All I Want Is Equality..

I'm feeling pretty emotional today.

If you havent already heard what's been going on in America these past couple of days 2 reports of african american men were made about having been shot and killed unrightfully by police officers. I'm not entirely informed of either situation, they were saying Sterling was armed, but I'm not sure how that justifies why he had to be shot mutliple times in the chest and back when I haven't seen evidence of him actually pulling his gun out on either officers. Castile had been reported to have been taking out his driver's license, also letting officers know he was armed, before they shot him. These incidents happened 48 hours apart.

I'm just really disappointed. I thought the country was better than this. I thought we could move past this type of unjustified police brutality. 

I'm not an african american so maybe I can't speak on this topic as accurately as someone else might, but I'm still a part of a minority, I'm still a citizen of the country and as an American this should concern all of us. As a civilized person in this world it should concern all of us.

I want justice for these poor people who lost their lives these past couple of days. The issue isn't just that two black men were killed by officers, it's also that if it might have been a white man in the same situation as these two guys, the result may have been very different. That's disconcerting. This is supposed to be the land of the free, but this week has been the exact opposite.

My heart goes out to the families of these men and to the black people of America. This is why the Black Lives Movement matters.

Also, I hope anyone who was at the Dallas protests got home safely. 

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." - MLK


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Everyone deserved to live in peace and to be happy. Love is the answer .
I am also very disappointed and very upset...there are some people out there who are trying to spread un-rasicm (like Macklemore )
I do hope there will soon be a time for equality