Artist Appreciation: Giriboy

I think being involved in a fandom is about... partially promoting something you believe in. I mean, superficially, it's what you like, but usually what we like is something we stand for philosophically. It's what one values... which is hard to grasp when, say you like, Big Bang's "Bang Bang Bang", because what does that say about you philosophically. LOL

I think partially it's about valuing the feeling of triumph, and that's philosphical too. It's a socially accepted highly valued prize. To be a triumph. But anywho, Big Bang's "Bang Bang Bang" aside, I actually wanted to promote someone I am in love with. I mean that I love him as an artist, and that he is expressing a value that I agree with.

As the title of this blog betray, I am talking about Giriboy, who you might have heard of either from Show Me The Money 3, or if you're into underground music (or rap, he is mainly a rapper). Or you might have no idea who I am talking about, and that is all cool. You are cool. You are an icicle. But I want you to know about him, because I think his music should be heard, because he speaks about things that people usually don't or do, but he finds a way to express it differently, and I honestly think that different is always good. Because seeing something different, something alternative means you have widened your perspective, and see life more clearly. That kind of philosophical nonsense. OTL

But anywho, Giriboy is a thoughtful rapper, someone who reminds me of Tablo or Verbal Jint. Having watched a few of his guest appearances, his a touch weird, introverted, who doesn't really speak well (but still, to me, quite charming). I think this is something being an artist sells as well, that in spite of how we try to separate the creation from the creator, we still buy the persona they sell. And I like how Giriboy thought about being an idol as a path he didn't take because it would restrict him, and that wasn't what music is to him... and it builds this persona of him, he is almost, to me, untouchable, uncorruptable. There is a description of Giriboy somewhere that what he evokes on women is their maternal instinct, because he gives off that feeling that you need to protect him from cruel realities. That me laugh, but it is somewhat true.

I think Giriboy is somewhat pure, even if he tackles really adult themes, he is pure in the honesty and I like that he even named himself so he never loses his way. Giriboy, if you didn't know is a play on words that roughly translates to "see the way". It's idealistic. It's claiming he will not be lost, and that he isn't lost... but in contrast as well, he is seeking a true path... I think that's beautiful.

I really want people to listen to him at least once, and I don't know if I should introduce the way to giriboy with a lighter message, or the darkest one I have found which had me converted from a liking him to... well, loving him... I liked him. He was good on the ears, but after one song, I became a fan... I mean, if you listen to music for the purpose of feeling good, then my thing wouldn't be you thing... Because usually the things I love are the things that highlight broken parts, the rawness of helplessness... those kind of things. But also it is hoping for better things because there is only that... hope.. So yeah, I will introduce you to the parts I love, and it's one of his more viewed videos, so I guess I am not alone in liking this or thinking it's precious, but still, I think it's worth things, it's worth feelings. LOL. That doesn't even make sense. Hit the CC for the English Translation, it will enrich your soul. The beat is pretty nice, but I think the lyrics are killer.

This song is not his originally, it's an interpretation of a song by Swings titled similarly "Take Care of Me". I think, however, this song tells the breadth of plagiarism and adaptation. The music is similar but it's message is different, and the feel is different as well. I liked this better, possibly because it attempts to tackle a deeper theme around such a touchy subject such as ion and the industry.

Giriboy is known to be metaphorical, like his song Adult that is lyrically about a boy remembering a past love but intetionally it is about an adult remembering his past innocence that he is lost. So I am thinking this must be layered, and though the superficial message is already deep, it can go deeper as saying someone who sells their passion is also losing a part of themselves.

I really like how much you can think about this, but the overt message of a young boy talking to a working girl lover is already heartbreaking. I think the overarching metaphor of a cutthroat jungle where a woman is forced to sell their bodies like a flower lets itself be crawled over by insects is amazing... And this aspiration to be a lion... it's just... I think it's sad and heroic too. I loved that he's honestly upset and that he owns up to not liking the industry and not wanting to understand her because it's a necessity for her family. I think it makes him human and how broken up he is about wanting to be the last pillar of her strength, is just heartbreaking. The "If I sell myself too, would you understand, that you don't want that" is very immature, but I think it makes the message powerful too.

If you remove the love factor, the romantic love at least, then you can see Giriboy as the idealist that "sees a way" to a world where no one would be forced into the industry, and even at that point it's still romantic.

I don't wholly agree with him, I do think that there are people who decide to be in the industry not out of helplessness, and I don't think it should be as stigmatized, but I am aware that there are these heartwrenching circumstances of selling yourself because that is the only thing you have that has a economical value, and my heart goes to that. I love this song.

Outside of this, Giriboy is all about the unexpected beat and a relatively chill vibe. His message is usually unusual.


If you have anything to say, let me know. I would love to talk about Giriboy or his music, or anything you think is applicable to this post, like the philosophical value of kpop. lololol I have a ton to say about those too. OTL


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hellokorea #1
Okay, Sevvy. I have no time to read this right now. I was quickly checking in on AFF before I have to be somewhere, but I have to quickly comment because I adore Giriboy, the little I know about him. I adore Take Care of You. I even played it for a friend who listens just because she's my friend and I want SOMEONE besides an online friend to know what matters to me and makes me feel something. I've mentioned many times I don't have friends in real life who share the same tastes in this type of thing. Giriboy reminds me of my husband when he was younger. My husband has thick black glasses now, and he looks so adorable wearing them even though he's at least a couple decades older than Giriboy. Okay, very superficial, but I'll get into the deeper stuff later tonight when I have more time.