(Writers) Let's Do 'Dis 6/15/2018 [Update] - Upcoming Writers Tip Info & those SHINee and CBX (Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin) reality show videos I promised.

Info about upcoming Writer's Tips in the Ending Notes
Yesterday I said I'd post the new episode of SHINee's back, so here it is (Both have English Subs)-
-It's more emotional than the other ones, as they discuss the past and how much they've grown up.  But over all it's cute and hilarious.  I enjoyed it and hopefully you will to:  There's cooking, video game playing, even kiddy role play...  And no these aren't spoilers-




-There's nothing like actually watching something and experiencing (all that) for yourself.
(*)  BONUS SHINee Live V-video will be below [Running Time 1:21:00]:

SHINee Pajama's, cute, laughing their bootocksis off - come one, fan dreams come true.  Hahahaha.  Key isn't in it, but they call him.  He'd been working at the time.  It's still worth the watch.  I had to turn my phone sideways to read the subtitles.  Hopefully you won't have that problem.
(Below that is Episode 5 of CBX [Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin)'s Reality Show - Travel the World on Exo's Ladder])

Let's Begin:
Video 1
SHINee's Back Reality Show - 
Episode 4:
So far, I haven't heard any thing about the third MV SHINee's posted.  I'm looking forward just as much.  I'll post it as soon as I catch it.
Next - EXO's CBX (CHEN, Baekhyun and Xuimin)'s reality show - Travel the World on Exo's Ladder (Episode 5).
They are hilarious and adorable, as usual.  ;)  Enjoy-
(*) Bonus Video - Video 2 - [Running Time:  1:21:00]
SHINee Video - [ENG SUB-SR] 180610 LieV x SHINee (샤이니)
Video 3
CBX (Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin) - Travel the World on Exo's Ladder - Ep 5

-And unlike yesterday when I posted a list of their previous videos in one place, this time I've provided the Link to that post.  I know it can be a little bit of a hassle... to click a single link... and watch the page flick to another one... so you can indulge yourself in SHINee and CBX goody's, but-
-I believe in you:  Fighting!  Haha.
[Link] - To SHINee and CBX Video goodies ;)
Next time I'll hopefully be posting SHINee's new MV and Ep. 6 of CBX's Reality Show.
Ending Notes:
+ BONUS for you Writers who are used to seeing Writer's TipsI'm working on a new post just for you - Passive Voice VS Active VoiceSo, look forward to that ;)
(* And I'm working diligently to get those One-Shots I promised.  If you've been following (Writers) Let's Do 'Dis in the last couple weeks, you know what I'm talking about.  If not, in next post I'll have the links to those and the videos that inspired the ideas for them.  [Videos aren't meant to be stories from the videos, but of ideas that popped in to my head as I listened to or watched them]
Until Next Time - Enjoy,


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