First Lines of my stories Part 1

Stole this really interesting writing challenge from -Tigress-. (who stole it from HeadToToesLove) they proposed taking the first lines of stories you have written and posting them.

I have 148 stories, so like -Tigress- I'm going to be splitting this, But I'm not going to be doing any real order. Also I won't be putting all of them up.


A Promise Taemin flinched at the crackle of the speaker. 


The Diva and Mr Arrogant - Key sighed rolling onto his left side as he woke up looking at the time. 


Lullaby “Take off your clothes and sit on my lap, ,” a masked man ordered, emphasizing the word .


A Sequel To A Lullaby “Be home soon,” Key smiled lightly as he gave Jonghyun a light hug goodbye.


Our Sweet Love - I woke up and you were still asleep, I wonder if your arms hurt while you sleep like that, maybe I should change your hand position? But I might wake you, I will wait until you wake up then.


Nobles and Slaves - Minho let out a cough. He was pushed down onto the dirty wooden floor, winded as he was chained down.


SHATTERED - “Happy birthday my love,” Jonghyun smiled as he rolled over holding Key in his arms.


Can I Be Fixed? - “Umma please hurry,” Taemin puffed as he pulled his umma behind him.


The Crimson Pills Cold, it was always cold.


Beyond Repair Taemin sniffed as his appa came into his room. 


Living In The Past “That’s a wrap!” The director called out.


Wrong Way “You planning on getting up today?” Minho whispered into his lover’s ear.


Almost Another Cinderella Story - “Hyung? Where are you going?” Taemin asked as Onew jumped off his horse in the middle of the paddock.


My Only Friend - Minho’s eyes could barely open, his vision was blurred through the small slits his eyes had managed to open.


Taemin And Minho- Witch Hunters - “After weeks of living in fear, we have finally caught the one responsible for all this terror! For the crimes against the village and people of Eoduun Bimil, and for consorting with the spawn of Satan, I hereby accuse this man Kim Key Kibum!...” a priest yelled pointing to a frightened young teen who was been held tight by two men in front of a barrel of holy water, “…of the craft of witchery!” The preacher continued.


Trapped - Taemin whimpered rolling over as he felt a foreign feeling of wetness on his face.


The Forest of the Fallen Taemin hated when the king of the South visited.



See Part 2 HERE and Part 3 HERE and Part 4 HERE


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