In today's preoccupation: K-Dramas watched, watching, will watch(?)

Today, I am feeling kind of brain-dead since I caught up with Mirror of the Witch for five hours. Seriously, I need some kind of life. :/ If I think really hard I know it's some bad form of escapism. I don't even right anymore (again). In my defense... I still try. You know, life. That is. I mean, I horribly at it. I mean, I feel like I've already given up on life, but there are days that I try it out... haha. Whatever. (why is life so ed?)

I wanted to just... I don't know list the shows I've watched. Why? Uhhh... so you can watch them if you're looking at something. I like it when people pick up things that I like. I dunno. I also like writing about things because I feel less passive, less run-me-over-mr.truck-juseyo... kinda... well, whatever. Real people either piss me off or break my heart, and they don't even have to do anything. so YEAH. K-Dramas! leggo.

Come Back, Ahjussi

This is a severely underrated show, perhaps because it got mauled by the godzilla that is Descendents from the Sun. I enjoyed this more than DOTS, however. I still think DOTS was fun and Joongki kissing is something I really enjoyed watching, but Come Back, Ahjussi is just... better.

This is a story of two middle-aged guys who passed away and are given tickets to other bodies to resolve their unfinished business. (This is all I'm giving you for synopsis. I don't know. I'm too lazy.)

I am not a fan of Rain, but here, he had bust out of his acting chops playing a middle-aged guy in Rain's body. I never once doubted this, and even his love line is successful in pulling my leg that lead female is in love not with Rain-visuals but with the soul. I just thought that was touching. Oh Yeon Seo is Rain's counterpart stuck in a similar predicament, but she is a middle-aged he as well. With Yeon Seo's acting, there's more of a question if a viewer will buy it, but I was definitely sold on the idea. Her acting may come off as too strong, but I thought it was believable in a sense that she is compensating her lack of manhood with over the top male bravado. I also though Oh Yeon Seo-Lee Hanui's love line super moving and I applaud the writers, producers, directors, the network for showing girl-love.  I never doubted Yeon Seo loved Hanui and eventhough she is technically male on the inside, it just came to me as "love transcends gender" all the same. I thought this show was amazing not exactly because of the ultra-impressive storyline, which it doesnt have but great acting, hilarious scences, and definitely the heart. There are no super heroes or even modern real life heroes, just really good people who knows how to love. Awww shucks.

If you are looking for eye candy and Rain is just not what your sugartooth is craving, may I entice you with the really gorgeous devoted puppy that is Lee Tae Hwan? No? Okay, more for sevvy then.

Another Oh Hae Young

Again, not fan of the lead guy Eric Moon, but I heard he has a lot of 'em fangirls. This is still ongoing and I really liked the beginning of this. Now, I am still invested, but not as much as before. I still like how genuine everything feels. I like mediocre slice of life , so I am a er for this. I want to write something about internalized misogyny because of this, but that's another post.

This one is about a girl Oh Hae Young (which I believe can be phonetically similar to a korean word for misunderstanding) who gets he wedding ruined by Park Do Kyung who intended to ruin his ex-fiance's wedding (but it turns out that it was another Oh Hae Young).

I still like how the show deals with heartaches, perhaps because I only have memories of them, lol, but I just find it quite poignant. I dunno. There is also a supernatural aspect to this story, but it's close to negligible because I find the whole thing realistic. Heh.

I dunno. I still like it. I find the funny bits funny as heck. I think I cried at the sad bits... not sure... I am never too sure with crying, lol

Just you know.

Mirror of the Witch

I don't usually watch period shows just cause. I dunno what just cause means. OTL. I just don't feel a connection with period shows unless I learned about it some way or another (like say Victorian era, or Japan Empire, or WWII). I never really knew about Korea beyond KPop and KDramas, so yeah, never felt compelled to watch Joseon dramas. (Besides Hanbok looks extremely warm. I dunno I just feel warm looking at it. :/)

But I watched this. Why? Uhhhh...


I actually am not sure. I guess I wanted to try it out, and I went and watch The Scholar who Walks the Night and not even the prospect of seeing Soo Hyuk for 16 hours kept me watching. :/ So I tried this one, and the first episode was really dark, and sevv


y likes dark and I stuck around because the visuals aren't always stunning, but when it is... it's just. It's a punch-on-the-gut gorgeous. Like:

There are a lot more scenes like this and I actually liked it while you can see her under the ice, with the ice fragmenting and her white hair floating beautifully around her... ahhh... I have never seen someone drown so pretty. Which is of course, really dark thing to say, but yeah, show is dark. This is still a hard watch possibly because it's historical fantasy and sometimes I just get frustrated why people die and not die on the next episode. The show attempts to tie loose knots of rationality, but I don't think it does a good enough job for all of the why? what? wsdlhaldhak. Yeah. Sometimes, it just let's the question slack until you go ehhh-whatever. I don't mean like really big questions, they are sometimes minor ones that are never resolved because they are minor. Sadly disappointing.

I am in love with Sae Ron since a Man from Nowhere, and I am just... kind of turned off with people just saying "eww, but she's fifteen". And my brain is going, what the is wrong with being fifteen. What is wrong with her having to ACT a love story where she plays 23 and in love? It's acting. It's acting. It's not like she's going to ing do the nasty with Yoon Shi Yoon. The most we can expect is a kiss, and it don't really care if they do kiss because people kiss at fifteen. :/ She might not do it because of labour laws so please get over yourself. It's ACTING. People ACT when they're actors. Stop thinking the world revolves around making you comfortable. :////////



So I fell in love with Song Ji Hyo. I mean, I loved her way before, after watching Ex-Girlfriend Club, but I am seriously deeply in the trenched in love with her after a few episodes of Running Man. So I watched this. It's not mind blowing, but I still liked it. I think Ji Hyo is a good actress, and I kind of buy into this Ji Hyo- Jae Joong pair. I dunno. Jae Joong is funny in this. Ji Hyo is gold (and made up of my hearts.) I dunno. I enjoyed this. I wanted to see more of Ji Hyo, but frozen flower was my last Ji Hyo-movie and it didn't float sev's boat. It was bland.




What I will watch: I dunno yet. Maybe I'll get a life or something. Hahaha.


Or play videogames. Why does the latter always sound better? :/


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I love come back mister... thank god for online streaming I got to watch DOTS and Comeback mister while they were running and I agree I love Comeback Mister a lot too even though SongSong Pairing and 2Nd Lead pairing are love in DOTS. I'm also currently watching Another Miss Oh and Mirror of the Witch they're also really good. You may want to try Dear My Friends. It's about the friendship of old people... I initially thought I was going to get bored but it turned out quite interesting or at least for me it is. I'm also watching Entertainer which is really quite nice plus it has loads of cuties in it. And Min Hyuk's acting is love.
Omg "CODE NAME JACKAL" where can I watch?! I saw some gifs on tumblr a long time ago and I keep forgetting about it xD