{RANT} Don't tell me how to drive!!

This is by far the latest and perhaps most annoying pet peeve I have. 


I got my license in March. My mother bought me a car in late April. I've been driving it for over 2 months now. And I've recieved a lot of from my friends about my driving. I admit I'm not the best driver. Sometimes I drive 5 under. Sometimes I drive 5 over. My parking still needs work. I'm not 100% confortable on the highway yet. I've improved a whole lot since the beginning but I have a long road ahead.

None of my friends have licenses. None of my friends have cars. Therefore their judgements are unnecessary and borderline rude.

I think out loud a lot when I am driving. Why is this important? 

Ex 1: I was stopped at a yield sign and I was complaining about how long the car in front of me was stopped. I couldn't see that there was a man on the bike but my friend in the passenger seat could and she said "You should pay more attention. I always pay attention to my surroundings."  

Mind you she doesn't even have a permit and maybe drove a car 5 times her whole life. And every driver knows it's impossible to pay attention to everything.

Ex 2: I wasn't sure if I could turn down this road because there was a sign that said DO NOT ENTER but there was arrows pointing indicating that I could go. I was confused so I decided to turn down the next street that I was certain was a 2 way. One friend tried to debate with me saying that I could've turned there. I responded, "Well if I get a traffic ticket are you going to pay for it?" She said yes for the sake of the argument but we both know that she will be broke as hell when it's time for me to go to court.

Mind you she doesn't even have a state ID let alone a license and I hear she's a bad driver.

Ex 3: On my way home 2 traffic lights were out. My yeild sign friend kind of told me to stop in a sarcastic way. Mind you I was slowing down to stop and obviously I have to stop to see if cars are coming.

They talk about my parking all the time. They say I don't pay attention. They say shame on you when I hit a bump or pothole. They try to tell me to speed up when I'm doing 5 under or be sarcastic when I ask them for directions.

It pisses me off. If I am about to hit something or someone is about to hit me, tell me. If I ask for directions, tell me. If I am speeding, tell me. But don't say otherwise. You have no authority. Maybe when you get your license and a car then you can be the Co driver. But until that happens you shouldn't be commenting. 

 The problem is they are trying to take charge of and compare themselves to me because they think they can do better. The truth is they can't, at least for right now. In reality they probaly can't do any better than me.


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I don't drive but like jackieway, i agree with flash_shi and minniecrafts. Its annoying when someone couldn't even do the things you're doing but is still criticising.
yep I agree with FLASH_shi and MinnieCrafts... I hope this issue stops soon O.o
"If you got a problem with my driving then don't ask for a ride!" That's what you need to tell 'em girl~!!
I would rather have someone tells me how to drive instead of bragging how fast and dangerous I drive (my sister, you know). -_- people nowadays are really annoy and tells you ty stuffs. Even they're know that it's uncomfortable to said it aloud but they're still ing do.
If they're bothering you to the point it's seriously stressing you out, just tell them to gtfo out of your car lmao
You don't have to drive them anywhere if you don't want to
Karentan123 #6
I have the exact same experience with you..lol..
Next time tell them before you start driving.
" Keep your words to yourself or else I make sure you won't survive " lol