

formidame / mari) / 5

AGE — 23
BIRTHDAY —  January 9
BIRTH PLACE — Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN — Seoul, South Korea
♚ — Korean - mother tongue
♚ — English - advanced. She studied English in school, of course, and was (un)surprisingly good at it as well. English movies and scientific articles that she desperately tries to understand help her improve by the day. Her accent leaves a lot to be desired, but her vocabulary is rather impressive (she has a knack for languages, but she has never really paid that skill much mind, too engrossed in science in hopes of figuring the ink).

FACE CLAIM — Kim Jiwon


APPEARANCE —  Nothing really stands out about Ahra, perhaps with the exception of the peculiar glint in her eyes  - a rather interesting combination of sarcasm and wit just waiting to burst out and wreak havoc. Everything about her is average, from her height ,to her weight, to her face. She doesn't really care (well, maybe just a tiny bit), because her charm lies somewhere else. Brainy is the new y, isn't that right? 
Oh, and please ignore the little scratches all over her hands. They're from a pencil sharpening accident. Totally.

STYLE — She doesn't have a particular style - she changes her preferences quite often. Although pants are more prominent in her wardrobe than skirts, she happily wears both. Usually, she wears neutral colors and adds color via lipstick and nail polish, but sometimes you will see her wearing the occasional colorful shirt. 
♚ intelligent, logical, morals are... dubious, a brave coward, sarcastic as actual , over-thinker, guarded, empathic in her own weird way

There is a reason why Kim Ahra is able to spit out devious remark after remark and even sort of (not really) understand what her professor is rambling about during biochemistry - she's one clever beast, not even her enemies could deny that - looking at you, who stole her favorite seat on the bus. She prides herself on her intelligence and wit, and she is ready to prove it at any given opportunity. She is a very logical person, and in her opinion, everything can be solved if you just sit down and think long enough. Mysticism is an impossible concept for her to grasp, especially because of everything that's going on with her and the ink. It's still full of logic, she knows, she just needs to find it. Everything has a reason. The moving ink is just manipulation of energy, a chemical reaction, not something magical. It's very hard for her to understand that there are things that she can't understand, which can be a bit of a mind because her life is full of such occurrences. She's a stubborn little creature, but even her resourcefulness can do so much when the material is nonexistent and there are things that she can't explain, no matter what she tells herself.

And she tells herself this quite a bit. Her mind is her only weapon, but it is a double-edged sword. Just as much as it helps her in her quest to find logic amidst the chaos of the ink, it's also the one thing that makes Ahra lose her confidence and run into a corner. She overthinks everything way too much - which can be a problem when decisions need to be fast-paced and they need to act fast when in the face of danger. A lot of times she's afraid to act out of fear of consequences. She's a coward like that, too afraid to do things to the point of sometimes running away from the problem just so she wouldn't have to face it. She needs time more than anything in the world, because time makes it possible to consider any and all consequence and make the right choice (and even then she is terrified beyond her wits, because what if she has made a mistake, a miscalculation that could result in someone dying?). She absolutely hates taking responsibility for the lives of others than herself, and absolutely despises when others take responsibility for her life. Don't try to save her by hiding the truth from her or doing something without talking with her first, she won't appreciate it even if it literally saved her from dying. She's well aware of that trait of hers, and tries to fix it at any given opportunity - sure, let's go fight the crazy powerful ink dude that wants to kill them all, she doesn't mind, that's totally not going to get all of them killed. It's a slow process, and she's working on making it better (even though one might question if that's even the right direction - after all, all she's doing is physical things rather than look deep inside and try to figure out her own ups. She's not quite there yet, unfortunately).
It's okay though, don't worry, she masks it all rather well behind a wall of sarcasm and cynicism. It's her line of defense, and honestly, it's just so much fun to be the darkest ray of sunshine (no matter how much people roll their eyes or try to compete with her. Amateurs). She can't help it most of the time, and it did get her into many a trouble - professors and crazy shins alike. And fine, maybe some of it is because of how guarded she is, but hey, she's not one for sappy feelings and emotions. She's a woman of thought (and sometimes action), all this emotion bull is quite elusive for her. She rarely shares her feelings, which can result in quite the confusion in those around her, but Ahra is simply too afraid to open up. Opening up means dealing with the that's going on inside of her head, and she is simply not ready to deal with any of it.
That doesn't mean that she shies away from people and their feelings, however... well, yes it does, they make her awkward (especially if someone starts crying, god forbid), but it doesn't mean she doesn't like people and helping them. On the contrary, she feels for people's burdens and pains, and tries to help as much as she can. It doesn't matter that in her mind, helping is strictly coming up with the perfect plan to make everything okay (someone else can deal with the emotional healing, Ahra rather... not). Hell, even her quest to find the truth about the ink is more for others than herself (okay, fine, she's super curious about everything herself, but she is doing it for others too!), as she has figured long ago that she probably wasn't that special and there are others who had these abilities as well. She wants to help others, but her way of doing it is quite dubious... as are her morals in general. She just doesn't look at life the way others do, partly because of how logical she is. Emotions play a very small role when it comes to how she thinks (or, at least, that's what she thinks, ignoring the chaos that's going on in her mind in favor of staying relatively sane), and in the grand scheme of things she will do whatever necessary to get the results she desires. She's trying to help humanity (and if it satisfies her curiosity while she's at it, even better), and if it means a few might get hurt, Ahra can live with that. 
In a way, the ink has been more of a blessing than a curse to Kim Ahra. Sure, the horrible nightmares are no fun, and there's always the looming threat of someone finding out and embarking on a witch hunt, but nightmares have always and people have always been dumb. Before the inkcident had occurred when she was seventeen, Ahra had no idea what to do with her life. Then the nightmares came, then the ink itself, and suddenly Ahra had a purpose in life. She was going to figure out what was going on with her. After a lot of experiments behind closed doors (that involved a lot of drawing and getting scratched), Ahra realized that there was no way she could solve this riddle, and the only way to do that was dig deeper. Literally. She had to understand the ink on a molecular level.
The plan was rather simple - study biochemistry at SNU, using everything at her disposal to figure the mystery of the ink. The main problem was that Ahra and science didn't really mix. She was clever and intelligent, but when it came to physics, chemistry, and biology Ahra was like a fish out of the water. It didn't matter, of course. Too stubborn to accept defeat so early in the plan, she studied her off, and tried to get into SNU. Long story short, she failed. It was a hard blow to her ego, and it halted the grand plan for one long year, during which all Ahra did was study for the entrance exam and entered an over-thinking state that made her life a living hell - the ink got worse, her confidence got worse, everything seemed to be falling apart. Of course, she didn't tell anyone how hard everything was - pffft, feelings. Who needed talking about them, certainly not her.  Fortunately, her second time had been successful, and Ahra got accepted into the university under the biochemistry program. Then the second problem arose - she still at science, but it didn't matter! She got in! The plan was advancing towards stage 2, and she was one step closer to solving the scientific mystery that she was.

PRESENT — University life is absolute hell, but what else is new? It's not like Ahra's used to sleep anyway (thank you, nightmares!), but not understanding most of what the professors say during lectures is starting to get kind of depressing. It's a new feeling, being at the bottom of the class, and Ahra can't say she enjoys it. She honestly can't say she's enjoying any of her classes, but she continues because she has a goal. So far progress with the ink has been minimal, and she is no closer to knowing its cause than she was before. It's frustrating, but Ahra continues. She experiments when she has free time, "borrowing" the university's equipment and even locking herself in the lab for the night on a few occasions. It doesn't really help that she's not science-smart and doesn't really know what she's doing (and it's not like she can ask for help either. Who will believe her? Or more importantly, who won't run screaming bloody murder the moment she gives them proof?). She grows frustrated by the second, but she's not willing to give up - she's gone through hell to get into SNU for this, there's no way she's dropping it all now.

♚ Ahra didn't really draw before the inkcident. She doodled a lot during class, which is how she found out about her ability. As the year passed, she started drawing more and more, and now she's tremendously better than before. She can't be compared to the cool artists out there, but she's pretty proud of her improvement and likes her style.

♚ She's actually pretty talented when it comes to learning languages, but she never really did anything about it after setting herself the goal of figuring out the ink.

♚ She can open her own vein, a necessary skill when one needs to draw blood from oneself because no one can know she's experimenting and no one else has the... whatever it is she has inside of her that gives her the ink.

♚ Her entire research is backed both on her computer and as a logged journal that she hides in the small goshiwon that she's living in. It has her entries all the way from when she was 17 and just discovered her powers. She tries to be as scientific as possible with the research, and records any and all ink occurrence. She has at least five different boxes with drawings and observations about the ink, her nightmares, possible chemical connections (that she half-assed because she really doesn't get what Prof. Lee is rambling about), basically everything that she could think of. Yes, it may be a bad idea to keep her research on paper as someone might find out, but Ahra is as careful as she can be, and she knows she has to document everything in order to make progress. That's what all the fancy researchers are doing, and so should she.


Mother/ Kim Aerin / 49/
♚ Father/ Kim Sihyuk/ 49/

There's nothing really to say about her parents - They gave birth to her, they exist. That's it. Ever since the inkcident took place, Ahra has been very guarded and her relationship with her parents slowly became nonexistent. Now, with university hell and ink hell, she barely even gets to talk to them, and she hasn't seen either of them for a few good months. It doesn't really matter to her - they really aren't close - even though she feels like she's missing out on the entire family thing.

FRIENDS — Friends? What friends? She has acquaintances, sure, but Ahra is way too focused on the ink to have any sort of social life. Sure, she talks to some people every now and then, and even tries to make friends with some of them, but ultimately the ink wins. She can't think about something as small as social life when she needs to uncover the mysteries of something that could possibly benefit humanity. She's a good of the many over good of the few kind of girl.

STRENGTH — She's not the weakest of shins, but she's not really powerful either. Manifestations happen only 3-4 times a year, and for the most part, her drawing simply move and are relatively harmless. Accidents happen, of course, the scars on her hands prove that, but over the years she has learned to control the ability fairly well.

STABILITY — Ahra has never been someone to shy away from her abilities, and tries to find an answer whenever possible. That almost always means experimenting (as she doesn't really have anything else to do other than that), and so she has never suppressed the ink and draws whenever possible. Over the years she became very stable.



aka I will let you play matchmaker :D

She is good with or without a love interest, so I will leave it up to you!
FAMOUS LAST WORDS — ugh fine okay I stole the inkcident from UrangUtang. She's the one that came up with this brilliant pun. But does it matter? I FINALLY FINISHED AN APP WHOOOO SOUND THE ALARM

SCENE SUGGESTIONS — Not much of a scene suggestion, but I'd really love to see Ahra finally making peace with the fact that she can't explain everything, and not everything is logical and scientific as she'd like, and the ink is magical, no matter what she says :D
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Damn straight you got inkcident from me.
Third time's the charm??