Taking Road Rage To Another Level!!

The most ridiculous thing happened on the freeway today.

Some dude stabbed 3 other guys multiple times on the freeway right before rush hour!! He runs away. They sent the SWAT team after him. Cops closed 3 lanes on the freeway to investigate this 'ciminal act' as they called it.

Point is, traffic was horrendousand of course yours truly got stuck in it. Didn't get home till over an hour later than the normal time. Messed up my workout routine because I was too hungry when I got home. And will probably mess up the rest of my evening. You know, domino effect? Argh!!

Apparently, they just opened the freeway (five hours later) and traffic is still pretty bad out there. 

Question is: Why, people? Can't we just drive aloha? (drive with love as we say in Hawaii) 



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Wtf? He stabbed 3 other guys. Crazy people.