"someone i'll always look out for, it's as simple as that."
jiwoo-yah, jjyujjyu, kitten, babe.
ten out of ten.
PRE-DEBUT jiwoo was the one to approach mei xie. the younger girl was part of the initial line up, where things and trainees were being thrown around, seeing how they would fare. jiwoo took to her like white on rice, following in mei xie's footsteps like a baby duck who had imprinted on her. she asked mei xie to teach her how to rap and pen lyrics and at first, mei xie was unsure. unsure of her skills, mostly, unsure of if she'd be able to pass on anything decent. but then mei xie remembered how close she got to hoseok through him teaching her. it was a long process, and something mei xie had to carve time for. admist her busy schedule,she'd delay her meals or bedtime just towork with jiwoo. 

the more time they spent together, the fonder mei xie grew of jiwoo. she saw a lot of herself in jiwoo, if mei xie was a brighter, odder child. mei xie knew what kinds of trouble jiwoo's opinionated, bull-headed ways would bring, memories of her own conflict with her mother rushing to her mind. it was then she decided she'd protect jiwoo, that she'd try and shield her from the rest of the world that refused to tolerate a girl too wise for her own good.

it's only natural that mei xie would dote on jiwoo the most. mei xie is jiwoo's safe haven, that warm place where she can rant on and on about whatever pissed her off during their latest broadcast judgement-free and with good food. they have great 'oldyoung' chemistry in the dorms and on shows. they're able to have mini cyphers and freestyle session, feeding off of each other's vibes. mei xie has introduced jiwoo to her grandmother, has taken her inside the family restaurant, lee jiwoo is, essentially, mei xie's daughter. mei xie looks at jiwoo with incredibly proud eyes, nudging the celebrity next to her and saying "that's my child".

but as mei xie expected, jiwoo's strong opinions earn backlash. backlash that she, as the leader, has to take on. mei xie hears indignant comments from show hosts, why don't you have your members in better check? don't tell me you can't control what a dumb seventeen year old says. it's hard. she has to choose between the group's image and what she believes in. in the beginning, she supports jiwoo wholeheartedly, shooting down all rude comments from netizens and show hosts. jiwoo is her baby, after all. but after more and more scoldings from the manager and bang pd, mei xie has to start trying to silence her, has to start bowing their heads and apologizing.

she tries so hard to let jiwoo know that she agrees with what the girl says. she tries so hard to instill in her that her opinion is important and that girls like her are incredibly powerful and needed in the world.

"someone i can fight in the kitchen with, a girl who needn't be so hard on herself."
seven out of ten.
PRE-DEBUT prior to mei xie's hiatus, they saw each other pretty frequently in the first couple of years of their respective training durations, since they were both focused on singing and dancing at the time. sometimes they would occupy the practice room of big hit, dancing late into the night and only occasionally talking about their personal lives. it was nice, an appropriate distance for two people who simply saw each other on the daily and had little interest in forming a long lasting friendship, after all, they would most definitely be pitted against each other if and when big hit ever decided to debut a girl group.

after mei xie's hiatus, mei xie switched focus from singing to rapping. it was all she could do with her vocal cords injured as they were. she had to try and learn how to dance all over again, had to teach her body the art of fluidity. mei xie would stay in the practice room until the wee hours of dawn, watching they way she danced in the mirror.  sometimes, she would cry and one time, seohwa saw her. mei xie-unnie? seohwa wanted to ask if she was alright, even though mei xie probably wouldn't tell her. instead, seohwa told her that her dance moves were pretty good. mei xie knew it was a lie, but she felt happy nonetheless.

the kitchen of trv's dorm is a mess. the clattering of pans can be heard from the bathroom. mei xie and seohwa are fighting over who gets to cook. stuck in the middle are yeoreum and tsuta, forced to witness the name calling, the threatening, the angry whisking. they bring out each other's competetive sides, though it's something much more lighthearted than the slow burn of competition that consumes tsuta. they'll openly diss each other, nothing too serious, just superficial things like cooking or living habits. mei xie likes sass seohwa has.

mei xie, the ever observant team mom, notices how tough seohwa is on herself. she can sometimes hear sobs coming from the closet. she can see the look of pain on seohwa's face when reading negative comments. the first time it happens, a panic attack, mei xie is at a loss as to what to do. she asks her grandma, takes to the internet. aduring subsequent attacks mei xie searches for her, finds her, tells seohwa to get out of the closet. she starts up the oven, digging for something to make in the fridge. she places a cold glass of water in front of seohwa, "breathe" she says. mei xie doesn't expect seohwa to want to talk about what's bothering her, "you're safe here" xie tells her. she makes seohwa list five things she can see, five things she can smell, five things she can hear, mei xie grounds her in the present moment. mei xie wishes she wasn't so hard on herself, but there's not much she can do about that except point out the amazing things she does.

even though kang seohwa believes that no one will look after someone when they have their own problems, lang mei xie seems to be actively proving her wrong.

the two are v similar, karmically. scorpio + aquarius are soulmate pairings. seohwa can always relate to mei xie on some level, because there's something reflected in the older woman that is familiar and like home. mei xie is able to express her feelings with seohwa without things feeling awkward, as she's one of the most mature members of the group and genuinely tries to also help mei xie out. they both like being in control, though in regards to different things. mei xie likes being in control of everything while seohwa likes being in control of herself with a strong sense of independence. so, even though it takes a bit to realize, mei xie does not mother seohwa nor does she cry with seohwa. instead, mei xie empathizes and offers advice and insight which is far more helpful towards seohwa.

"who is that y ? wait, am i seriously the oldest member? what do mean everyone else is under the age of twenty?"
baddie, y, ssenunni.
one hundred thousand out of ten
PRE-DEBUT the ssenunni who just oozed iness and confidence, the baddie that got from her boyfriend almost every night, the y chick who almost earned a spot in glam. prior to her accident, she felt invincible. she didn't need anyone besides ama and park, her peers were just girls grasping at straws trying to compete with her. she found it cute that they thought they stood a chance against her, though she did appreciate some of her peers more than others.

after her accident, she became lost. she dug a well and poured all of her tears in there. she felt weak, exposed, like she couldn't walk on her own. once looking into mirrors and primping, lang mei xie now looked into mirrors and wanted to break them for she had crumbled like the dead leaves in autumn. she was pathetic, scarred. the girls who didn't stand a chance against her surpassed her on all levels. and then she met the sun. jung hoseok, slowly and surely, helped mei xie find who she was again. 

she has to force herself to reach out to them, her future members. for the most part, she doesn't. with the exception of lee jiwoo who clung to her and seohwa whom she had already deemed a good person. then she's told she would be the leader and she has to force herself to reach out to them. it's something that pays off in the end, but it's hard. she feels like she has to be strong for them, because she has six other girls depending on her for support and guidance. it wears her down, seohwa's panic attacks, jiwoo's opinions, tsuta's scandal. she can't help them enough, she can't magically take away their problems, they're suffering because of her incompetence. she feels weak and once again she hates herself, but she can't let them see that.

"ah yes, the younger man who's madly in love with me. someone i can lean on."
tsuta-yah, tsutsu.
ten out of ten.
PRE-DEBUT mei xie can feel eyes on her. she looks up, and sees a big-eyed blonde girl staring her down. the girl's face is blank and mei xie is a little creeped out. i wanted your opinion on something. a dance that she choreographed, it's supposed to be for evaluation. mei xie gives her honest opinion, and the girl hangs onto her every word. the girl is quiet, sometimes mei xie forgets she's around, but she's always nearby. "is there a reason you like sticking around me?" isn't it obvious? i love you. it makes mei xie laugh. the girl's name is matsumoto tsuta and she had a penchant for asking deep-hitting questions. mei xie decides she likes tsuta's mind. tsuta is easy, quiet. even though she's lazy, she always kicks it into gear when it matters.

there's no doubting that tsuta is closest to mei xie. mei xie is someone tsuta can share her deepest thoughts and visions with, someone who will listen quietly and contemplate the universe with her. mei xie is dominant and makes tsuta's decisions for her, but thankfully, she knows tsuta well enough to make the right decisions. mei xie helps tsuta write lyrics, assistance tsuta greatly appreciates because she finds mei xie's way with words and rhythm to be something magical. even though matsumoto tsuta is everyone's boyfriend, she's lang mei xie's boyfriend especially.

tsuta almost always has her hands on mei xie, feeling her up in some way, shape, or form. she busts out the cheesiest lines for mei xie unnie, don't wear clothes like this, i want to be the only one to see you like this. i like unnie no matter what she wears. mei xie finds it to be really cute, actually. instead of seeing tsuta as her child like she sees hoseok and jiwoo, mei xie sees tsuta as a younger boy with a big crush on her. mei xie always gives tsuta jokbal whenever she can, which only makes tsuta fall even more madly in love with her. when tsuta is around mei xie, she feels safe, like nothing can hurt her under the older woman's protective gaze.

if there is one member in particular who has seen a more delicate side of mei xie, it's tsuta. if there is any member mei xie confides in, it's tsuta. her way of not asking questions and how silent and in her own mind she is encourages mei xie to open up to her. mei xie feels a very strong fondness of tsuta, having introduced her to ama. 

"someone i can't figure out yet—yeoreum, i can hear your cats meowing outside."
she's not really sure to be honest.
PRE-DEBUT "has anyone seen yeoreum?" that was the question mei xie found herself asking a lot. i'm right here. she had zero clue of yeoreum's existence until yeoreum was added to trv's lineup. she felt bad, seeing the young girl by herself all the time but never knew how to approach her.

mei xie makes an effort, boy she tries. she makes a not of forcing everyone to include yeoreum in group activities, goes out of her way to have one-on-one conversations with yeoreum, tries to coax yeoreum from the odd shell she called a home. she doesn't know if her efforts are getting anywhere, though. either way, mei xie finds herself fond of yeoreum. her blank face doesn't bother mei xie, but her eccentricities and apparent psychic powers do. mei xie appreciates that yeoreum can be direct when she wants things, because charades with go yeoreum would be a nightmare.

go yeoreum is still a mystery to mei xie and maybe that's all she'll ever be, but mei xie still cares for her, is always there to listen if she has anything to say. with yeoreum, mei xie is much less hands-on than she is with the other members and to be honest, she finds it refreshing. 

"i don't want her to be afraid to rely on me. that's why i'm here."
haneul-ah, kangbap.
six out of ten.
PRE-DEBUT she had heard of kang haneul, though only in passing, through the lips of the catty girls that would whisper and slack off instead of training. haneul was the last person to join trv, and that meant mei xie was tasked with getting her integrated with the rest of the group. haneul was another young one who wanted mama xie to teach her about rapping, and mei xie found herself impressed by haneul's independence and wit.

mei xie offers help and haneul refuses. it's nothing that harms mei xie's ego too much, in fact, she appreciates it. haneul is observant and aware and considerate, so she's least likely to get in trouble but even so, mei xie can't help but watch her from afar. honestly, mei xie feels like if anything bad happens to haneul that the legendary nam sanggi will have her head. mei xie's quick to protect haneul from people who dismiss her hardwork and say she only made it far because of her parents because mei xie knows that haneul is talented "i taught her after all"

haneul is one of the only people, besides tsuta, who is able to tell what a toll watching over all of them takes on mei xie. and maybe that's why she insists on being so independent around trv's leader. mei xie's only issue with haneul is that she wished the girl would open up more. mei xie worries about her because she never wants to burden anyone with her problems. mei xie has a hard time convincing her that it's not burdensome when haneul can tell that watching over everyone wears mei xie out.

"someone i see a lot of myself in."
one ( pre-debut ) up to six ( post debut ).
PRE-DEBUT it's girls like her who piss mei xie off the most. not becuase she showed off her body or had boys dropping their pants for her, but because she didn't even care. she trained for a year like jiwoo, but unlike jiwoo she hardly gave a damn about anything. training and practice took a backseat to whatever else she was doing. it was unfair how a pretty face and a good voice could earn quinn jang the world while lang mei xie had to fight tooth and nail and change her perspective to earn her place in the world. lang mei xie is chosen as the leader of trv, so she's the one who has to deal with quinn when the barely legal teen decides to skip out to some guy.

quinn looked at mei xie, wondering how far she could push the older woman. an unspoken war broke out between them. quinn pushing her limits by prodding at the tiger's skin. she finds it interesting, how mei xie wants to yell at her but can only grit her teeth and sulk.

lang mei xie does not approve of quinn jang toying around with her son's heart as she kisses the lips of six other boys. she can respect her ual nature, her need for superficial relationships, but messing with lang mei xie's child is one thing she can't stand. "jang, i've killed a man." what's this about unnie"i'm just letting you know." quinn laughs. did she think xie was joking? was she willing to see how far xie would go to back up that claim?

hey unnie? "what is it, jang?" what's it like? "what's what like?" y'know, being so in love with your dead boyfriend that you can't help but see him in other men. is quinn playing with her? "what's it like only having superficial relationships?" it's safe. you're a mess unnie, all because your love for him went too deep. quinn senses her agitation in the way she glares at the main vocalist. she'd try again later, with a better technique.

hey unnie? "what, jang?" we're really alike, y'know. it's not a lie, mei xie knows it. they both ooze appeal, mei xie by wearing all black and looking like a tiger about to strike and quinn by acting like a kitten born to play and excite. mei xie's iness heralds her as a ssenunni, while quinn's iness heralds her as a . mei xie knows they're two sides of the same coin, she knows they express the duality of man. lang mei xie knows she sees herself in quinn jang, a younger version of herself and quinn jang sees a potential future in lang mei xie.

after quinn points that out, mei xie can't help but see the better parts of her. she sees quinns openmindedness, her fun-loving nature, the good heart beneath the skin tight clothes.

"something i'm grateful for."
she has to change herself for them, silence herself, actively go against the things she believed in. it tore her apart, it hurt. mei xie, as leader, has to deal with everyone else's baggage before her own. she feels helpless because she can't help all of them, it eats at her from the inside out. it drains her. she has troubles of her own to deal with, but she has obligations to everyone else. maybe it's the perfect excuse to avoid her problems, but having to sort out everyone's does get tiring, especially as troubles manifest themselves in increasingly horrible ways.

lang mei xie has to take sides when tsuta's treatment of seohwa goes too far. lang mei xie has to be strict with jiwoo when her opinions land the group in hot water with the company. every choice she makes will have a lasting impact on the group's dynamics but there's never an easy way out.


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psss casually dropping by
just to let you know that
没谢 literally means no thanks
in chinese --

well, this is awkward
/trips on the way out
leader unni slash momma
wow i love you hANEUL