Who Is More Complicated, Boys or Girls?

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Who is more complicated? Men or Women? 

If someone said that women complicated, I actually would like to disagree a little bit. Women are not complicated actually. They simply have a complex mind. Women tend to think a lot of things at one time, but not all. Mostly. 

Most women actually just thinking straight to only one thing but apparently, women somehow always had their thought interrupted somewhere in the middle and getting themselves distracted, making them think about so many other things. It's not that we're complicated. Like I said womens mind are complex. We think so many things that beyonds mans imagination. 🤭

Men. I wouldn't say men are complicated either. But apparently their behaviour and nature seems to be saying so. To put the best words to them, I would say egoistic. Men rarely show their emotions and they could be labelled as cold hearted or even heartless. 

I wouldn't exactly say that. Men are known as a tough creature and very well known to have a nonchalant personality. They can't express their emotions, as well as women. They do but it appear cold. 

While men are always one thing at times, women is like the total opposites. Women are like Octopus.🤭 And I remember one video I watch from Kumar(stand-up comedy if I'm notmistaken), he said that men cannot multitask, finish. And I think that is pretty much a very big difference between men and women. 

It create a big question mark. Who is more complicated? 

While this is only my opinion, others can have an opinion on their own. Personally, I don't think any of the two are complicated. It was just the way how different we actually think. Like a clash of personality.🤭


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I would say women are a lot more complicated . We’re prone to overthink things that we expect men to understand and we’re often more attuned with our emotions. And emotions itself are complicated and abstract, and you said it yourself - women have a (much more) complex mind. Meanwhile, men are often more direct and less likely to overcomplicate stuff. And in that sense, I’d say women are harder to understand. Being direct is easier to understand than beating around the bush. Ofc I’m just speaking generally. I’ve met guys who are hard to understand lol and girls who are direct. Humans are complex overall