A message to everyone

And in those little moments where you feel like your lungs can’t function anymore, do me a favor and breathe through your heart. Take a trip down memory lane, turn your best moments’ switch on, remember those meaningful minutes where you carelessly forgot how to live, and just let things naturally flow. Take it from me, feeling alive is the rarest thing you could ever find these days. Don’t let the world foul you into thinking that doing what you love is dangerous. What’s truly dangerous is their envy.

But, in return, don’t harm a soul, don’t threaten a precious creature and most of all, don’t abuse yourself. Doubt is the easiest way to kill oneself, so be careful of your inner demons. Sometimes, their whispers stand out far more than the world’s chaotic screams.

The true revolution is what’s deep inside you. What you might be and what you desire to be. Please don’t end up like me, please take your steps cautiously. Don’t listen, don’t think, just breathe. Breathe through your heart. Do it for yourself, do it yourself. I, unfortunately, forgot how to. I let this world get the best of me the moment I realized, I was too humane to be human.

So please, don’t let this world take you too. Conquer it. By god’s will own it!


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This is sweet ^-^ Thank you~
Thank you buddy for your kind words... God bless you...
what a sweet message <3