(Writers) Let's Do 'Dis Mini-Post #2 w/Writers Tip/Tool (Forgoing the Yoyo Humor... For now ;) but Not lacking in Humor. Xp

Writer's Tip Under - [!] Me-Share :)

* Unfortunately still unformatted, but were working on that-

*Now, on to the good stuff.
--> [!] Me-Share:

I have been working on updating stories and doing those one-shots I've promised-


Am writing new stuff.  I have been inspired for original stuff - to publish. More info on that soon.


How many of you have read Infinity?

My Vampire SHINee AU?

Well, I have stumbled upon this song "Genius" on Spotify, and it inspired a fabulous Key scene, which will be the first scene in the new chapter-

  - and there's going to be Amber and some OC's that came from no where - very anime' feel.

This chapter is going to be a riot - hilarious humor, and I can't wait for you to read it :D

-Until then-

Link to song: https://youtu.be/6o5ZMiyabj8

*Writer's Tip:

If you don't already, listen to lots of music, and write the first thing that comes to mind.

* Could be a word, phrase, color description, full out dialogue, idea for new character...

...just write it.

Even if it doesn't go far, it's something.  Consider that your writing for the day - an accomplishment to be proud of.

Do this enough and you'll have a book full of ideas that you can draw on for inspiration in times of need (when that inspiration tank is running low) :)

That's another tool on your writer's belt.

It won't be long and you'll be unstoppable.

Tomorrow I may write about 1 of 3 Options:

1) Writing Productively.
2) Three fun ways to get in the mood to write.
3) Your option.

Type your option in the Comment Section.  ;)

I hope this tip helped.


~ Demitria_Teague


Also, not many of you seemed to enjoy the invisible friend conversation posts?

So, I'll go back to normal ones...

...or as I can without being able to format.  (Morns lack of format and pretty colors *bows head )

Thank you for your understanding.  Haha.

Until Tomorrow y'all-

-And remember:

Y'all get to choose what tip you get.  Putting your number in the Comment Section is important-

-because Largest Vote Gets Written.

Link: To Previous Post


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