
Hey guys!

It's not like it's necessary to say this, but is there anyone else who thinks it's just sooo hard to establish a name through writing on AFF? I just think that at the moment, if you don't write about the "famous bands" (e.g. BAP or BTS) it's just almost impossible to have people read your fanfictions?

Like, if we upload a fanfiction/OS we know it has to be a popular one or else there's no chance people are going to read it. Obviously people are only reading what they like, but considering the enormous mass of fanfictions it's so easily to go by unseen.

For me it resembles a cycle, first you have to publish something, then it has to be good enough for at least a bunch of people to subscribe which invites other people to read it. (I can't be the only one who rates stories by description, foreword AND number of subscribers, honestly, it's such an important measure?)

Let me know your thoughts on it!


And sorry for us being so inactive at the moment (storywise), we are so busy with university, life is literally stressing us out to the max. Not gonna comlain here, somewhen we'll be back on track (most probably with some y smexy XiuHan hahaha~).

Have a wonderful week and make people happy! <3

- Kitty


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Well for me Eunhae is what introduced me to kpop fanfiction and I am faithful to the ship when I write, but when I look for stuff to read, I tend to gravitate towards kaisoo. With Eunhae in the military and Super junior on hiatus, is expected that my fics won't be as popular, but I can't force myself to write about a ship I have no inspiration for just to get subs, I ship kaisoo hard but I can't seem to get any ideas to write it other than the 2 little one shots I already have.
To conclude : Authors should write what they feel like writing and not force themselves to please the masses.
It is hard to get recognized, I suppose. There's a lot of writers on AFF and also outside of AFF. So it's definitely hard to get recognized. ^^

I don't rate stories on how many subscribers they have because I know that underrated fics exist too and thus rating on subscribers will have me miss out quite often, sadly.
Ich lese meistens nur die Sachen die mir vom Story-Plot gefallen. Wenn eine Story schlechtes Englisch hat lese ich sie oft auch nicht, weil ich das einfach nicht mag.
Aber meistens brauch ich ein Gesicht zu der Person die in der Geschichte vorkommt, weshalb ich nur Fics lese von band die ich kenne.

Aber ich finde eher dass es schwerer ist zurzeit eine Gescheite story in der "Latest Update" Section zu finden weil gefühlt jede dritte Fic eingentlich nur eine RPG ist....