[character's name], reporting for work at we! love! marketing! inc!



welove marketing inc.

welove marketing inc.


user /  timezone  /  activity  /  credits

NAME (as in i.d.):                 

preferred pronoun:                 

JOB APPLIED FOR:               

date of birth:  Ddmmyy 



about you


             • choice 1, group name

             • choice 2, group name




         • what do they wear to work? it's a small new startup so the usual is casual-formal clothes

         • fridays are dress down days (jeans are allowed), so what will they wear on friday? (specific, i know)

             • feel free to include pic links but those are not compulsory




             xxx • who calls them that and why

             xxx • who calls them that and why



nationality: as long as they are justified



             they will need to be native/ really, really competent in korean, as they're working in a korean company, that's how things work. this section is max 3 languages (no matter what they are, and there must be explanations why) and they are free to speak how ever as many dialects and have accents.




             3rd pov preferred. background information; past and current living conditions,  what they majored in school etc etc. feel free to include as much relevant information as you want! hometown can also be included here




             • woop go crazy on this one

             • 2 positive and 2 negative traits please.

             • favourite things to put on desks, fav lunch spot, habits in the office




the interview

third pov, please! you can change the coding to whatever, just keep the interviewer's questions the same!


"hello, take a seat." doryeong leaves through the simple application form and the candidate's resume casually, twirling his Yonsei pen in his left hand. "so, how did you come across welove, and why do you want to work here?"

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eget ante in ante luctus posuere ullamcorper quis odio. Phasellus sollicitudin tincidunt massa, a eleifend nunc faucibus sit amet. In euismod rutrum arcu sit amet convallis. Suspendisse varius id lorem quis vehicula. Curabitur sagittis lectus sapien, non venenatis nulla tincidunt sit amet. Curabitur augue metus, volutpat at arcu sed, hendrerit maximus nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam ac lacinia erat, sed gravida massa. Integer auctor ante nec tortor gravida sodales. Quisque a magna posuere, cursus magna ac, pellentesque arcu.


he flashes what he thought was his characteristic suave smile, but it turned out to be a lopsided, i'm-not-even-sure-how-to-interview-you one, "ahh i see. so you've applied to be my (insert job position), i'm guessing you have the relevant knowledge? any past experience?" his voice raises a little at the end, destroying his established calm demeanor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eget ante in ante luctus posuere ullamcorper quis odio. Phasellus sollicitudin tincidunt massa, a eleifend nunc faucibus sit amet. In euismod rutrum arcu sit amet convallis. Suspendisse varius id lorem quis vehicula. Curabitur sagittis lectus sapien, non venenatis nulla tincidunt sit amet. Curabitur augue metus, volutpat at arcu sed, hendrerit maximus nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam ac lacinia erat, sed gravida massa. Integer auctor ante nec tortor gravida sodales. Quisque a magna posuere, cursus magna ac, pellentesque arcu.


"that's great! uhhhh, um. your... expected salary? i mean, we're just a startup and i don't think i can afford much, but i'd like to know where you stand on this matter? and you've got to know that we most probably will work overtime here."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eget ante in ante luctus posuere ullamcorper quis odio. Phasellus sollicitudin tincidunt massa, a eleifend nunc faucibus sit amet. In euismod rutrum arcu sit amet convallis. Suspendisse varius id lorem quis vehicula. Curabitur sagittis lectus sapien, non venenatis nulla tincidunt sit amet. Curabitur augue metus, volutpat at arcu sed, hendrerit maximus nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam ac lacinia erat, sed gravida massa. Integer auctor ante nec tortor gravida sodales. Quisque a magna posuere, cursus magna ac, pellentesque arcu.


the boss sighs an audible sigh of relief. "okay, last bit! you'll be having your own workstation, but for now... do you ahve any decorating tips? it's really a lil sparse around here.. not too much plastic stuff, of course." his voice trails off.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eget ante in ante luctus posuere ullamcorper quis odio. Phasellus sollicitudin tincidunt massa, a eleifend nunc faucibus sit amet. In euismod rutrum arcu sit amet convallis. Suspendisse varius id lorem quis vehicula. Curabitur sagittis lectus sapien, non venenatis nulla tincidunt sit amet. Curabitur augue metus, volutpat at arcu sed, hendrerit maximus nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam ac lacinia erat, sed gravida massa. Integer auctor ante nec tortor gravida sodales. Quisque a magna posuere, cursus magna ac, pellentesque arcu.


"okay, thanks a lot for coming in today! i'll let you know of your interview results in about a week!" 


anyone you want under the sun, you can also include interactions with doryeong if you want!

note from you

anything you want to add? sceanrio request?

thank you in advance for applying (´ヮ`)/ , and please tag your blogpost as "thatcubiclelife" 


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what am i even Doing at this rate....

hope you enjoy reading this, its a little bit long..
hi hello his name is jae youl ;v;
