Did Polyvore resetted everything?

Umm. Hey guys, for all those you have connections with me and on Studio 101, I'm just trying to ask a simple question.

Did Polyvore resetted everything?
I mean like, I'm back to being a beginner (Style Spotter) and it says I've only created 2 sets.. I know I haven't been creating much these days but surely I have created over 20 sets already.. Did Polyvore did it on purpose XD it's threating me to create something.

I'll tell you what happened,
I saw an Studio 101 update today(I haven't been online for a while) and I just thought of visiting Polyvore for a moment. And then I saw a banner saying: Create 2 sets to remain current position. And so I thought Oh! I must be offiline for a while that Polyvore's checking if I'm still active or not. And so quickly I created 2 sets and published them, the banner was gone but I WAS BACK TO BEING A BEGINNER. It says I only have created 2 sets and I need 23 more to become a Style Spotter (i was so close back then T_T)...
When I clicked for more info, it says that I'm in Polyvore Style Insider. If you guys (the ones who got Polyvore) have noticed it, please tell me what's going on. It says Starting from Jan 1 - 31 and stuff... it also said being a Style Spotter may have a chance to go to NY Fashion Week and stuff..

Well.. I'm not the intrested nor have enough inspirations to make that much sets... I'm just so sad and confused that all my records are gone (the sets are still there, just the record disappeared.)  Please help me if you do know anything. Jaebal ^-^


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Its the same for me :O
I just checked and it says I only made two sets.
But all my designs are still there actually~ Whew
Your should be there still too I hope
it did the same to me. i think that's what happens when you're inactie for a while
I think soooo! It says i have only created two sets now??? Luckily the designs are still there though.. But yeah its weird