away.
if it's a snake though, she's just moving and getting new stuff.
riding in the backseat, though not everytime,
she does have the tendency to get carsick when riding in the
backseat. most of the time she doesn't have to worry about it though as
the mood ring girls let her ride shotgun.



— her favorite sweet treat is sweet tofu pudding, but her favorite meal food is tangsuyuk as it reminds her of her first round of trainee days.
— though she excels in taking care of people, xiuying is a plant murderer. somehow she always gives them too much water or not enough sunlight, despite following exactly what the gardener tells her to do.
— likes to do latte art in her free time. whenever she fails at a design she'll put it up for grabs for either the mood ring girls or the staff members. they always end up tasting good even if the rabbit she was trying to make looks more like a deformed mickey mouse.
— has a semi-illegal dorm pet. xiuying found a dying beta fish in the pet store, decided his name was xiang and that she had to take him home. she keeps him in a small aquarium under her desk. she'll usually throw a blanket over it or push in her desk chair to obscure it from sight if a manager comes around.



training history.

dance classes 2012 - 2014
yuehua entertainment june 2014 - november 30th, 2015
after what seemed like years of begging on xiuying's end, her mother finally let her join an entertainment company. the first couple of months she enjoyed her time at yuehua, she was quickly rising through the ranks and became part of the tenative debut group. around summer of 2015 she hit a plateau, her skills were still good, still better than before, but competition was getting harsh as the debut group came closer and closer to actually debuting. out of seemingly nowhere, xiuying developed massive stage fright, constantly fumbling and freezing during trainee evaluations, when once she was a candidate for the main dancer role. assuming she'd get over it within a few stages, the trainee managers passed xiuying and she was set to debut in yuehua and starship's new group, cosmic girls. 3 days before they shot their debut mv, xiuying pulled out of the group. in the end, her anxieties overcame her and left her mentally unable to cope with her soon to be reality. xiuying returned home to shanghai, seemingly retiring her "stupid idol dream".

mhd march 2018 - present
though xiuying had logically convinced herself that her dreams of being an idol were in the past, emotionally, she was still stuck. part of her knew that though she was still young, opportunities for that kind of thing dwindled the older you got. as an early birthday present, her mother surprised her with a one way ticket to korea, encouraging her to try one last time while she still had a chance. though xiuying and her mother fought a lot, her mother didn't want her only child to have regrets about missed opportunities as she had. when xiuying landed in korea, she was almost instantly filled with regret, the same anxieties about not being good enough filled her brain. of course letting her skills waste away over the past three years didn't help at all. she finally convinced herself after a week of hiding in her hotel room that it was time to go out and try, mostly because she had to land something or be stranded with nowhere to sleep as her funds were running low. knowing she wasn't mentally prepared for the publicity that a bigger company would bring, xiuying auditioned at the first smaller company she came across, that being mhd. xiuying performed momomo by cosmic girls, a way for her to finally say goodbye to the past. she was more than 100 percent sure that she wouldn't make it, and was surprised when she was accepted after what she thought was a subpar audition. the training process was more of a mental game than it was tough physically. notes she could hit three years ago came out cracked and strained, her body didn't move the way it used to, the choreography didn't stick in her brain as easily as it did before. xiuying  focused most of her time at mhd just getting back to a semblance of where she used to be, though she only managed about halfway there by the time of their debut, mostly due to her own inner critic getting in her way.

the idol.

STAGE NAME 슈잉 xiuying
POSITION + BACKUP lead dance, vocal, rap // visual, sub vocals

kep1er // 李佳佳 ex-nature



aria her other half so to speak. as mood ring's "dad" and "mom" they often get lumped together as a unit, which xiuying actually quite enjoys. they have similar energy, though xiuying is admittedly a little less out of touch than mood ring's resident ari-beoji. xiuying dotes on aria pretty often, bringing her water and a meal or snack when she notices she's been tucked away in her producing space for more than a few hours at a time. she feels very thankful that aria works so hard on mood ring's sound, as xiuying geniunely loves all of their songs.

hana being one of the closer girls to her age wise, hana is one of the members she tends to stick with more in group settings. xiuying enjoys making choreos with hana, though admittedly she doesn't quite have the brain for it that hana does. they complement each other well, both more laid back than some of the other girls (cough, fern), but she'll never understand how hana can pick up a creepy-crawley and be fine with it. every now and again xiuying will accompany her on one of her nature hikes, as long as hana promises to protect her from the bugs.

fern though most of the time she ends up calling her "per" alexa pay per by adya as it's the best she can make pronounce, fern is one of the girls that xiuying respects most. one of her first memories at mhd was fern's statement that "today was the worst she'd ever be, and she'd only get better as she continued." though it was ironic in xiuying's own case, she admired the determination and dedication she had despite not being the best at singing or dancing. if she's being honest, fern's attitude helped her most on her down days, seeing her push through all the tough moments and negativity was one of xiuying's biggest wake up calls that she was the only thing in her way.


kota xiuying doesn't dislike kota, they just don't have much in common. they are very much opposites in almost every sense of the word. she never fails to greet him if passing him in the hall, but wouldn't go out of her way to hang out with him.

juno while not the closest, they bond over their love of fancy coffees. if she has a coffee left over from her failed attempts at latte art she'll usually set one aside for hana to bring to juno, or bring it herself if their schedules overlap. she likes him enough, despite not knowing much about him, but hasn't bothered to dig deeper as she knows he's more of a private person.


"hello, i'm mood ring's-" "sorry, could you speak up?" "o-oh, sorry, uh, hello, i'm mood ring's xiuying!"


— "i think my personal strength is being the team's source of encouragement? but i guess that's what fans do...oh my god am i useless now?


— "i think i'm a warm color, maybe a honey yellow? something that gives people energy and comfort."


— "my goal for mood ring is to bring energy or give an escape to those having a hard time. things in life can be hard, so it's nice to have something to recharge with and have the energy to face it!"

replace with love intreplace with love intreplace with love int

birthname. jang jinam
backup lv. anyone!


— esfp, 3w2, gryffindor

jinam is very much a party-starter, his natural charm and energetic attitude often draws a crowd, which he's more than happy to pump up and get excited if needed. he's flirtatious by nature, so much so that he doesn't always realize that he's doing it, and has been called a heartbreaker in the past. though he  always tries to remedy the situation when he finds someone who he's not interested in has a crush on him. jinam can be very competitive and possessive, it's one of the things about himself he's not proud of, but he takes great care to make sure those things don't show too much in public settings.


— jinam was one of the first trainees xiuying met at mhd despite him starting quite a bit before her. she did think he was cute, his big gummy smile and playful attitude gave her the warm fuzzies, but she never thought much of it as dating is banned in most companies. ( change to wanting to focus on her training if dating allowed in mhd ) to her surprise he seemed to be everywhere and anywhere that she was, practicing late at night, in the cafeteria when she was having lunch, tagging along on kota and juno's excursions to watch aria produce because it was conveniently the same dorm she was in. the more she got to know him, the more she realized that the party animal persona was just a defence mechanism, and really he was the same scared, insecure person that she was, just he was better at hiding it. after mood ring's debut she saw less and less of jinam, only realizing later that he was making sure his spot in mo/on was secured so he'd be able to see xiuying more often, and she slowly realized how much she enjoyed having him around. though xiuying had plenty of chances to hang around him, and believe her, it wasn't a lack of him trying, due to mood ring and mo/on's schedules overlapping during their fiesta and debut eras respectively, part of her worried that a dating scandal during their debut era would hurt mo/on's chances at having a successful career. while she got a few inkigayo sandwiches from different admirers during mood ring's different promotion periods, xiuying only had eyes for jinam, even though everyone but him knew, her cheeks blowing up into a bright red if anyone about having a crush on him. however, xiuying maintained her rule-following ways and didn't entertain the though of a romantic relationship with him until the dating ban was up. ( change to until mo/on were no longer rookies if dating allowed at mhd )

the ending. 

— on the day of mo/on's dating ban being up xiuying arrived at his dorm room with all the different notes and tokens of affections jinam had given to her over the years since their trainee days, all bundled up and nicely displayed in a scrapbook that she'd been hiding in her underwear drawer since she started her collection. on the last page was a childish note from xiuying, reading "will you go on a date with me? check yes or no" in the same fashion that jinam had given to her numerous times before.

comments. hope you like her <3
password. pate-a-xius


  #f7b718   honey xiu



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“i still make my mom talk on the phone for me at age27” damn you didn’t have to call me out lol
sorry for appearing out of nowhere but i just wanna protect xiuying so bad