
I actually had a tantrum over something so little.

I hate it when my parents have little regard for me and my possessions, so when I come home from university, where i've been treated like an adult, i expect to be treated like im 20 and not 12. 

I have a pica for ice since I'm aneamic and since I only had 5 icecubes left, I decided to save them for 2 days before I could go to the store and buy another pack. She used two of them for her alcoholi drink and excpected me to clean it up for her.

I don;t even get asked to do the dishes properly. As soon as I come home from scrubbing my own apartment, it's like they expect me to pick up all of my old chores just like that with no warning. My living habits have changed. "Child. Dishes" is not how i like to be spoken to. Then using my Ice without even asking me and KNOWING about my addiction just made me so pissed. 

Now I have to wait until tomorrow afternoon to go and buy more ice. I cant freeze any becasue my parents threw the ice cube moulds away. If you have little regard for me and my possesions, ignore me and treat me like a child, then I will act like a child. Boomerang.

Was I right to be so pissed at their level of ignorance? Was my  Passive Agressive tantrum justified? 

Cant wait to go back to my apartment and just...be my own adult.


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