To Capricorns

So there's this sort of cold war brewing between me and my Capricorn friend, and I need some advice from all Caps here, see if you can understand or maybe tell me what to do because I sure as heck don't...

Here goes 

Basically, this Cap friend I have, (you've seen her being mentioned in one of my blogposts) she became friends with a girl both of us hate back in last year, and we went on a school trip that lasted a week last October, she was really close with that girl (let's name her C) but in December she suddenly acted like best friends (sort of) with me, which I'm absolutely fine with because I really liked her. 

Fast forward to mid February to start of March this year. She started acting cold to me, like whenever we're with other friends she doesn't talk to me, but when we eat lunch together she talks a lot and is generally comfortable with me. I just left it, figuring she likes spending time with C more and it's obvious from her actions, but I didn't say anything and just went on with my life and we would have lunch once each week. 

Start of March, we had a major school function, I was sitting next to her, she looks uncomfortable, switched seats with another mutual friend (D) of ours. I figured out something is wrong, and so I dragged that poor girl next to me to visit other classes (tbh she's actually fine with it). She sat me down and told me what happened (apparently I was talking to a classmate about D, and I said something offensive [it was meant lightly and not taken really serious] then she screenshot it to that Cap friend, and she accused me of talking behind people's backs, which - notice - the girl who screenshot the convo with her did as well), and said she wasn't offended, which I was really glad about, but I should probably talk to her about. 

I didn't, but someone (best friend of Cap) asked her and she sent a text to me, about how I'm asking too much about her, as if I know her (which I don't, according to her, and yes I don't that much, so I goddamn freaking asked). I left her alone for couple of days, she started talking to me, then cut me off again, and a few weeks later someone who knew her well came back because she had holidays (she's studying overseas), and had a long chat w/ me, told me to send a text to ask her about being friends again, I did, Cap said yes, and the tension is lifted a teeny bit, but she's not that close with me anymore (we don't text anymore and I stopped asking her out to lunch after three failed attempts; plus we have tests going on). 

Worst thing, she sits in front of me, which is super awkward but thankful because her back is facing me. I sometimes ask her something just to give an excuse for talking, but that's pretty much it. Tried texting her, sending her memes and stuff, she replies but...

I know I shouldn't expect much and give her space? But like, this happened with D before and now they're fine, I know it's because she needs D for stuff like studies and they both like BTS, and I'm thinking because we don't have much shared interests, maybe....

Anyways I really hope I can get back with her, she's an awesome person and she's leaving next year so...

PS, for the info I'm a Scorpion, so yes, there's the issue of pride and . 

Sorry for ranting and stuffing my own life drama into your faces, I'll go away now...


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Do you know her birthday? If so you should include her moon-sign to this blogpost as well. It might reveal more about her than her sun-sign in this case, because I think this is more an emotion-thing than it is an ego-thing.
The hot-and-cold is a classic Cap-thing, though. If she doesn't talk to you outside of when you initiate contact, I would say she has gotten an idea in her head that either you're untrustworthy or something.
Actions usually speak louder than words but I don't know what you can do. Most important of all, though, is to always do the things you say you want to do. Empty promises are really bad with Caps.

I'm not sure I entirely understand what happened, though. o_o'
Is her texts extremely cold? If yes, then I think that's a bad sign. If no, I don't think you should base it on that.
And then - if it continues to feel awkward, you should pull her aside and ask her if there's anything you can do to mend what has happened between you. If she refuses to talk, let it go.
She might be an awesome person, but when a Cap has an idea, it's not going to be easy to get them to change their mind. And you're going to spend too much energy on it. (This is probably even worse if she's an Earth-sign moon as well. 2x Earth is probably to make an awfully stubborn person in this area, especially if it's a Taurus or Capricorn moon. But I'm not sure about this, it's just speculations.)

Source: I'm a Capricorn sun, lmao. (I'm not an Earth-sign moon, however (nor do I have a lot of Earth in my personal planets), and her actions would have annoyed me as well.)