Broken Wrist?

A mini rant.

I have no idea why mywrist hurts so much.

A week and a half ago I did some heavy lifting because a friend was moving and they needed help, but the pain shouldn't show up now should it?

I don't know if I should go to the doctors or straight to the hospital because I've had the pain before and it went away after a while but this is th emost painful it's been.

The fustrating part about being away from hoe (my parents' house) is that in London, the hospital system is split by area so If I go to another hosptital in another part of the city, they get all moany about transferring the information. (I tried to move my hospital appointments for my kidneys (they're ed up too...they've taken 2 years trying to find out what's wrong and still nothing, wtf...) and they got all moany then, saying they'd have to start over... so, to go to the hospital 15 mins from my apartment and probably not get an appointment this month or wait a week  (travel for 3 hours) and bring it up at my scheduled check up, ultrasound and bloodtest?? 

I love that the nhs is free but omg...

It also hurts to type >.<


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Go to the ER. Let them take an x-ray and determine whether it's a sprain or a fracture quickly without having to wait. If it is a fracture, you want it treated. Let them moan about their files, it's not your job to not get hurt just because their systems are incompatible or whatever.
If you don't want to go to the ER, go to the doctor close to you asap. They will probably refer you to an x-ray anyway. Definitely don't wait another week unless that genuinely comes first. (But I doubt it if you go for the ER)
I'd say go see a doctor first and maybe get a splint for your wrist to keep mobility on it down.
I think you should go and see a doctor first? at least you know whats wrong to be safe. Take good care and may you get well soon.