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birthname 전신지
birthdate november 16, 1992
birthplace paju, gyeonggi, south korea
hometown kwangjin, seoul, south korea
ethnicity korean-european


△ korean (fluent, native tongue)

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△ Jiji by her mother and her boyfriend. it's a cute nickname and one she cringes upon hearing, but since it's her mother and her boyfriend calling her this, she tolerates it.

△ Photography Lady by jisung, but she didn't know about it until jisung let it slipped one day and she doesn't mind.

faceclaim sonamoo's nahyun
backup oh!mygirl's yooa
height & weight 166cm & 56kg


jeon shinji

+ honesty, strong-willed, responsible, calm, practical
= minimalistic, athlete, weird
- stubborn, insensitive, judgmental, aloof, restless


shinji is sincere in what she says, does, and that also means she doesn't like bull nor does she sugarcoat things. shinji is also determined to do things her ways despite what others may advise. when it comes to school or life itself, shinji feels obligated to do something or believes she has to care or in some type of control over someone. shinji's never rough or aggressive with her behavior or words as she does it in a tranquil manner, but there are moments where she does break character. also, shinji is a person who out of concern does things for the actual of doing or of use instead of theories or ideas.

shinji is the type of person that doesn't need a lot of things to live with or by and makes and does with little as possible. although at times she may got a bit overboard if it's something, somewhere, or someone unfamiliar. but in general she prefers only having the necessary things that she really needs as wants she can always come back to if there's still time or if she's still interested. anyways, shinji is also a person who distracts herself with being physical to exert extra energy and to just relieve her mind and stress because she just needs to release it and not to bottle it all in. also shinji needs the energy if she wants to get through her day without going insane or something like that.

at times, shinji can be seen as uncanny as she'll have a way with doing things differently from others that isn't usually a common thing to do. shinji has a strong stance of not changing her mind or opinions so easily unless there's a good enough reason for her to do so. often times, shinji has no feelings if they don't concern her and and doesn't show any concern for others people's feelings at first. which has her displaying a point of view that may come off as being quite critical and probably rude. and this makes shinji unfriendly, distant, and hard to approach as she may seem not involved and uninterested with things or people. still though shinji needs to be constantly moving and doing stuff because she can't stand not doing something even if she has to go about it alone.


shinji comes from a middle-class family of a single-parent home consisting of her mother and her. shinji doesn't know her father. has never met him or even seen a single picture of him upon her parents' separation before shinji's birth. all shinji does know is that her father was an american of european descent and was a us soldier based in paju for his services.

her mother didn't struggle while raising her since shinji's grandparents were still alive at the time and supported them until their timely date due to natural causes. since then it's just been shinji and her mother until she was around twenty-two when her mother began dating again. shinji's just waiting until her mother and her boyfriend tied the knot because clearly shinji knows that their seeing a future together.

shinji attends Nayana UHS and is a fine art major in photography. she minds her own business and does her own thing when needs be. she spends a lot of her time photographing things around campus and off campus and in the dark room developing them. in a sense shinji's basically a loner (of her own choosing) and doesn't interact with others unless she has to or needs to.



bubble tea
winter skies
fruity drinks


dark colored soda
hard candies
actual reptiles
actual insects
chick flicks
misplacing her things
sleep/nap being disturbed




rubbing her thumb against forefinger and middle finger together when thinking
puffing her cheeks when she's bored
cracking her neck and knuckles to loosen them up
stretching before doing any dancing or exercise
talking with her hands, especially when excited or angry
teetering and tottering on the balls of her feet while waiting in line or standing for too long


is blood type O
only eats cheese melted
sips yogurt through a straw
smalls books before reading
has an unhealthy addiction to nail polishes [as in she'll collect too much and that she'll paint her nails multiple colors and a few days later will have her nails painted another set of different colors]
prefers ketchup, but not tomatoes
hates balloons for no apparent reason
is ambidextrous, but mainly right-handed
porcelain dolls freak her out
some time will operate on auto-pilot
knows how to drive, but doesn't have a driver's license
isn't a scaredy-cat, but gets anxious and nervous when hearing thunder and seeing lightning
favorite numbers are 4 and 13 despite its bad luck symbolism with each one
doesn't really have a favorite color, but love pastels a lot
is quite sporty, but doesn't participate in any school's sport

the people in my life


Mother || Jeon Shinbi || 49 || loving, hard-working, firm || super close
it's always been the two of them and they would rely on the other for support and happiness. it was tough as there were some drama here and there, but shinji and her mother always talked it out and got through it in the end. sure it may have taken a few days to do so, but eventually things would return back to how it was before and bygones would be bygones. shinji loves her mother a lot and would do anything for her and vice versa.

Mother's boyfriend || Seo Yongin || 42 || helpful, goofy, strong || close
at first they didn't get along (on shinji's part) because shinji was wary about a younger man dating her mother, but yongin really liked her mom and didn't go out of his way to prove it to make a point across to shinji to accept him as well. he just gave them time to mellow out and would strike up small talk with shinji out of politenes. she tolerated the man, but it wasn't until some time had passed and shinji actually got to know yongin better and seeing her mother looking happy and feeling happy made shinji realize that she didn't want to end that mood for her mother. yongin gave her mother something that she knew she could never do and wouldn't mind having him becoming her father in the future.

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love interest

name yoon jisung
backup hwang minhyun
birthdate march 8, 1991 [August 9, 1995]

status campus friends [as in the two are only friends due to school since they've never hung out outside of it. shinji doesn't really mind if they do or not, but jisung would like to get to know her better outside of school]



on the positive side, jisung is a someone that has strong feelings and or a strong belief whenever he does something or feels greatly about something. It explodes right out of him in those kind of moments with imagination and some times originalitly in his own right. jisung is readily able to adapt to all sorts of circumstances as well as around others and his surroundings with ease. which causes others who are with him or even around him to be happy by his nature and appearance. it's all because jisung is kind and pleasant and shows good and affectionate terms with others.

on the negative side, jisung can be a bit absentminded as he tends to not remember things when he needs to or ends up remembering something else that he didn't need to. which at times may cause other people to view him as someone who lacks concerns for others and is thinking for his own personal self. when that happens jisung becomes discourage and starts showing less effort or care and an unwillingness to work or use energy to do stuff. because of that he may have a tendency to get irritated or provoked easily. jisung will also become irresponsible and unpredictable in nature as well.

love story

it's a slow start of one that's not really budding as fast as some relationship would, but it's there. jisung is majoring as a veterinarian technician and shinji has seen him a few times with the animals on campus because she loves taking photos of the animals and having the techs with them is just an added bonus. shinji always asks for permission and jisung has noticed her come around often and strikes up conversation with her. shinji talks with him, but never more in detail unless she has too. shinji has noticed that when she does photograph the animals or hang out with them that jisung is always nearby and wonders if he's there to keep an eye on her or just wants to kind of bother or something like that. eventually they do grow closer, but they've never hung out outside of the animal care center. when they do, shinji tries to get out of his line of sight, but he always happens to spot her and so she doesn't make it obvious that she was about to run away and they chat a bit.

can you please state your name, birthday and whether or not you to nayana university or high school?

My name is Jeon Shinji. I was born in 1992 on November 16. I attend Nayana University.

now what were you doing at nayana high school after school at night?

My assignment was due for my photography class the next day and I had to re-develop my photos because of it.

what do you think of min eunhye, the teacher you say was appearently kidnapped?

She's a nice woman. I liked her when she was my teacher.

do you know anyone who would want to kidnap her?

Honestly no I don't. Ms. Min is a nice lady, but then again we don't know the lives of our teachers outside of school.

thank you for answering our questions.

You're welcome.

final words

last words hello there! i hope you like Shinji and that Jisung isn't, well, described as his usual self. since it is an AU world, i thought it would be fun that way, but if not, please do let me knwo and i'll revise anything that needs revision. also good luck to the both of you on choosing the characters as well as writing out the story!

scene request 

jisung discreeting trying to be in shinji's photos.
the 12 getting together to talk about what they all know to piece things together.
shinji hanging out with her mom and her mom's boyfriend.
people thinking that yongin is like her sugar daddy.



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yeeess give that love to Jisung