(Writers) Let's Do 'Dis - Bust through Writers Block - (Find the Awesome Power Frik Moment) "What the frik-- and there's a ninja cat?" Xp

[!] Me-Share:

"Who are you talking to? ...  Not me, I hope."

*Rollz eyes - You're so paranoid-

  -No, the heading is misleading.  I found it cute though.




It's probably because the heading used to be: Are you high - Bae?


Moving on...


"You do a lot of things you find cute, don't you?"

I do. I call it - [!] Me-Share:  Cute Therapy.  It's my personal brand of therapy to adorablize my mood, and it makes me feel warm fuzzy, giddy happy.

"...  Right.  No judgement."

Better not be. Not cool, man. Not cool.

"I just said: No judgement.  I'm not judging."

*Pouts - K.

"So... Um... Where have you been, if you don't mind my asking? We were supposed to meet back here three days ago :) "

Oh-ho-ho, so smooth with your words. It's almost like I wrote you.


*Grins.  - Breaking the Fourth Wall, any body? Hm?  *Looks around mischievously.  No?  That's ok.

I also have a funny story for you.

Yeah. I was walking-

"-Speaking of...  Weren't we supposed to meet back here like three days ago?"

...rude.  Ive been having disorder issues and... Well, they're in the works of being fixed via treatment plan.  I'll try to post tomorrow to update you on that.

"Oh?  Sorry to hear that.  I hope you feel better."

*Blushes - Thank you.  I'm sure I will. Eventually.  Anyway-

"-Funny story."

 - 0.0 ...yeah.  *Snorts.  And usually I'm the erattic, scatter brained, dorky one.  Speaking of-

  -I had been walking my dog three days ago and on the way back, I'd saw what'd I'd thought had been a stuffed animal cat toy.

I'd thought: Aw, so sad, a kids toy got ruined, because it'd been raining on and off for a few days.  Nope.

The toy had been skinny, sitting straight, with a long narrow neck. Guess what?

It had turned out to be a real cat, and not a toy.

And my traitorous dog had been the one who nearly allowed us to be annihalated.

"Unnecessarily dramatic.  But funny."

*Thanks.  - Anyway-


So me an my dog/my dog and I - Xp - had been turning back on our road, and he started freaking out.  Not...

...at the evil ninja cat creepy side ways walking towards us - behind my back - but at it's owner (who irrelevantly happened to be a friend of mine)...

This is what I get for training my him to love cats.  I could've died.  I've already had one cat use my face as a spring board-

"-What? Ow ow- what?"

Yeah. It'd been one of those days where he'd been having a spaz moment, and I don't know, I guess jumping off a human face had been in style that day-

  -Never wanted to kill a cat for real until that day.  I have a scar from that.
Over the left side of my top lip.

Thankfully, unless you're right in my face you cant see it.


Shut up shut up. It's not funny.

"It's kind of funny."

...  Ok. It's a little funny.

"It is.  *Laughs."

*Iz bemused.

"So, any new news?"

You mean, besides being in the middle of a panic slash manic attack?  ...Nope

"*Winces. - Right."

Oh, wait.  The internet company is sending a technician to our house Thursday and will hopefully get our internet up and going.

If the problem is outside it's free, so *fingers crossed for that outcome.

"*Crosses Fingers."

Thank you. *Grins - Now on to that awesome thing that happens here.

"*Drum rolls"

*Makes face.


*Simultaneously says: Writer's Tip 

[Scroll down, Yo ;) ]

Writers Tip:

Yo - Bahahaha.

"Dude, chill."


  -Have you ever watched a movie, listened to music, or watched a movie...

And there's this one moment where your eyes widen, you lean forward in your seat, you're completely in to the moment?

And it's usually the best part.

That one power frik awesome moment-


Remember how I said when you write first thoughts, and in all the... Crap... You may find something useable, full of life?

That awesome power frik moment - that feeling you get - is how you "know" what's useable-

-its how you recognize it.  Because you are drawn back to it time and time again. You'll possibly obsess over it.

That's what you look for when you don't have any thing to write, have writer's block, are having trouble completing something.

Maybe you've started in the wrong place, or you're focusing on the wrong thing.

To write something new:

Write that crap and find the power frick moment - use it.  You'll thrumb with inspiration as you use it to create something new. It'll bloom and everything will develop naturally.  If it doesn't you haven't found that moment-

-Keep looking-

-Don't see - feel.

To be reinspired with something currently in development:

Find that moment - a bit of dialogue, a certain paragraph - what ever it is will scream at you "It's me - I'm here - quit staring at me or use me."

Do that.

Forget everything else, even if you've nearly written fifty thousand words. All that... Crap... XP is clearly not working.

Trust your instincts.

And your story may be trying to tell you something - that's it's meant to be something else, go in a different direction, needs to be from a different POV, etc...

Again: Trust your instincts, trust your story. It's your baby-

  - and won't lead you wrong.

You won't be sorry.

"Oh, wow. I never thought of any of that... At least not exactly like that."

That's why I'm here. ^^

"Thank you.  Now, this one I need to try."

*Nods.  I really hope you do. It's a very useful writing tip/tool - one that could be your secret weapon to nip writer's block in the bud - effry (yes effry/not every - it's cute-)

"Cute Therapy?"

Yup. And it works effry time, if you use it right.

"And how do I use it right?"

By feeling and not thinking.  Read and what draws your eye over and over - that's the awesome frik power moment.

*Awesome Frik Power Moment Activated

[Outcome: Efficient Progress]




You're welcome.

"*Awesome.  So, until tomorrow...  Wait, Wasn't there something else important you wanted to ask?"

*Blinks, confused.  - Um... Probably?

"Didn't it have something to do with Exo being a part of this or SHINee and there being a Theme?"

*Gasps - I'm glad you remembered, because I forget everything.  

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