First Lines of my stories Part 3

Okay this is part 3 of my Story list!!



There Gladiators - “I am Proximo, from this day on I shall be closer to you for the next few weeks which will be the last of your miserable lives then that of a mother that brought you screaming into this world. 


Assassin For Love “Kibum’s not here again?” Jinki questioned as he entered the office. 


Wishing on a Star - “Appa...” Taemin whimpered as two men neared him “please.”


Seven Heaven Taemin felt his heart stop as those words. 


Shifter Taemin rolled over awake as his alarm went off. 


Welcome To Hailsham Hall -  “Don’t touch me,” Taemin snapped as a school nurse attempted to touch him again with a measuring tape.


You Make Me Sick - “Okay, break everyone.”


I Can See You, Can't You See Me?“Omo how long does Key have to be in the bathroom?” Jonghyun sighed as he waited while holding Key’s melting ice-cream.


It's Too Late To Apologize - The three biggest words Jonghyun regretted in his entire life. 


Collector - Heechul strained his ears as he heard another. 


Lost In The Lies The feeling had never changed, butterflies of nerves and icey wave of memories of each time he walked though the door. 


Ransom Taemin released a strangled sob as his hands were bound tightly in front of him. 




See part 1 HERE and part 2 HERE and part 4 HERE




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