Writers, need your POV - motivation to update


What motivates you to post chapter updates?

I don't know what's going on but I'm not motivated to post the update for my next chapter at all. It's all ready to go - edited and all. I've just been writing and writing instead.

Maybe I'm missing some of my readers. Is that even a possible reason for not updating? 

Comments? Could be what it is. I usually get at least one comment for each chapter I post but the last two - zilch. So maybe the readers are not liking the story anymore. If that's the case, I rather be just writing and not bother with posting anymore chapters. 

I'm not normally too bothered by stats like comments or subscriptions. I'm happy if I get one for each chapter. But I don't know, maybe I'm just feeling emo or something this few days....



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I think you love to write and you should write. Sometimes it's like an enchantment that you can't break...you just can't stop writing. This is a GIFT from the universe so follow it through to the end, drain every last drop of that divine nectar of the gods!!! And yes, posting does motivate writers but I think it helps direct them toward their readers wants and desires more than anything else. I think this should be a give and take process however, since most writers already have a general plot outline or log of events in their head that they're following as they write to keep things alive and moving in the right direction. Readers may like or dislike the directions and comment as such but the overall creative force still belongs to the author. I like to see comments that have meat and possibility for future chapters or stories too because that is solid motivation and inspiration.
I'm also a writer but I'm more of a reader than a critic on these sites...everyone has a different way and style of releasing their creative flow and some gel with me while others don't. I'm a "don't say anything at all" kind of person if I really can't finish a story, but that's just me. So my advice is, "do your thing Hay and Post when your damn well good & read!".
;) PJ
Your story is great, it's true that comments motivate writers. But i guess it's exam period everyone is busy. Tonight i will read ur updates i finally finished university
Minini #3
Well, honestly, you seem to be enjoying the writing process, so why not post it? Even if you don't get attention, you said you like writing it, right? And someone may find it and like it, and be glad you posted it ^^