whistles. j. 6. 積読本.
kim jaeyoon
"you can go a whale"
FULL NAME — kim jaeyoon
• 185, 85-ya (paloh-ya!) - his tall stature made everyone curious of his exact height, 
UALITY — panicked bi.
DOB + AGE —  04 • 03 • 2000 (18)
GRADE LEVEL — junior
BIRTHPLACE — incheon, kr
HOMETOWN — incheon, kr
ETHNICITY — korean
• korean + native.
• english + extremely basic. only enough to help him pass those english exams in school, he cannot hold a conversation in english at all
FACE CLAIM — actor kim mingue
BACKUP — pentagon yang hong seok
• always looks neat, ironed shirt properly tucked bc he knows he looks good like that, hair is so important, he'd pay you to not touch his immaculate hair. carries his backpack on one shoulder only
OTHER — no differences from mingyu
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 185cm, 76kg
• pictures would be ok but pictures and description would make me swoon
PERSONALITY — ENFP "the Campaigner"; loud sunshine king; messy; casual good fun; bad memory
• looks like a good, pretty boy, but does not have a head to mouth filter, loud and sometimes can be dirty with his closest group of friends, but mostly censors himself amongst younger bandmates, as he feels like he shouldn't be the one corrupting them. most likely scenario: "you know, he can kiss my d...-umbbells. he can kiss my dumbbells!!"
• calls his section " the hornies" , who doesn't call them the hornies?
• is up for anything wild,, definitely prefers orchstra over the pile of summer homework actually tries to get into trouble with his parents, stays at phyco for the longest amount of time and doesn't want to go home. always down to hangout.
• that goofy senior who plays inappropriate songs (star wars imperial march, a transposed y alto sax solo he found on the net etc) during serious sectionals
• imagine nct lucas' personality, v loud, easy flirt who makes his friends embarassed of his actions. deliberately winking at girls (and boys) and loves to see them flustered, laughs it off. is actually genuinely nice to everyone, but of course some people avoid him bc he's kind of a playboy. not dating atm bc he's lazy to commit to someone.
• the kind of guy who gets a lot of confessions but he's not a douche about it, he lets them down as gently as he can, most usually saying that he's too busy with phcyo to be in a relationship, which is true
• bad horn jokes, 
• has a v bad memory, keeps his own notebook to actually write down pointers and important parts to practice, also has the messiest scores ever bc of his scribbles. Extra AF cirlces on dynamics etc. everyone hates sitting beside him and sharing his scores. 
• he started playing the horn when he was 10, since his dad plays the horn professionally. considered it as father-son bonding sessions. his dad was in their church orchestra, and encouraged jaeyoon to join him once his basics were down, and he did. 
• a couple years later he's taken his music exams and now, at 18 years old, he currently plays at ABRSM practical grade 7. theory grade 5, bc he's lazy to continue.
• really loves playing music, favourite genres to play is jazz, esp swing, and medley-style casual pieces. loves challenging himself to crazy complicated pieces as well
• music is a way to de-stress and escape thoughts of school, where his grades are actually kind of below average. he's set to take university exams and is rather worried, but he's the king of procrastination and just doesn't have the motivation to hit the books. he will probably panic when he has about a month or two before the exams, and strive towards his goal under major stress.
• he wants to get into an applied music programme. his horn skills will be able to make it but definitely not his grades as of right now.
• takes more time to practice than to actually do homework, much to his parents' annoyance.they constantly nag at him to study, which is why he'd rather spend all his time in the phyco room.
• he's subscribed to certain concert halls' newsletter bc orchestra junkie and phyco just happened to mentioned on the subject line, so he tapped open the mail to read it
• he actually needs some community involement points to add to his graduation requirements, hence this was the perfect project to join.
• ok so he gets up very late since he'd be up he previous night just surfing yt and sometimes gaming with his friends. 
• probably 1pm. 
• if phyco starts from the morning then oops you'll see him grumpy and a mistake galore.
• he's not a homebody. once he's awake you'll see him outside eating lunch with his gang/ neighbour boy, hanging out in malls, arcades, cafes. 
• if his friends don't have time for him then he'd have no choice but to stay home.. then he'll usually take the time to practice to ease his boredom away. he also knows how to play the piano, so he switches between those instruments. he's so lazy that he plays lying on the bed... imagine the audacity. (he's lying on the side with the horn propped on a pillow so he doesn't have to hold it) but then it also trained up his lung strength and capacity due to the position he was in, so. he's just crazy.
• he doesn't touch his homework at all, can't be bothered.
• at night, he usually waits for his mom to come home with takeout dinner.
• then late at night it's gaming time again till 2-3am
RELATIONSHIPS — only describe those relevant to the story bc istg i do not want you doing extra work for my story (any format! you don't have to follow this outline)
• neighbour boy - ma hosik - student (18yo, same school as jaeyoon) - jaeyoon's childhood friend and neighbour, the two boys literally grow up together. the main reason why jaeyoon is a panicked bi. he had a huge crush on hosik when they were around 14, for a year but not anymore. jaeyoon never ever let his feelings show as he treasures him as a best friend. they still always hang out together and have a million inside jokes, promise to be each other's best  man at their weddings. 
• parents - hmm they dont really interact much due to their busy working schedule, so sometimes they give him loads of pocket money to make up for it. jaeyoon uses this money to treat his friends (phyco and outside phyco) with lots of delicious food. dad is especially supportive of phyco as he was the one who taught jaeyoon in the first place, and is secretly very proud of his son. mom however, wishes that he'll stop slacking on school work.
• gimme something to work with fam like yo i need some important details about your character
• also i would like to be entertained
• this is also where things i forgot in the app go bc i'm forgetful
HELLO! WHAT INSTRUMENT DO YOU PLAY? — "hi! i play the horn, and have been doing so for... oh wait, you're gonna ask me that later, right?"
GREAT! HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN PLAYING? — "yup, okay, so i've been playing  for like a million years, 8 exactly, 8 billion years wow sucha long time, another earth could have evolved"
ON A SCALE OF 1 TO 10, HOW WOULD YOU RATE YOUR SKILLS AND WHY? — "uhhhh, i'd say 8 on good days? i dunno. it's relative to how the other players are, mostly."
DO YOU HAVE ANY EXPERIENCE WITH PHCYO? — "nope, this is  my first time here, but i've played for my church orchestra if that coutned for anything. i've been on there for like uh.... 6 years i think. mostly church songs, yeah"
GOOD TO KNOW! NOW, DO YOU HAVE ANY ORCHESTRAL EXPERIENCE? — "oh damn, i guess i'm onee step ahead again. yeah, my church orchestra."
LOVE INTEREST — name here if you please
BACKUP — because you can't always get what you want
GENDER — m / f
PERSONALITY — tbh it's up to you whether you wanna write traits or paragraphs, but just know i'm not universally adept to all girl groups / boy groups
• start here jsy
• here is where you actually have to do some writing!! yay!! just tell me what their relationship is, how it started, interactions, all that cute sappy .
RELATIONSHIP — are they friends? together? what??!?!?? also add what type— like if it's all skinshippy or like super awkward
STATUS — are they single or taken or always on n off with a gf or like? ? ??w ht
RELATIONSHIP STATEMENT — basically just describe to me their kind of love in a phrase of yours, or like a quote or a song??? it can be anything really
questions? comments? concerns? anything at all?
• i mean i won't get them all done but i'll attempt it
ooooh what could it be??!?!
replace with l/ireplace with l/i



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