Being an introvert on so many levels

Being an introvert is really tiring because not everyone understands how you feel, or rather they never ask how you feel. I'm the type of introvert that is shy and anxious around strangers and I try to limit my interactions with the world as much as possible.

I think the best way to describe me is "I don't hate you, I'm just not excited about your existence, but you do you fellow stranger. Let's just mind each other's business"

But often times, I'm met with situations that I can't escape where I need to, you know, talk my way out of something, do a freaking presentation (this one is terrfying yikes), and the cherry on top, oral exams (ugh I hated those).

but the thing is, when I panic about one of those situations, no one tries to understand why you're so nervous and instead my bro and my mom always scold me for being that way. They tell me the same talk you hear everywhere and I truly appreciate their concern but I also would like them to understand me a tiny bit and maybe then I could make small baby steps towards betterment.

so yeah, people take social problems so lightly in here. I've always been called shy and reserved since I was a kid so nothing new, really.

I just wish it was so easy for us, socially awkward peeps, to change and be more comfortable in the outside world.

*sigh* life is a mess as an introvert. (and don't get me started on the "there's nothing to panic about" as if that's supposed to make you feel better lmao. oh well)


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Did you consider an anxiety disorder?
Because I used to be like you so I definitely understand. I also considered myself introvert and yet people still told me "you're not bad at being social, it's just something in your head". While oral exams and presentations can be terrifying but hiding away from the world and not interacting because there is some kind of fear and it makes you anxious? That doesn't just sound like being introvert to me ;;
Either way, there is a way to change and make social life easier. But no change is easy and it takes effort.
Oh gosh, I relate so much. Just yesterday my aunt invited me and my mom over for lunch but my introverted was too anxious to meet her new boyfriend because he's so outgoing and fun and I was afraid he'd try to be nice and talk to me. He's one of those people who force you to open up and if you stay quiet most of the time (almost always, in my case) he looks surprised whenever you open your mouth to say something and it just makes me more and more aware of how weird I am :(. I like staying at home, unlike my sister who's extremely outgoing and sometimes mom tells me that I should go out more during summer but hey, I'm happy! It's the only time of the year when I can just sit on the couch and do whatever I want for the whole day. School is already too tiring and it's not like I have to friends but I never get in contact with them, especially during summer lol. My mom has begun to understand me a bit but I feel the worst when she compares me with my sister. It makes me feel miserable lol but I'm glad I'm not the only "weird" one out there and that there are more people in this world who hate interacting with others and find happiness being alone. <3
Heck, I feel you. I'm an introvert myself so... yeah. I hated presentations so damn much.