Another Tag (stolen from Bunny_Sky and Minji)

1) What’s your dream job?
- Right now, a travelling author. I just want to travel and write. In my teens, I did dream of being a singer/musician in a band. If you know Butterfly Aria & Hayaley, then you know what I mean.

2) What makes you feel afraid?
- I seem to have acquired a fear of height or rather plunging down to my death.

3) If you had to be on a reality TV show, which one would you choose?
- Amazing Race!! 

4)  If you were forced to open a bakery, what would you name it?
- Sweet & Savory

5) Have you ever met any celebrities?
- Yep

6) Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
- Used to be sunsets but now sunrises seems to touch me more

7)  Do you like scary movies?
- Hate them

8) Are you good at keeping secrets?
- Yes though I can be persuaded to spill if I know it may hurt those I love

9) Have you ever cried at a film?
- When do I ever not? You're better of asking me which movie made me cry the most. And the answer is Joy Luck Club. I think I used half a box of tissue. My mum used the other half.  

10) Do you need to write down things to remember them?
- Sometimes

11) Have you ever walked into a wall?
- Nope. But I've walked into a glass door.

12) What makes you nervous?
- Being surrounded by trucks when I'm driving on the freeway or having to drive over a gorge.

13) Are you ticklish?
- I don't think so.

14) Are you a giver or a receiver?
- A receiver in the past. I've learned to be a giver.

15) Who is the most intelligent person you know?
- My coworker, Susie. 

16) Your best friend dies, what would you do?
- Cry and probably regret not spending enough time with her. 

17) When and how was the last time you told someone HONESTLY how you felt?
- I usually do unless it puts me in a vulnerable position 

18) What music are you listening to right now?
- My Playlist 'Woman Power', right now Lene Marlin is singing "So I See"

19) What is one secret you have never told anyone?
- Won't be a secret anymore if I shared it here

20) Who's your bestfriend in AFF?? 
Minji - I PM with her pretty close to everyday and she bears the brunt of all my rants, doubts and despairs
Khawla - My biggest cheerleader and fellow food lover
PJ - My VB, we share lots in common




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11) Have you ever walked into a wall?
- Nope. But I've walked into a glass door.

Who haven't walked into a glass door tho? People who haven't are masters of another level and must be feared tbh.

Also - I'm honored you rant to me, it's not a burden so keep ranting. uwu <3