Epik Academy :: Yesui is joining Imrud

Yesui Kim

BIRTHNAME : unknown

— Yesui, that was the name assigned to her at the reserve

— Kim Yesui, when she got to Epik High she was given the Kim surname

DATE OF BIRTH : Summer of 1999
BIRTHPLACE : Busan, South Korea (she has never been told this)
ETHNICITY : Korean (also, never told) 
COURSE : PE, specifically fighting forms

— English, commonly spoken at Tekes
— Mandrine, commonly spoken at Tekes
— Korean, conversational, she has been at Epik High for a while and is picking it up very quickly



FACE CLAIM : Noh Hyo-jung
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 168 cm & 52 kg


— Yesui has long, light brown hair and fare skin. She is a lot tanner than most and she is muscular. She still doesnt look like she should be as strong as she is. She physically has thick skin and all kinds of small scars, expecially on her legs(from running through things and getting cuts) 


— For her entire life Yesui only wore what she coudl get from others and never cared what it looked like. Now that she has freedom to get clothing she likes she has changed. Quian took her shopping to get her some clothes. She has devloped a thing for combat boots. 



(+) Observant, independant , protective, moral
(-) Hot head, easily distracted, anxious, untrusting

Yesui is a quieter person so she sees a lot, more than people think. She is also good at reading body language so its hard to keep secrets from her. She is independant to a fault and finds it difficult to rely or trust others. However she is protective of those close to her, like Ong and the Zhongs. She has a clear set of things that she knows is right and that she knows is wrong and she doesnt let people change that very easily. 
Yesui has very many buttons that people can push and she lets people get under her skin too easily. She lashes out at people rather than talk things out because she feels safer that way. She seems anxious often because she has many things on her mind. Her entire life it was all about thinking how she would survive, now that she is safe its difficult to adjust. She just cant get herself to trust people until she knows for a fact that they arent going to try to hurt her
You know how if a cat sees something shiny go past them they stop what they are doing to look? Thats Yesui. She gets distracted all the time and really likes shiny things. 

BACKGROUND : There is a reserve in the mountains of Tekes, China that is dedicated solely to those who suffer from Mammalian Physiology. There is a society there built upon the idea that 'only the strong survive'. More often than not young are brought there from across the world by agents who are looking for them, hoping to find them before they are able to hurt people. Galerprises is dedecated to rehebilitate those who can be and protect the others from themselves
Thats atleast how it was supposed to be. Those trapped inside are often starving and forced to either join one of the many gangs or try to fend for themselves. Many die from starvation, disease or fighting. Galerprises agents are more like goones who enjoy watching it all. 
This is where Yesui was raised. When she was very young, before she can remember, her parents found out that she was a mutant and attempted to kill her by leaving her outside in the winter. Fortunatly a Galerprises agent was looking for her and brought her to the Tekes reserve. 
She was kept with the other young ones until she was seven, then was released into the actual reserve. Right away she was picked up by a gang of vulpes. She was raised to be scrapy, take what ever you can get your hands on. 
When she was thirteen a wave of sarcoptes vulpes swept through the reserve killing almost every vulpe that contracted it, including Yesui's gang. 
After that she was on her own for a while. She kept to the high peaks where many didnt venture because of the harsh climates. Apparently though she was being looked for. 
A pack of canis were looking for her because their leader was intested in her. He was known across the reserve for being ruthless and less than kind to the females he happened across and he was activly looking for Yesui. 
The other she was with, a young lynx boy, heard it from others when he was out and about. He told Yesui and the two of them started prepairing an escape from the refuge. 
For the most part Galerprises leaves those inside to their own but will use deadly force on those trying to escape. Everyone had seen it and very few actually tried to escape. They were going to though. 
There were all kinds of rumors about ways out, weak spots in the fence or even people who had bribed the guards to get out. Yesui was going to find a way out though, no matter what. 
It took a few months but they were able to come up with a plan. There was a lake in the middle of the reserve and a river flowed through it as well. While the down river part of the fence was heavily guarded the up river portion was not. Yesui knew of a cetacean as well and it took some convincing but he was willing to help. 
Yesui was going to hold on to the cetacean with a rope and they were going to swim up river on the darkest night they could find. The two of them would tie off the rope and Yesui would swim back for the lynx then pull them both back up river. 
That was the plan at least and it partially went to plan. Yesui and the cetacean got out, tied off the rope and Yesui was heading back for the lynx when the guards noticed the cetacean outside of the walls. They opened fire on him but didnt notice Yesui come back out of the water with the boy. 
They didnt move from their spot in the water for hours, waiting for the guards to take the body away and leave. The water was so cold Yesui thought they might die too but they didnt. 
Just before sunrise they were able to crawl out of the water and make a run for it. They were both exhausted but she made him keep running all day, just to try to get further from the reserve. They didnt find people until the end of the next day, it was a small farm but they didnt talk to the people. They broke into the barn and slept there. 
For the next few months they kept to themselves and kept moving further from the reservation. They ended up moving south towards Chengdu and they didnt get any attention. 
While in the outskirts of the city though things went south quickly. Neither of them had seen a city so large before so they didnt know what to do. That caught the attention of some of the residence, who called the police on them, saying the were suspicious looking hooligans. The police came up, trying to talk to them but they both reacted poorly. They ended up being taken down and taken in. They were separated and asked all kinds of questions, most of which neither understood what the police meant. 
It was only by luck that one of the officers was a mutant. He was able to break the two out and sneak them to his home. One of his mutant friends had just sent their child to a school for mutants and he got a hold of said mutant. 
While they waited Yesui had an actual home and got to eat her first meal at a table. It was odd living insdie but she was with them for almost a month before they were set to move the two of them. 
They flew on a private jet, most terrifying moment of Yesui's life, and landed at Epik High's personal air strip. They met the headmaster and left the only two people they had ever known to be kind to them. 


— Likes 
the rain
earth tone colors
sleeping next to someone
climbing trees
— Dislikes
deep water
cold water
being in the woods. The reserve was 90% woods so it just reminds her of it
bras. she never wore them before but she has to now and they are not comfortable
— Fears

— Habits
she is always on edge when she has to go into the woods
when people come up behind her she will swpide at them because they scared her
when it rains she will go sit by a window and watch it

— Hobbies
climbing trees
watching people cook

— Trivia
she just learned how to read and write when she got to the school
she is a weak swimmer
she is a lot stronger than she looks
she hasnt acheived a full transformation into a puma
she often doent wear shoes around the school
she is a very good fighter and is quite scrappy
she hasnt had any official traiing, just what she learned 'on the streets'
she is in love with tea
she often will sleep on the floor under her bed rather than on it
she has never been on the internet
she doesnt like tvs
her favorate thing to eat is chicken
she doesnt like driving or flying
she has never had pizza, but she will love it
she hates house cats




— Basically family : Ong / n/a / So sweet, protective of Yesui / 10/10
Ong is the lynx Yesui helped out of the reserve. They have been together for years and she sees him as her younger brother. She would do anything to protect him

— Zhong Duning and Quian / police officer nd teacher / very kind and helping / 7/10
They were the ones to help Yesui and they have been worried for the two of them. They have looked into how Yesui is adjusting and offered to be put on file as her emergancy contact



POWER : Puma physiology

CLUB : Imrud. Many people cant figure out why she is in Imrud but the leader has some reason for wanting her there. 


— Enhanced camouflage
— Enhanced agility
— Enhanced balance
— Enhanced flexibility
— Enhanced senses
— Night vision
— Enhanced speed
— Enhanced strength
— Predator Insticts
— Full embodiment of a female puma


— Enhanced senses, dear god people please go take a shower
— Water 
— Easily over heats, very high body tempurature 
— Angered easily, hot temper 


— Resistance to cold
— Resistance to human illness, she has never been sick




— (+) Dependable, confident, charismatic
(-) Cunning, manipulative, cocky

Lucas is almost like the muscle of NCT. His ability is a form of geokinesis and he is not afraid of using his powers on other students. He can control sapphires in any form, his favorates are his sapphire ring and the sapphire powder he keeps with him. When he does his eyes will shift into an icy blue colour. 
Lucas is there when the other members of NCT need him. He will alwys be there and is willing to do what ever it takes to help them and they know it. He is assured in himself, he knows that he is strong and how he looks. Basiclly he knows he is the and that woman enjoy it. He has a way of getting people to be on his side, he has the looks and easily gets the right words to come out. 
Lucas sees the world as a clear set hierarchy. There are those below him and they are there for a reason and there are the ones who are above him and he needs to get better than them. There are the few that he respects as being better than him though. 9


—  Yesui had been walking through the school, trying to find where she needed to be. She came around a courner, the same courner that Lucas was coming around. He scared him so bad that she swung and punched him, a perfect right hook. It caught him so off guard that he didnt respond, just stood there stairing down at the small girl in front of him who had the balls to actually hit him. Of course she had heard about NCT so she droped everything and ran. After a minute he took what she dropped and used that to try to find her again
When other members of NCT found out they didnt let him live down the fact that a girl was able to shut him up, but from then on he saw her as someone who might be just as equal to him and he was very intruiged. The thing is she wasnt. He tried everything to woo her or even to catch her intrest but she hardly gave him the light of day. He wanted to fin dout more about the small ballsy girl.
Lucas found out her schedule and would 'accidently' bump into her all the time. He would stop sitting with NCT so that he could be at her table but when she saw him she would walk away. It drive him up the wall that she was ignoring him. 
He ended up corning her and demanding what he was doing wrong, that all the other girl fawned for his attention but she didnt. When she didnt respond he swore in Manderine. After that she started talking to him, but it was only in Manderine. 
Lucas may have broken a few rules but got his hands on her file and found out that she was from China, even better from a city he was familiar with. 
He tried a new tactic with her. He would ask her questions about her home but she would always dodge them and he always asked in Mandrine. 
Every few questions she would answer and it gave him more to ask. They would spend hours together but he would only find out a few things about her. 
People started to notice Lucas wasnt acting the same, he wasnt being the same loud goon as before and the rumors started to fly. Usually he didnt care if a rumor was going around about him a a girl but he was upset about this one, he didnt want people talking bad about Yesui. 


— It took a very long time for Yesui to even want to talk to the mountain of a person trying to talk to her. She didnt like new people, expecially ones who looked like they could potentially hurt her. 
After Lucas had been talking to her for long enough though she started to see something in him, there was a soft side that he probably didnt even know about. 
Usually Lucas would just meet up with a girl, maybe hook up but he never really dated a girl. Yesui was the first one he wanted to but when he asked she said no. Not that she didnt want to, she just didnt really understand. 
Once Lucas caught on to the fact that Yesui knew amlost nothing about the world and how things went he vowed to teach her. She was with him the first time she had pizza and ice cream. 

Its kinda like one of those things that everyone knows but no one would say because they would get hit, but people could see that Lucas and Yesui were together, even before they knew


— He likes showing her new things
— He cooks for her because he is actually a really good cook
— Once she let him get close, she feels safer when she is around him
— Ong absolutly adores Lucas but Lucas is still getting used to the boy
— here
— here
— here


welcome to epik academy

hello, welcome to the school how do you feel about transferring here?: 

— Um, fine. I guess

do you mind explaining some more about your mutation and power? : 

— Well, I'm supposed to be able to turn into a puma but I've never had a full transformation. I dont need a specific time to transform, I probably just need to practice but it isnt the most pleasent thing. I still have skills while in this form though, like I can tell that you had jjajangmyeon for lunch

imagine, a big army of bad mutants attack the school, what would you do? : 

*pause* Well, I'd probably find Ong and get him out. If I had to fight though I would. I'm not afraid

What is your opinion about the existence of clubs in this school? : 

— I dont really understand it, I'll be honest there. 

and lastly, Which club is your favourite, and which one do you not really like?  : 

— I'm not sure what their called but I know that they all hang out together. Its the girls who look like they spend their time looking into mirrors, they are so full of themselves. (Artemis) I gue...gguess I kinda l...like N..NCT though, they are cool


Jewel_ELF : Krissy  :  turn in



— There is a day like parents day. Yesui is forced to go out becuse all of the students have to be there. She is expecting the day to but her name is called out. The Zhong's came to see her and Ong
— Ong is following Lucas around one day and someone says something about the annoying small prick and tries to shove Ong but Lucas grabs him and flips him over his back.
— Yesui gets a gift with no name on it. It was a necklace. That she absolutly adored and she started wearingit all the time. 

PASSWORD : NCT, duh. I'm on an NCT kick rn though



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Oh I forgot to ask, what class is she in? 3A, 3B or 3C?
Hey, before I review this, I wanted to tell you that you need at least 4 different traits for both positive and negative. Please change that