& 송세은 is opening shop!

song se eun
works at
blizzard snow
let her cheerful disposition fool you- bubbly and full of life, se eun is pretty much your giggly, ditzy girl-next-door, but was born deaf in one ear. very few people in the world know, as she does not put it pass herself to let her slight disability make her any different from anyone else, (and also she will never, ever tell you straight in the face that she can't hear well, unless you spot the aid in her ear. she sometimes awkwardly tilt her body more towards the right so that her working ear can pick up  more on what you're saying to her). se eun still considers herself lucky in life since she really can't hear half the bull customers spew sometimes!
she gets her optimistic views from her grandmother, who was very dear to her, and still is, but she passed away 3 years ago. se eun was raised by her, as both parents were working hard to support their household. "always be kind, but fight back if you must," was grandma song's most spoken line, but honestly se eun is way too soft to fight anyone. kindness is her weapon, but her over-zealous attempts at caring for her friends have indeed pushed a few away from her. also, a small note that se eun is a huge fangirl- she plans on getting blizzard snow on nct's radar, perhaps they'll endorse one day.
legal namesong se eun
nicknameseun-i, eun-ah // by her parents and other relatives, simple korean affection rather than her full name
double eye lids // by schoolmates or acquaintances as they pass by, since her double eye lids are the most prominent features of her face, some recurring customers who have not read her name tag also refer to her as "miss double eye lids"
mrs jaehyun // she will not shut up about her bias, her closest friends calls her this to . they're the same age, they'd Totally Work Out. she also has his picture at the back of her transparent phone case.
age & bday20y/o // 18 july 1997
facesgfriend's eunha // loona's jinsoul
appearanceshort bob cut, korean see-through bangs. she's the epitome of the average korean university girl, often dressed in plain white t-shirts with minimalistic graphics on them. mom jeans and normal-cut jeans are her go to, skinny jeans are too much of a hassle to squeeze into. she doesn't accessorize as she believes it's the least decency she can do on her part as someone who is in the f&b industry- no jewelry, no germs. she basically just wears her apron on top of her clothes that she wears to school, nothing fancy. she likes wearing those rubber slides though (ref: gucci stripped rubber slides, but she can't afford name brands so she gets street-store ones) and she paints her toe nails just for those shoes.
traitsbright, eager, obsessive
background & lifestyleafter her grandmother passed on, it's only se eun and her parents at home. they are of mid-income, and when se eun was young, her parents spent an extremely huge sum on korean fortune tellers, shamans and the like, to ask for advice on her hearing disability, as they were very traditional and did not trust western medication nor aid. they only stopped their quest because one of the fortune tellers predicted a drastic event in the family if they had not accepted that it was their daughter's fate to be out of hearing in one ear. this story has been repeated over and over again to se eun, as her parents lamented about the money wasted and how much they had to work day in, day out, to provide for the family.
for now, se eun lives the typical life of an undergraduate, after classes in ewha women's university, where she majors in statistics. she'd usually eat with her friends in the school cafeteria, and afterwards, the group of them would either be fangirling together at their favourite bench outside the library or rushing out assignments. given how much time they spend on idols, it is to no surprise that the girls do not hold homework in high regard. they call themselves the pro2, Professional Procrastinators.
however, as se eun takes up her job at blizzard snow, her routine has slightly changed. she works part time, only on weekday night/closing shifts, when her classes are in the morning (tues thurs fri) and no one is allowed to touch her weekends, that's for personal recharging or assignments. she never answers her phone from anyone at the cafe on weekends, so she's not the best bet to cover a shift in times of emergency.
she also does not go to the locations/fansigns her idols are at, for two main reason: she was not going to risk her only good ear to fangirl screams, and also does not want to get rep as being sasaeng. nct is her first ever stan group, so before this, she has a very bad impression of the girls disrupting the public all for their oppas. she sticks with what her clique does, enjoying music shows in the comfort of their homes or school.
her favourite and most frequent weekend hangout is at the streets of hongdae where her dancer friend covers choreography. she sits on the side and watches, never daring to dance because they're all just too good, and she's not coordinated at all. (she just wriggles along unattractively and follow arm movements when she can). they all have dinner together and chat over the latest performance videos or variety show released.
trivia1. she uses a CROS in-ear hearing aid. it transmits the sound from the deaf ear to the good one. over the years she has been through a couple to test different brands out, and her current one is small and matches her skin colour, thus might be difficult to spot. she started using hearing aids right when she entered elementary, as the loud classroom sounds are too much to bear and she could never hear what the teacher was saying. however, her sense of direction according to sound isn't good, she relies mostly on her eyes. being born only half aware of all the sounds in the world, the more appreciative she is to music, and she uses over-ear headphones to jam to her tunes.
2. uses every single opportunity she can to play nct's songs in blizzard snow, but she knows sungsook's limits so she doesn't push it. only the sweet songs are chosen (nct 127's touch) and nothing too extra like black on black. but also take note that nct is considered sm's fail group, so initially the other employees' eyelids twitch a little when they hear their songs, and most of them would ask se eun what even is nct.
3. way too helpful, willing to do everything. no more straws?? se eun will go refill them. dirty tables?? will be over in a jiffy with a bag full of apologies. NO BOYFRAN?? HOW ABOUT JUNG JAEHYUN.
4. quite a romantic at heart, she silently watches pda in a very blatant way, never able to hide her excitement about couples. she even points at them and whisper way too loudly, "LOOK HE JUST HELD HER HAND, KISS IT." she thinks she's some kind of little cupid and enjoys blizzard's sweet atmosphere.
5. she has dated once before tho, but is currently solo as they broke up when they had to study for the university entrance exams, and sadly now she attends a female uni. she still thinks well of her first love (who is attached with another girl now).
6. she majors in statistics bc she's a math nerd. 
se eun: boss, based on my data we have outsold gwak's today by 10.7%, they've only had 5 people enter in the evening, and the drinks in their hands are no match for the 3 boxes of macarons and 2 red velvet cupcakes i sold!!
also se eun, to attractive male customer: could you please, please sit with that girl by the window, your chances with her are sky high because you're holding a strawberry banana smoothie??? pRoBAbility!!
she looks forward to being a data analyst in a quiet lab, hopefully in the f&b industry.
hey! have to do preliminary employee evals; it'll only take a few minutes. you ready?se eun straightens her back to sit upright as sungsook approaches the small table, hands nervously clutching the denim on her knees as she gives the best smile she can, tucking her hair behind her ear. her boss always had this charismatic aura around her that makes her slightly nervous, but she knows there's no need to be. "as ready as ever, boss!"
okay, se eun, how long have you been working for blizzard snow again?she looks up as she recounts, "i've been here since the first day you've opened.. so for about a couple of weeks now? oh right, yes, it's been about 3 weeks since nct was on night night, and that was the day i joined!"
thanks for refreshing my memory! what made you want to work for me initially?se eun covers and laughs, because she's sure her main reason would sound very ridiculous to the older girl, but she's never one to lie. "well, i felt embarrassed asking for money from my parents for idol merchandise. this is kind of the first time being a hardcore fangirl; i used to just enjoy idol songs and not much else. my parents are always talking about how difficult it is to earn money, as they're only ordinary office employees, so i thought, why not go get a job if i want things for myself? they're chill, don't totally disapprove of me listening to and buy their stuff, as long as i do it with my own money and don't go way too crazy in front of them. they think it's better than me having an actual boyfriend who might distract me more, but i'd say it's like having 18 boyfriends now, they just don't know that! besides, i also want to stop depending on them for pocket money, my school fees are expensive enough."
uh huh. and your official title is...?"oh! i'm your cashier girl, and i make the bingsu because i'm the only one who can get a presentable cone shape for now! i'm still helping the others learn though."
great! how do you feel about working here?se eun finally starts relaxing in her chair, as she looks around at the finely decorated place, tilting her body slightly to the right as a habit, "i love it here, everyone is really so kind and nice, something that i think i sometimes take for granted? i'm pretty sure that losers opposite have no idea what a tight knit and cosy family we are!" this evokes a smile from sungsook, obviously pleased with her answer.
i see... let me write that one down. okay, what's your favorite dish or drink we serve?"bingsu, of course! give me bingsu all day any day, it's the biggest reason why i chose to be here. it's so nice to be surrounded by the smells of our baked goods too, and not those greasy slimy trash on sticks."
alright. do you have any suggestions or comments about working here?se eun's face lights up, and she claps her hands together in excitment, slightly leaning forward as she says, "you know what would be a great marketing campaign? like, writing into sm and saying that we're willing to sponsor them a little somethin somethin... i mean, i wouldn't know how PR works, but what i do know is that the god of stats is smiling upon us?? we'd get so many customers for you, and like some ogling time for me??"
okay, not as bad as i was expecting, which is good. but more importantly... what do you honestly think of the cafe across the street?"oh, they're going down for sure." se eun puts on her game face, eyebrows furrowed and lips piercing into a tight line. 
alright. i'll be sure to keep that in mind. and look at that! we're all done.se eun gives her a mock salute, "aye aye captain! i'll be back at the counter, if you need anything more!"
parents her parents are apologetic and kind of pity their own daughter, so in return she does get quite a bit of freedom to do things she wants. they have a good relationship but her parents are oversensitive, and they'd purposefully sit on her right, are very very patient when they're calling out to her from the distance etc.
she also still lives at home bc they are stressed that she can't cope outside. it is still convenient tho, she takes the subway to school and work. she loves her parents for their kind hearts and intentions, but also wants to prove that she can stand on her own. taking up the job was her very first step to start integrating herself into a working environment early. her parents are worried since she is on night shift, but doesn't say much about it other than attentively asking how was her day everyday when she finally comes home. 
hearing aids for most people cros are a hit or miss but luckily for se eun, she likes phonak's cros ii, which she pairs with audeo v. she has decided to forgo cochlear surgery, as those were way too costly and her parents could only afford either that or her tuition fees. since she has used aids from young, her brain is attuned to it, as compared to those who lose their hearing later in life. though she still has to concentrate really hard if she's in noisy settings. she's pretty used swivelling 360 to find the source of sound, and taking other precautions such as never texting and walking, looking on both sides of the road x10. 
she found a reason to hate!! gwak!! the sounds from the fryer gives her a huge headache. don't ask how she can hear the fryer. and edm?? there's fcking edm on their playlist? bye.
sungsook really respects sungsook, thinks the world of her. is constantly amazed by her charisma and how she's a female boss at a relatively young age. does not strike a conversation with her unless absolutely necessary though. sungsook keeps her around for how efficient she is, and she is a generally good worker with a sweet smile, despite weird fangirl tendencies. at most, sungsook tolerates her when she kept on talking about her biases (either to co-worker or customer) but a quick glance from her when she's had enough will shut se eun up immediately.
se eun does try to set up couples. when people come in alone, she'd say something like "oh we're kinda packed today, do you mind?? that seat with that very very lovely boy right here??" to se eun, it is obvious that they come in here looking for a partner sometimes, as their cafe is so littered with couples that no sane single person would come in here without ulterior motives. sungsook doesn't understand why she's such a huge advocate for love, usually letting out a tired sigh or rolling her eyes, but is pretty amazed when one day she hears some ridiculous rumour going around the universities nearby that if you visit blizzard 9 times, you'll meet your soulmate there.
sungsook: did you just assume their ualities??
se eun: [ actually bursts into tears ]
note that sungsook knows about her diability, se eun told her discreetly. there was silent understanding from sungsook immediately. she is treated no differently, other than the fact that sungsook nicely taps her shoulder when she wants to call her for something, rather than yelling from some unknown point across the shop. 
customers her greatest difficulty in this job is when she sometimes can't hear the customer's orders amongst the buzz of the cafe. she adapts by using the menu they have on the counter, pointing at the dishes carefully to double check orders and her fingers for quantity. some trashy customers do get mad but she can't hear that either, so. she's a fighter she can get through this!!  
yeonseok as she's working at the counter, she sees him occassionally glaring their way and she puts on her most menacing face back. how dare he send those lame emails to their sweet, precious cafe?? how do students even study in there??
geonwoo she has geonwoo's number, only because her parents made her get A Boy from the Other Side's number in case blizzard snow gets.. raided or something like that at night. she mostly thinks he's nice and a Real Pity that he's working for the enemy. his disposition would have suited blizzard so much better! 
yoonsung highkey scared2death bc of his looks (thug) and stoic nature. never heard him talk. once, she closed late due to a stock take, and as she was leaving blizzard she saw him walking his cat from the corner of her eye. who walks cats?? "is he torturing that poor animal??" could have fainted on the spot. 
yoo arin her best friend, also that same dancer friend who'd auditioned for all the big companies but failed, and now her dream is to be a choreographer instead. a dance major at ewha and knows se eun from high school. also loves bingsu as well and comes over to blizzard to eat once in a while during se eun's shift. is emotional pillar of support, religiously refrains from gwak, also bc she wants to keep her figure.
hi, i'm j and i'm super rusty at all this... so i'm ready for any questions you shoot my way! i've have a lot of fun doing this, so thank you too! edit: this app so fleshed out its getting thicc


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