New Story+ Updated Waiting List.





Just because I am that crazy who likes to write way too much, I found the time to write a 12 000 words ( and more) one shot at the same time I am running two jobs + online formations. And I am still rolling, believe it or not. 


Anyway, I just wanted to tell you guys that I just dropped a new story called Until The Las One Falls , staring Jungkook and an OC.

This is a vampire fic, with , romance & angst. You can find it here.


Also, I am still taking requests. Here is the list of the upcoming stories so you know what to expect.


-Waiting list-


-Yoongi /OC : , jealousy, romance, .

-Taehyung/OC : Teacherau, , probably angst & heavy romance.

-Namjoon/OC:  genre to determine, probably thriller but no . 

*Special Request/Gift for a friend*  - Lay/ OC : Teacherau, romance, heavy angst, Christmas themed. 

-Jimin/ Oc : Dance partner, romance, fluff, maybe a bit of angst. 

-Namjoon/ OC :  Gangau, angst, , maybe some mature scenes as well.

-Yoongi/ OC :  Demonau , romance, angst, supernatural., no .






So I am taking 5 more requests and it will go like that as long as I don't clear it off. The places disappear fast so if you really want to make a request for a oneshot about a BTS member, contact me by private message or comment down below and I'll contact you! 

Also, there is an Exo fic in the list. I feel like I must explain myself there, it doesn't mean that I am going back to write about exo full time like I used to, simply that I am making a gift for a dear friend (that you guys can easily guess the identity of) and I don't want to lose the hand in case that someday I might want to write about them again.


Please send me your requests guys and I hope you will enjoy what's about to come.

Lots of love xxx



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ForSehun #1
Hiii maybe it's too late but can you do a jimin ? Pweessssss
Please do a sehun and OC pleeeaaasse it can also be chanyeol . PLEEAAASSSEEE
<3 <3
Could I request Yoongi or Jungkook oneshot? You are the noona who falls for him! Fluff but with a little of drama :p
LAY. LAY. LAY. LAY. All i see is lay. there. dead. Thanks lau -.- <3
Can I request jin and yoongi/oc? Pretty much like angst, forced relationship, roommates and . ^^ doesn't have to be a but it's technically surprise me sort of thing hence why I said Jin and yoongi.
afbahrah #6
Could I request Jin? Romance with slight angst
Is it okay if i requested on a yoongi×oc oneshot/twoshot? Prefereably a fantasy/supernatural romance ;v; thank you ;vvvv;
Could I request a Jimin one shot? Something that has to do with dancing, but no
Kookie- not sure genre romance slight angst and ty lol