Why I Decided To Delete My Social Media


Today I wanted to talk about why I deleted all my social media accounts. Whether it be Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Tumblr, etc., I just wiped out everything (well not everything, I need Facebook because I have a large family and there is no other way I can keep up with them). 

Now, if this is seems boring to you I'm sorry. I just wanted to share my experiences with you guys and if it isn't interesting you don't have to read it, but if you just so happen to be curious enough to stick with me here then let's take a moment to flashback shall we?

It happened recently, this sudden to decision to just erase all the selfies, squad pics, likes, followers, etc. out of my life and it wasn't a decision I just decided to make out of the blue. I was contemplating whether or not to do this for years (wow I just realized I've been on social media for far too long). 

There are several reasons as to why I finally decided to do it, but I'll focus on the biggest one: 

It was becoming really really unhealthy for me.

Here's what I mean by this. I would spend hours upon hours throughout the day glued to my phone scrolling through pictures and posts liking or just sharing and retweeting whatever that caught my eye, most of which I probably looked at for like a second before I was just like "Eh, why not? I need to have something on my page anyways".

Not only was I spending too much time on social media, but I started to feel really conceited, bitter, and fake as I began to use it more. I felt very inferior looking at other people who were out there in the world having a good time, looking absolutely stunning while I was sitting around in my room like a couch potato doing absolutely nothing. Though many of those famous instragammers and twitter users probably don't always feel as amazing as I think they are, I think that's also part of why I deleted everything. Many of us don't actually look like that or do those things in real life and it had me thinking about the fact that the pictures I would post were such a lie. I posted a picture of me in front of the beach one time and I got so excited because I got so many likes and comments despite the fact that I had put so many filters and used so many other apps to slim myself down that it didn't even look like me anymore. Though, when I would see those comments and all those likes it made me think that the person who was in these pictures was the person I should be, but that I would probably never be able to look that way because that isn't actually who I am.

Now, I'm sorry if this sounds confusing or offensive. I am in no way saying that social media altogether is a bad thing or that putting filters and using apps to make yourself a little more fabulous is a bad thing, my motto has always been "you do you boo boo" after all. I am just trying to talk about how it was slowly ruining my life and my mental health and my wellbeing because of the fact that I spent way too much time on it and I was creating an image of myself that I wasn't very comfortable with.

I titled this "Why I Decided To Delete My Social Media" not "Why I Decided To Delete My Social Media and Why You Should Too" so chill out. Social media is a great way to connect with people and can be very fun, I just realized it wasn't my thing.

So, if you stuck around, cool thanks and if you're already gone well then have a nice day ^^

Share with me what you like or don't like about social media if you want :)




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Cri_kpop #1
This is why I admire you unnie :)
I think its good that you're doing what's best for yourself. Self realization is important.. What I dont like about social media is that I dont feel comfortable to post my personal thoughts or pictures althought they are mostly people that i know in real life..