First Lines of my stories Part 4

Okay this is part 4 of my Story list!! The last one I believe :D


It's All Lies “Kibum, Jonghyun don’t go too far,” Kibum’s umma called out as the two ran off, hand in hand to the playground.


Terrible Mistake The roaring of the crowd cheering coursed through Jonghyun’s veins as the lights began to dim.


Love Potion - Taemin pouted as he stood outside of his umma’s study, usually he would be excited to visit his umma, but not today. 


The Story of Us Taemin always wondered; how he got here. 


Labelled Seven people gulped as they looked towards their boss.


Stolen Innocents Taemin giggled as he sat on Jonghyun’s lap.


M.A.Z.E World war seven turned out more disastrous than any country could predict. 


Stranded - Salt water.


My OTP “A-ah…J-Jong, more. More please,” Key moaned as he rolled his hips. It was so good “p-please, I’m ready.”


Married to the Music Horror Show Taemin flinched as the lights .


The Hunger Games There was once a chance for us to be free, for the districts to change their ways. 



See Part 1 HERE and Part 2 HERE and Part 3 HERE 






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